Emeritus Director of research
Team : DELYS
Tel: +33 1 44 27 70 93, Marc.Shapiro (at)
Team : DELYS
- Sorbonne Université - LIP6
Boîte courrier 169
Couloir 26-00, Étage 2, Bureau 211
4 place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05
Tel: +33 1 44 27 70 93, Marc.Shapiro (at)
1 PhD graduated (Supervision / Co-supervision)
- PANDEY Ayush : Optimising Coordination in Concurrent and Geo-Distributed Systems
1980-2024 Publications
- E. Schiebelbein, S. Hatia, A. Bieniusa, G. Petri, C. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “Models for Storage in Database Backends: A Rigorous Approach for Formally-Correct Designs”, Proceedings of the EuroSys 2024 workshops, Athènes, Greece (2024)
- B. Martin, L. Prosperi, M. Shapiro : “Transactional-Turn Causal Consistency”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Limassol, Cyprus, (Springer) (2023)
- L. Prosperi, Ah. Bouajjani, M. Shapiro : “Varda: A Framework for Compositional Distributed Programming”, NETYS 2022: The 10th International Conference on Networked Systems, vol. 13464, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 16-30, (Springer International Publishing), (ISBN: 978-3-031-17436-0) (2022)
- B. Martin, M. Shapiro : “Shared memory for the actor model”, COMPAS 2022 - Conférence francophone d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, Amiens, France (2022)
- A. Pandey, A. Bieniusa, M. Shapiro : “Persisting the AntidoteDB Cache: Design and Implementation of a Cache for a CRDT Datastore”, (2022)
- I. Toumlilt, P. Sutra, M. Shapiro : “Highly-available and consistent group collaboration at the edge with colony”, Middleware '21: Proceedings of the 22nd International Middleware Conference, Québec / Virtual, Canada, pp. 336–351, (ACM) (2021)
- R. Vaillant, D. Vasilas, M. Shapiro, Th. Nguyen : “CRDTs for truly concurrent file systems”, HotStorage '21 -13th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems, Virtual, France (2021)
- S. Nair, F. Meirim, M. Pereira, C. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “A coordination-free, convergent, and safe replicated tree”, 36 pages (2021)
- F. Laniel, D. Carver, J. Sopena, F. Wajsbürt, J. Lejeune, M. Shapiro : “MemOpLight: Leveraging application feedback to improve container memory consolidation”, NCA 2020 - 19th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, Cambridge / Virtual, United States, pp. 1-10 (2020)
- D. Vasilas, M. Shapiro, B. King, S. Hamouda : “Towards application-specific query processing systems”, BDA 2020 - 36e Conférence sur la Gestion de Données – Principes, Technologies et Applications, Paris / Virtual, France (2020)
- S. Hatia, M. Shapiro : “Specification of a Transactionally and Causally-Consistent (TCC) database”, (2020)
- B. Martin, L. Prosperi, M. Shapiro : “An environment for composable distributed computing”, EuroDW 2020 - 14th EuroSys Doctoral Workshop, Heraklion / Virtual, Greece (2020)
- S. Nair, G. Petri, M. Shapiro : “Proving the safety of highly-available distributed objects”, ESOP 2020 - 29th European Symposium on Programming, Dublin, Ireland (2020)
- S. Nair, G. Petri, M. Shapiro : “Proving the safety of highly-available distributed objects (Extended version)”, (2020)
- J. Sid‑Otmane, S. Imadali, F. Martelli, M. Shapiro : “Data Consistency in the 5G Specification”, ICIN 2020 - 23rd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops, Paris, France, pp. 110-117, (IEEE) (2020)
- F. Laniel, D. Carver, J. Sopena, F. Wajsbürt, J. Lejeune, M. Shapiro : “Highlighting the Container Memory Consolidation Problems in Linux”, NCA 2019 - 18th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, Cambridge, United States, pp. 1-4, (IEEE) (2019)
- S. Nair, G. Petri, M. Shapiro : “Invariant Safety for Distributed Applications”, Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC), Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC), Dresden, Germany (2019)
- N. Preguiça, C. Baquero, M. Shapiro : “Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs)”, chapter in Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies, Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies, (Springer International Publishing), (ISBN: 978-3-319-63962-8) (2019)
- M. Shapiro, P. Sutra : “Database Consistency Models”, chapter in Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-3-319-63962-8) (2019)
- S. Nair, M. Shapiro : “Improving the "Correct Eventual Consistency" Tool”, (2018)
- A. Bieniusa, A. Gotsman, B. Kemme, M. Shapiro : “Data Consistency in Distributed Systems: Algorithms, Programs, and Databases”, Dagstuhl Reports, vol. 8 (2), Dagstuhl Reports, pp. 101-121, (Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik) (2018)
- D. Vasilas, M. Shapiro, B. King : “A Modular Design for Geo-Distributed Querying: Work in Progress Report”, PaPoC 2018 - 5th Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data, Porto, Portugal, pp. 1-8 (2018)
- M. Shapiro, A. Bieniusa, P. Zeller, G. Petri : “Ensuring referential integrity under causal consistency”, PaPoC 2018 - 5th Workshop on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data, Porto, Portugal (2018)
- M. Shapiro, A. Bieniusa, N. Preguiça, V. Balegas, Ch. Meiklejohn : “Just-Right Consistency: reconciling availability and safety”, 1-15 pages (2018)
- Alejandro Z. Tomsic, M. Bravo, M. Shapiro : “Distributed transactional reads: the strong, the quick, the fresh & the impossible”, 2018 ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Proceedings of 2018 ACM/IFIP/USENIX International Middleware Conference, Rennes, France, pp. 14, (ACM) (2018)
- M. Najafzadeh, M. Shapiro, P. Eugster : “Co-Design and Verification of an Available File System”, VMCAI 2018 - International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, vol. 10747, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Los Angeles, CA, United States, pp. 358-381, (Springer) (2018)
- A. Singh, M. Shapiro, G. Thomas : “Persistent Memory Programming Abstractions in Context of Concurrent Applications”, (2017)
- M. Shapiro : “Optimistic Replication and Resolution”, chapter in Encyclopedia Of Database Systems, pp. 1-8, (Springer) (2017)
- M. Shapiro : “Technical Perspective: Unexpected Connections”, Communications of the ACM, vol. 60 (8), pp. 82-82, (Association for Computing Machinery) (2017)
- M. Shapiro : “Replicated Data Types”, chapter in Encyclopedia Of Database Systems, vol. Replicated Data Types, pp. 1-5, (Springer-Verlag) (2017)
- I. Toumlilt, A. Tomsic, M. Shapiro : “Vers une cohérence causale évolutive sans chaînes de ralentissements”, Compas 2017: Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France (2017)
- M. Shapiro, B. Kemme : “Eventual Consistency”, chapter in Encyclopedia of Database Systems, pp. 1-2, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-1-4899-7993-3) (2017)
- L. Briot, P. Urso, M. Shapiro : “High Responsiveness for Group Editing CRDTs”, ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work, Sanibel Island, FL, United States (2016)
- M. Shapiro : “Rencontre avec Marc Shapiro et son projet européen SyncFree”, (2016)
- M. Shapiro, M. Saeida Ardekani, G. Petri : “Consistency in 3D”, Int. Conf. on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR) 2016, vol. CONCUR 2016, Int. Conf. on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR) 2016, Québec, Canada, pp. 15 (2016)
- M. Shapiro, M. Saeida Ardekani, G. Petri : “Consistency in 3D”, (2016)
- D. Akkoorath, A. Tomsic, M. Bravo, Zh. Li, T. Crain, A. Bieniusa, N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro : “Cure: Strong semantics meets high availability and low latency”, Int. Conf. on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Nara, Japan, pp. 405-414, (IEEE) (2016)
- M. Zawirski, C. Baquero, A. Bieniusa, N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro : “Eventually Consistent Register Revisited”, Int. W. on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC), vol. PaPoC 2016, Int. W. on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC), London, United Kingdom, pp. 7 (2016)
- M. Najafzadeh, A. Gotsman, H. Yang, C. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “The CISE Tool: Proving Weakly-Consistent Applications Correct”, PaPoC 2016 - 2nd Workshop on the Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data, Londres, United Kingdom, (ACM) (2016)
- A. Tomsic, T. Crain, M. Shapiro : “PhysiCS-NMSI: efficient consistent snapshots for scalable snapshot isolation”, PaPoC 2016 - 2nd Workshop on the Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data, London, United Kingdom, pp. 4, (ACM) (2016)
- V. Balegas, Ch. Li, M. Najafzadeh, D. Porto, A. Clement, S. Duarte, C. Ferreira, J. Gehrke, J. Leitão, N. Preguiça, R. Rodrigues, M. Shapiro, V. Vafeiadis : “Geo-Replication: Fast If Possible, Consistent If Necessary”, Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Data Engineering, vol. 39 (1), IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on Data Consistency across Research Communities, pp. 12, (IEEE Computer Society) (2016)
- M. Najafzadeh, A. Gotsman, H. Yang, C. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “The CISE Tool: Proving Weakly-Consistent Applications Correct”, (2016)
- D. Akkoorath, A. Tomsic, M. Bravo, Zh. Li, T. Crain, A. Bieniusa, N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro : “Cure: Strong semantics meets high availability and low latency”, (2016)
- A. Gotsman, H. Yang, C. Ferreira, M. Najafzadeh, M. Shapiro : “’Cause I’m Strong Enough: Reasoning about Consistency Choices in Distributed Systems”, Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Saint Petersburg, FL, United States, pp. 371–384 (2016)
- M. Zawirski, N. Preguiça, S. Duarte, A. Bieniusa, V. Balegas, M. Shapiro : “Write Fast, Read in the Past: Causal Consistency for Client-side Applications”, Middleware 2015, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 75-87, (ACM) (2015)
- M. Shapiro, M. Najafzadeh : “CISE Safety Tool”, (2015)
- M. Shapiro : “CRDTs in practice”, W. on Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (LADIS) 2015, LADIS 2015, Monterey, United States (2015)
- V. Balegas, D. Serra, S. Duarte, C. Ferreira, M. Shapiro, R. Rodrigues, N. Preguiça : “Extending Eventually Consistent Cloud Databases for Enforcing Numeric Invariants”, Symp. on Reliable Dist. Sys. (SRDS), Montréal, Canada, pp. 31-36, (IEEE Comp. Society) (2015)
- M. Zawirski, N. Preguiça, S. Duarte, A. Bieniusa, V. Balegas, M. Shapiro : “Write Fast, Read in the Past: Causal Consistency for Client-side Applications”, (2015)
- D. Malikireddy, M. Saeida Ardekani, M. Shapiro : “Emulating Geo-Replication on Grid5000”, 15 pages (2015)
- A. Tomsic, T. Crain, M. Shapiro : “An empirical perspective on causal consistency”, W. on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC), Bordeaux, France, pp. 2:1-2:3, (ACM) (2015)
- T. Crain, M. Shapiro : “Designing a causally consistent protocol for geo-distributed partial replication”, W. on Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC), Bordeaux, France, (ACM) (2015)
- L. Gidra, G. Thomas, J. Sopena, M. Shapiro, Nh. Nguyen : “NumaGiC: a Garbage Collector for Big Data on Big NUMA Machines”, Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 661-673, (ACM) (2015)
- V. Balegas, S. Duarte, C. Ferreira, R. Rodrigues, M. Najafzadeh, M. Shapiro, N. Preguiça : “Towards Fast Invariant Preservation in Geo-replicated Systems”, Operating Systems Review, vol. 49 (1), ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review - Special Issue on Repeatability and Sharing of Experimental Artifacts, pp. 5, (Association for Computing Machinery) (2015)
- Alejandro Z. Tomsic, T. Crain, M. Shapiro : “Scaling geo-replicated databases to the MEC environment”, W. on Planetary-Scale Distributed Systems, Montréal, Canada, pp. 74-79, (IEEE) (2015)
- V. Balegas, S. Duarte, C. Ferreira, R. Rodrigues, N. Preguiça, M. Najafzadeh, M. Shapiro : “Putting Consistency back into Eventual Consistency”, European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), Bordeaux, France, pp. 6:1-6:16, (ACM) (2015)
- V. Tao Thanh, M. Shapiro, V. Rancurel : “Merging Semantics for Conflict Updates in Geo-Distributed File Systems”, ACM Int. Systems and Storage Conf. (Systor), Haifa, Israel, pp. 10.1-10.12 (2015)
- M. Shapiro : “Bringing the cloud closer to users”, Research*eu, vol. 2015 (1), pp. 68-69, (Cordis) (2015)
- M. Shapiro, M. Aguilera, L. Querzoni : “Principles of Distributed Systems, 18th Int. Conf. on (OPODIS 2014)”, OPODIS 2014 - 18th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems, vol. 8878, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, (Springer-Verlag) (2014)
- M. Saeida Ardekani, P. Sutra, M. Shapiro : “G-DUR: A Middleware for Assembling, Analyzing, and Improving Transactional Protocols”, Middleware, Bordeaux, France, pp. 12, (IEEE) (2014)
- M. Segura, V. Rancurel, V. Tao Thanh, M. Shapiro : “Scality’s experience with a geo-distributed file system”, Middleware 2014, Bordeaux, France, pp. 31-32, (ACM) (2014)
- M. Shapiro, M. Saeida Ardekani, P. Sutra : “Exploring the spectrum of strongly-consistent transactional protocols”, Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (LADIS), Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (LADIS), Cambridge, United Kingdom (2014)
- V. Balegas, M. Najafzadeh, S. Duarte, C. Ferreira, M. Shapiro, R. Rodrigues, N. Preguiça : “Putting the Consistency Back Into Eventual Consistency”, Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (LADIS) 2014, Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (LADIS) 2014, Cambridge, United Kingdom (2014)
- V. Balegas, N. Preguiça, S. Duarte, C. Ferreira, R. Rodrigues, M. Najafzadeh, M. Shapiro : “The Case for Fast and Invariant-Preserving Geo-Replication”, SRDSW 2014 - 33rd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Workshops, Reliable Distributed Systems Workshops (SRDSW), 2014 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on, Nara, Japan, pp. 5, (IEEE) (2014)
- B. Kemme, A. Schiper, R. Ganesan, M. Shapiro : “Dagstuhl Seminar Review: Consistency in Distributed Systems”, ACM SIGACT News, vol. 45 (1), pp. 22, (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)) (2014)
- P. Cincilla, S. Monnet, M. Shapiro : “Multi-site Gargamel: Optimistic synchronization for reliable geo-replicated databases”, International Workshop on Middleware for Dependable Systems and Networks, Bordeaux, France (2014)
- M. Najafzadeh, M. Shapiro, V. Balegas, N. Preguiça : “Improving the scalability of geo-replication with reservations”, DCC 2013 : Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing, Dresden, Germany, pp. 441-445, (IEEE Computer Society) (2013)
- M. Zawirski, A. Bieniusa, V. Balegas, S. Duarte, C. Baquero, M. Shapiro, N. Preguiça : “SwiftCloud: Fault-Tolerant Geo-Replication Integrated all the Way to the Client Machine”, (2013)
- M. Saeida Ardekani, P. Sutra, M. Shapiro : “Non-Monotonic Snapshot Isolation: scalable and strong consistency for geo-replicated transactional systems”, SRDS 2013 -IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Braga, Portugal, pp. 163-172, (IEEE Computer Society) (2013)
- M. Saeida Ardekani, P. Sutra, M. Shapiro, N. Preguiça : “On the Scalability of Snapshot Isolation”, Euro-Par 2013 - 19th International Conference Parallel Processing, vol. 8097, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Aachen, Germany, pp. 369-381, (Springer) (2013)
- M. Saeida Ardekani, P. Sutra, N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro : “Non-Monotonic Snapshot Isolation”, 45 pages (2013)
- B. Kemme, G. Ramalingam, A. Schiper, M. Shapiro, K. Vaswani : “Consistency in Distributed Systems”, Dagstuhl Reports, vol. 3 (2), pp. 92-126, (Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik) (2013)
- D. Navalho, S. Duarte, N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro : “Incremental Stream Processing using Computational Conflict-free Replicated Data Types”, CloudDP '13 - 3rd International Workshop on Cloud Data and Platforms, Prague, Czechia, pp. 31-36, (ACM) (2013)
- L. Gidra, G. Thomas, J. Sopena, M. Shapiro : “A study of the scalability of stop-the-world garbage collectors on multicores”, ASPLOS 13 - Proceedings of the eighteenth international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems, Houston, United States, pp. 229-240, (ACM) (2013)
- A. Bieniusa, M. Zawirski, N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro, C. Baquero, V. Balegas, S. Duarte : “An optimized conflict-free replicated set”, 12 pages (2012)
- P. Cincilla, S. Monnet, M. Shapiro : “Gargamel: boosting DBMS performance by parallelising write transactions”, ICPADS 2012 - IEEE 18th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Singapour, Singapore, pp. 572-579, (IEEE Computer Society) (2012)
- A. Bieniusa, M. Zawirski, N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro, C. Baquero, V. Balegas, S. Duarte : “Brief Announcement: Semantics of Eventually Consistent Replicated Sets”, DISC 2012 - 26th International Symposium on Distributed Computing, vol. 7611, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, pp. 441-442, (Springer) (2012)
- F. Maia, R. Araújo, L. Muniz, R. Zirtany, L. Coutinho, S. Vale, F. Silva, P. Cincilla, I. Chabbouh, S. Monnet, L. Arantes, M. Shapiro : “A Grid Based Distributed Cooperative Environment for Health Care Research”, FHIES 2012 - Second International Symposium Foundations of Health Information Engineering and Systems, vol. 7789, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Paris, France, pp. 142-150, (Springer) (2012)
- M. Saeida Ardekani, M. Zawirski, P. Sutra, M. Shapiro : “The Space Complexity of Transactional Interactive Reads”, HotCDP '12 - 1st International Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Data Processing, Bern, Switzerland, (ACM) (2012)
- L. Gidra, G. Thomas, J. Sopena, M. Shapiro : “Assessing the Scalability of Garbage Collectors on Many Cores”, Operating Systems Review, vol. 45 (3), Best papers from PLOS'11, pp. 15-19, (Association for Computing Machinery) (2011)
- L. Gidra, G. Thomas, J. Sopena, M. Shapiro : “Assessing the Scalability of Garbage Collectors on Many Cores”, PLOS '11 - 6th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Cascais, Portugal, pp. 7:1-7:5, (ACM) (2011)
- M. Shapiro, N. Preguiça, C. Baquero, M. Zawirski : “Conflict-free Replicated Data Types”, SSS 2011 - 13th International Symposium Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, vol. 6976, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Grenoble, France, pp. 386-400, (Springer) (2011)
- P. Sutra, M. Shapiro : “Fast Genuine Generalized Consensus”, SRDS 2011 - 30th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Madrid, Spain, pp. 255-264, (IEEE Computer Society) (2011)
- M. Saeida Ardekani, P. Sutra, M. Shapiro : “The Impossibility of Ensuring Snapshot Isolation in Genuine Replicated STMs”, WTTM 2011: third workshop on the theory of transactional memory, Roma, Italy (2011)
- M. Shapiro, N. Preguiça, C. Baquero, M. Zawirski : “Conflict-free Replicated Data Types”, 18 pages (2011)
- M. Shapiro, N. Preguiça, C. Baquero, M. Zawirski : “Convergent and Commutative Replicated Data Types”, Bulletin- European Association for Theoretical Computer Science n°104, pp. 67-88, (European Association for Theoretical Computer Science; 1999) (2011)
- P. Sutra, M. Shapiro : “Résolution efficace du consensus généralisé dans les systèmes répartis par passage de messages”, ALGOTEL 2011 - 13es Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques de Télécommunications, Cap Estérel, France (2011)
- M. Shapiro, N. Preguiça, C. Baquero, M. Zawirski : “A comprehensive study of Convergent and Commutative Replicated Data Types”, 50 pages (2011)
- M. Zawirski, M. Shapiro, N. Preguiça : “Asynchronous rebalancing of a replicated tree”, Conférence Française en Systèmes d'Exploitation (CFSE), Saint-Malo, France, pp. 12 (2011)
- J. Michaux, X. Blanc, P. Sutra, M. Shapiro : “A Semantically Rich Approach for Collaborative Model Edition”, Symp. on Applied Computing (SAC), vol. 26, Taichung, Taiwan, Province of China, pp. 1470-1475, (Assoc. for Computing Machinery) (2011)
- N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro, M. Zawirski : “Position paper: CRDTs for large-scale incremental processing”, (2011)
- M. LeÈ›ia, N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro : “Consistency without concurrency control in large, dynamic systems”, LADIS 2009 - 3rd ACM SIGOPS International Workshop on Large Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware, vol. 44 (2), Operating Systems Review, Big Sky, MT, United States, pp. 29-34, (Assoc. for Computing Machinery) (2010)
- L. Benmouffok, J.‑M. Busca, J. Marquès, M. Shapiro, P. Sutra, G. Tsoukalas : “Telex: A Semantic Platform for Cooperative Application Development”, Conférence Française sur les Systèmes d'Exploitation (CFSE), Toulouse, France (2009)
- N. Preguiça, J. Marquès, M. Shapiro, M. LeÈ›ia : “A commutative replicated data type for cooperative editing”, 29th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2009), Montreal, Québec, Canada, pp. 395-403, (IEEE Computer Society) (2009)
- M. LeÈ›ia, N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro : “CRDTs: Consistency without concurrency control”, 16 pages (2009)
- M. Shapiro : “Optimistic Replication and Resolution”, chapter in Encyclopedia of Database Systems, pp. 1995-1995, (Springer-Verlag) (2009)
- P. Sutra, M. Shapiro : “Fault-Tolerant Partial Replication in Large-Scale Database Systems”, europar, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, pp. 404-413 (2008)
- N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro, J. Legatheaux Martins : “Designing a commutative replicated data type for cooperative editing systems”, (2008)
- P. Sutra, M. Shapiro : “Fault-Tolerant Partial Replication in Large-Scale Database Systems”, 25 pages (2008)
- L. Benmouffok, J.‑M. Busca, J. Manuel Marquès, M. Shapiro, P. Sutra, G. Tsoukalas : “Telex: Principled System Support for Write-Sharing in Collaborative Applications”, 31 pages (2008)
- C. Ignat, G. Oster, P. Molli, M. Cart, J. Ferrié, A.‑M. Kermarrec, P. Sutra, M. Shapiro, L. Benmouffok, J.‑M. Busca, R. Guerraoui : “A Comparison of Optimistic Approaches to Collaborative Editing of Wiki Pages”, Proceedings of the The 3rd International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharin - CollaborateCom, White Plains, NY, United States, pp. 474-483, (IEEE Computer Society) (2007)
- P. Sutra, J. Barreto, M. Shapiro : “Decentralised Commitment for Optimistic Semantic Replication”, International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS), vol. 4803, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, pp. 318-335, (Springer) (2007)
- P. Sutra, M. Shapiro : “Comparing Optimistic Database Replication Techniques”, Bases de Données Avancées (BDA), Marseille, France (2007)
- L. Benmouffok, J.‑M. Busca, M. Shapiro : “Semantic Middleware for Designing Collaborative Applications in Mobile Environment”, MiNEMA 2007 - 5th workshop on Middleware for Network Eccentric and Mobile Applications, Magdeburg, Germany, pp. 58-61 (2007)
- J. Barreto, P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “Exploiting our computational surroundings for better mobile collaboration”, MDM 2007 - 8th International Conference on Mobile Data Management, Mannheim, Germany, pp. 110-117, (IEEE) (2007)
- C. Ignat, G. Oster, P. Molli, M. Cart, J. Ferrié, A.‑M. Kermarrec, P. Sutra, M. Shapiro, L. Benmouffok, J.‑M. Busca, R. Guerraoui : “A Comparison of Optimistic Approaches to Collaborative Editing of Wiki Pages”, 19 pages (2007)
- M. Shapiro, N. Preguiça : “Designing a commutative replicated data type”, (2007)
- M. Shapiro : “What’s wrong with us?”, IEEE Distributed Systems Online, vol. 7 (5), (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)) (2006)
- M. Shapiro : “Practical proofs of concurrent programs”, Int. Conf. on Functional Programming (ICFP), Portland, Oregon, United States, pp. 123-123, (Assoc. for Computing Machinery) (2006)
- J. O'Brien, M. Shapiro : “An Application Framework for Nomadic, Collaborative Applications”, DAIS 2006 - 6th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, vol. 4025, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bologna, Italy, pp. 48-63, (Springer) (2006)
- V. Vafeiadis, M. Herlihy, T. Hoare, M. Shapiro : “Proving Correctness of Highly-Concurrent Linearisable Objects”, PPoPP 2006 - 11th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, New York, United States, pp. 129-136, (ACM) (2006)
- P. Sutra, M. Shapiro, J. Barreto : “An asynchronous, decentralised commitment protocol for semantic optimistic replication”, 21 pages (2006)
- P. Druschel, R. Isaacs, Th. Gross, M. Shapiro : “Fostering Systems Research in Europe”, (2006)
- M. Shapiro, N. Krishna : “The three dimensions of data consistency”, Journées Francophones sur la Cohérence des Données en Univers Réparti (CDUR), Paris, France, pp. 54-58 (2005)
- N. Krishna, M. Shapiro, K. Bhargavan : “Brief announcement: Exploring the Consistency Problem Space”, PODC 2005 - 24th annual ACM symposium on Principles Of Distributed Computing, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, pp. 168-168, (ACM) (2005)
- N. Preguiça, C. Baquero, J. Legatheaux Martins, M. Shapiro, P. Almeida, H. Domingos, V. Fonte, S. Duarte : “FEW: File Management for Portable Devices”, International Workshop on Software Support for Portable Storage, San Francisco, CA, United States (2005)
- J. O'Brien, M. Shapiro : “An application Framework for Collaborative, Nomadic Applications”, 26 pages (2005)
- N. Krishna, M. Shapiro, K. Bhargavan : “Exploring the consistency problem space”, (2005)
- V. Vafeiadis, M. Herlihy, T. Hoare, M. Shapiro : “Proving Correctness of Highly-Concurrent Linearisable Objects”, 20 pages (2005)
- M. Shapiro, Y. Berbers, W. Zwaenepoel, T. Harris : “Systems research, education and industry in Europe”, (2005)
- Y. Saito, M. Shapiro : “Optimistic Replication”, ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 37 (1), pp. 42-81, (Association for Computing Machinery) (2005)
- Y. Hamadi, M. Shapiro : “Pushing log-based reconciliation”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, vol. 14 (3--4), pp. 445-458, (World Scientific Publishing) (2005)
- M. Shapiro, K. Bhargavan, N. Krishna : “A Constraint-based Formalism for Consistency in Replicated Systems”, OPODIS 2004 - 8th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems, vol. 3544, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Grenoble, France, pp. 331-345 (2004)
- M. Shapiro, K. Bhargavan, Y. Chong, Y. Hamadi : “Brief Announcement: A formalism for consistency and partial replication”, DISC 2004 - 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing, vol. 3274, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Trippenhuis, Amsterdam, Netherlands (2004)
- M. Shapiro, N. Preguiça, J. O'Brien : “Rufis: mobile data sharing using a generic constraint-oriented reconciler”, Conference on Mobile Data Management, Berkeley, CA, USA, United States, pp. 146-151 (2004)
- J. O'Brien, M. Shapiro : “Undo for anyone, anywhere, anytime”, SIGOPS European Workshop, Leuven, Belgium, Belgium (2004)
- M. Shapiro, K. Bhargavan, Y. Chong, Y. Hamadi : “A formalism for consistency and partial replication”, (2004)
- J. O'Brien, M. Shapiro : “An Application Agnostic Replication System for Ubiquitous Computing”, (2004)
- M. Shapiro, K. Bhargavan : “The Actions-Constraints approach to replication: Definitions and proofs”, (2004)
- N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro, J. Legatheaux Martins : “Automating semantics-based reconciliation for mobile databases”, Renpar'15, cfse'3,SympAAA'2003, La-Colle-sur-Loup, France, France, pp. 515-524 (2003)
- N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro, J. Legatheaux Martins : “Automating semantics-based reconciliation for mobile transactions”, Conf. Française sur les Systèmes d'Exploitation (CFSE), La-Colle-sur-Loup, France, pp. 515-524 (2003)
- N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro, C. Matheson : “Semantics-based reconciliation for collaborative and mobile environments”, COOPIS, vol. 2888, Lecture notes in computer science, Catania, Sicily, Italy, pp. 38-55, (Springer) (2003)
- Y. Saito, M. Shapiro : “Optimistic Replication”, (2003)
- N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro, J. Legatheaux Martins : “SqlIceCube: Automatic Semantics-Based Reconciliation for Mobile Databases”, (2003)
- M. Shapiro : “La gestion des objets dans les systèmes rréartis de grande échelle”, habilitation, phd defence 12/12/2002 (2002)
- M. Shapiro : “Réplication : les approches optimistes (conf. invitée)”, Journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA), Évry, France (2002)
- M. Shapiro, Y. Saito : “Scaling Optimistic Replication”, Worskshop on Future Directions in Distributed Computing (FuDiCo 2002): Research and Position Papers, vol. 2584, lncs, Bertinoro, Forlì, Italy, Italy, pp. 164-168, (springer) (2002)
- N. Preguiça, M. Shapiro, C. Matheson : “Efficient semantics-aware reconciliation for optimistic write sharing”, (2002)
- Y. Saito, M. Shapiro : “Replication: Optimistic Approaches”, (2002)
- A.‑M. Kermarrec, A. Rowstron, M. Shapiro, P. Druschel : “The IceCube approach to the reconciliation of divergent replicas”, Symp. on Principles of Dist. Comp. (PODC), Newport, RI, United States, (ACM Press) (2001)
- M. Shapiro, P. Ferreira, N. Richer : “Experience with the PerDiS large-scale data-sharing middleware”, 9th International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems (POS), vol. 2135, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lillehammer, Norway, pp. 55-69, (Springer-Verlag) (2000)
- N. Richer, M. Shapiro : “The memory behavior of WWW, or the WWW considered as a persistent store”, Persistent Object Systems: Design, Implementation, and Use, vol. 2135, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lillehammer, Norway, pp. 161-176, (Springer-Verlag) (2000)
- P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro, X. Blondel, O. Fambon, J. Garcia, S. Kloosterman, N. Richer, M. Roberts, F. Sandakly, G. Coulouris, J. Dollimore, P. Guedes, D. Hagimont, S. Krakowiak : “PerDiS: design, implementation, and use of a PERsistent DIstributed Store”, chapter in Recent Advances in Distributed Systems, vol. 1752, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 427-452, (Springer-Verlag) (2000)
- M. Shapiro, A. Rowstron, A.‑M. Kermarrec : “Application-independent reconciliation for nomadic applications”, 9th ACMSIGOPS European Workshop 2000 sigopsew :``Beyond the PC:New Challenges for the Operating System'', Kolding, Denmark, Denmark (2000)
- M. Shapiro : “Informatiques, enjeux tendances et évolutions”, chapitre de Informatiques, enjeux tendances et évolutions, vol. Le partage d'informations dans les systèmes répartis grande échelle (1-2-3), Technique et Science Informatiques, pp. 455-462, (Hermès Science) (2000)
- M. Shapiro : “Le partage d’informations dans les systèmes répartis grande échelle”, chapitre de Informatiques, enjeux tendances et évolutions, vol. 19, pp. 455-462, (Hermès Science) (2000)
- M. Shapiro, F. Le Fessant, P. Ferreira : “Recent Advances in Distributed Garbage Collection”, chapitre de Recent Advances in Distributed Systems, vol. 1752, lncs, pp. 104-126, (springer) (2000)
- F. Le Fessant, I. Piumarta, M. Shapiro : “An implementation of complete, asynchronous, distributed garbage collection”, Conf. on Prog. Lang. Design and Implementation, Montreal, Canada (1998)
- X. Blondel, P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “Implementing Garbage Collection in the PerDiS system”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems, Tiburon CA, USA, United States (1998)
- P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “Modelling a Distributed Cached Store for Garbage Collection: the algorithm and its correctness proof”, Euro. Conf. on Object-Oriented Pging. (ECOOP), vol. 1445, Lecture Notes in Comp. Sc., Brussels, Belgium, pp. 234-259, (Springer-Verlag) (1998)
- P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro, X. Blondel, O. Fambon, J. Garcia, S. Kloosterman, N. Richer, M. Roberts, F. Sandakly, G. Coulouris, J. Dollimore, P. Guedes, D. Hagimont, S. Krakowiak : “PerDiS: Design, Implementation, and Use of a PERsistent DIstributed Store”, (1998)
- F. Le Fessant, I. Piumarta, M. Shapiro : “A detection algorithm for distributed cycles of garbage”, OOPSLA W. on Garbage Collection and Memory Management, Atlanta, GA, United States (1997)
- X. Blondel, P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “PerDiS PPF Case Study: Fitting a Distributed Garbage Collection Algorithm to a Persistent Distributed Store Architecture”, OOPSLA'97 Workshop on Garbage Collection and Memory Management, Atlanta GA, USA, United States (1997)
- M. Shapiro, S. Kloosterman, F. Riccardi : “PerDiS ―- a Persistent Distributed Store for Cooperative Applications”, Proc. 3rd Cabernet Plenary W., Rennes, France (1997)
- I. Demeure, M. Shapiro : “Numèro spècial sur la Mèmoire Partagèe Rèpartie”, Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, (Lavoisier) (1997)
- P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “Larchant: Persistence by Reachability in Distributed Shared Memory through Garbage Collection”, Int. Conf. on Distr. Comp. Sys. (ICDCS), Int. Conf. on Distr. Comp. Sys. (ICDCS), Hong Kong, Hong Kong, pp. 394-401, (IEEE computer society) (1996)
- M. Shapiro, P. Ferreira : “Larchant-RDOSS: a distributed shared persistent memory and its garbage collector”, (1996)
- D. Plainfosse, M. Shapiro : “A Survey of Distributed Garbage Collection Techniques”, Int. W. on Memory Management (IWMM), vol. 986, Lecture Notes in Comp. Sc., Kinross, United Kingdom, pp. 211-249, (Springer-Verlag) (1995)
- L. Amsaleg, P. Ferreira, M. Franklin, M. Shapiro : “Evaluating Garbage Collectors for Large Persistence Stores”, OOPSLA Workshop on Object Database Behavior, Benchmarks, and Performance, Addendum to the Proceedings, Austin TX, USA, United States (1995)
- P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “Garbage Collection in the Larchant Persistent Distributed Store”, 5th Workshop on Future Trends in Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS'95), Cheju Island, Republic of Korea, Korea, Republic of, pp. 461-467 (1995)
- M. Shapiro, P. Ferreira : “Larchant-RDOSS: a Distributed Shared Persistent Memory and its Garbage Collector”, W. on Distributed Algorithms (WDAG) n°972, Lecture Notes in Comp. Sc., Le Mont Saint-Michel, France, pp. 198-214, (Springer-Verlag) (1995)
- M. Shapiro : “Summary of the 6th SIGOPS European Workshop on ``Matching Operating Systems to Application Needs’’”, Operating Systems Review, vol. 29 (1), pp. 47-51, (Association for Computing Machinery) (1995)
- M. Shapiro : “A Binding Protocol for Distributed Shared Objects”, 14th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems - ICDCS 1994, Poznan, Poland, Poland, pp. 134-141 (1994)
- D. Plainfosse, M. Shapiro : “A Survey of Distributed Garbage Collection Techniques”, Second Closed BROADCAST Workshop, vol. 986, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bruxelles, Belgique, Belgium, pp. 211-249, (Springer Berlin Heidelberg) (1994)
- P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “Garbage Collection and DSM Consistency”, osdi, Monterey CA, USA, United States, pp. 229-241, (ACM) (1994)
- P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “Garbage Collection of Persistent Objects in Distributed Shared Memory”, pos, Tarascon, France, France, pp. 176-191, (springer) (1994)
- M. Shapiro, D. Plainfosse, P. Ferreira, L. Amsaleg : “Some Key Issues in the Design of Distributed Garbage Collection and References”, Unifying Theory and Practice in Distributed Systems, Dagstuhl, Germany, Germany (1994)
- M. Makpangou, Y. Gourhant, J.‑P. Le Narzul, M. Shapiro : “Fragmented Objects for Distributed Abstractions”, chapitre de Readings in Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 170-186, (IEEE Computer Society Press) (1994)
- M. Shapiro : “Binding should be flexible in a distributed system”, iwooos, Asheville, NC, USA, United States, pp. 216-217, (ieeecs) (1993)
- P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “Distribution and persistence in multiple and heterogeneous address spaces”, iwooos, Asheville, NC, USA, United States, pp. 83-93, (ieeecs) (1993)
- J. Maisonneuve, M. Shapiro : “Implementing Efficient Indirections”, Broadcast 1st Open Workshop, Newcastle, England, United Kingdom (1993)
- P. Ferreira, M. Shapiro : “Distribution and persistence in multiple and heterogeneous address spaces”, (1993)
- M. Shapiro : “Flexible Bindings for Fine-Grain, Distributed Objects in distributed systems”, (1993)
- J. Maisonneuve, M. Shapiro, P. Collet : “Implementing References as Chains of Links”, Second International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems - IWOOOS 1992, Dourdan, France, France, pp. 236-243, (ieeecsp) (1992)
- D. Plainfosse, M. Shapiro : “A Distributed GC in an Object-oriented Operating System”, IWOOOS 1992 - Second International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems, Dourdan, France, France, pp. 221-229, (ieeecsp) (1992)
- P. Dickman, M. Makpangou, M. Shapiro : “Contrasting Fragmented Objects with Uniform Transparent Object References for Distributed Programming”, 5th workshop on ACM SIGOPS European workshop: Models and paradigms for distributed systems structuring, Mont Saint-Michel, France, France, (IRISA, INRIA-Rennes) (1992)
- D. Plainfosse, M. Shapiro : “Experience with a Fault-Tolerant Garbage Collector in a Distributed List System”, IWMM : Memory Management, International Workshop, Saint-Malo, France, France, pp. 116-133 (1992)
- M. Shapiro : “Operating System Support for Distributed and Persistent Objects”, International Workshop on Distributed Object Management (IWDOM), Edmonton, Canada, Canada, pp. 202-205 (1992)
- M. Shapiro, P. Dickman, D. Plainfosse : “Robust, Distributed References and Acyclic Garbage Collection”, Symp. on Principles of Dist. Comp. (PODC), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 135-146 (1992)
- M. Shapiro, P. Dickman, D. Plainfosse : “SSP chains : robust, distributed references supporting acyclic garbage collection”, (1992)
- M. Shapiro : “A Fault-Tolerant, Scalable, Low-Overhead Distributed Garbage Detection Protocol”, Symposium on Reliable Distributed Sytems (SRDS), Pisa, Italy, Italy, pp. 208-217 (1991)
- M. Makpangou, Y. Gourhant, M. Shapiro : “BOAR: A Library of Fragmented Object Types for Distributed Abstractions”, International Workshop on Object Orientation In Operating Systems : IWOOOS'91, Palo Alto, CA (USA), United States, pp. 164-168 (1991)
- D. Plainfosse, M. Shapiro : “Distributed Garbage Collection in the System is Good”, International Workshop on Object Orientation in Operating Systems- IWOOOS 91, Palo Alto CA, USA, United States, pp. 94-99 (1991)
- M. Shapiro : “Soul: An Object-Oriented OS Framework for Object Support”, W. on Operating Systems for the Nineties and Beyond, vol. 1991 (563), Lecture Notes in Comp. Sc., Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, pp. 251-255, (Springer-Verlag) (1991)
- D. Plainfosse, M. Shapiro : “Un algorithme conservatif de dètection des miettes en milieu rèparti”, Convention Unix 91, Paris, France, pp. 61-74 (1991)
- M. Shapiro : “Gestion Rèpartie d’Objets”, chapitre de Construction des Systèmes d'Exploitation Rèpartis, Collection Didactique, (INRIA) (1991)
- M. Shapiro : “Gestion Rèpartie de Fichiers”, chapitre de Construction des Systèmes d'Exploitation Rèpartis, Collection Didactique, (INRIA) (1991)
- L.‑F. Cabrera, V. Russo, M. Shapiro : “Int. W. on Object Orientation in Op. Sys. (I-WOOOS)”, Palo Alto CA, United States, (IEEE Computer Society Press) (1991)
- L.‑F. Cabrera, Vincent F. Russo, M. Shapiro : “International Workshop on Object Orientation In Operating Systems : IWOOS’91”, 1-193 pages, (IEEE Computer Society Press) (1991)
- M. Shapiro : “Les tendances de l’évolution des systèmes d’exploitation”, IX-Magazine, vol. 6 (41), (Publications GRD) (1991)
- M. Shapiro : “Object-Support Operating Systems”, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee Newsletter on Operating Systems and Application Environments, vol. 5 (1), pp. 39-42, (IEEE Computer Society) (1991)
- M. Makpangou, J.‑P. Le Narzul, M. Shapiro, Y. Gourhant : “Structuring distributed applications as fragmented objects”, (1991)
- M. Shapiro : “Systèmes d’Objets Rèpartis”, IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee Newsletter on Operating Systems and Application Environments, vol. 5 (2), pp. 12-14, (IEEE Computer Society) (1991)
- M. Shapiro, Y. Gourhant, S. Habert, J.‑P. Le Narzul, L. Mosseri, M. Ruffin, C. Valot : “Un Bilan du système réparti à objets SOS”, AFCET Interfaces n°103/104, pp. 46-53, (AFCET) (1991)
- M. Shapiro, O. Gruber, D. Plainfosse : “A garbage detection protocol for a realistic distributed object-support system”, (1990)
- M. Shapiro, Y. Gourhant, S. Habert, J.‑P. Le Narzul, L. Mosseri, M. Ruffin, C. Valot : “Un bilan du système réparti à objets SOS”, (1990)
- M. Shapiro : “Distributed Object-Support Operating Systems and Garbage Collection”, Workshop on Garbage Collection at OOPSLA-ECOOP'90, Ottawa, Canada, Canada (1990)
- Y. Gourhant, M. Shapiro : “FOG/C++: a Fragmented-Object Generator”, C++ Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, United States, pp. 63-74 (1990)
- M. Shapiro : “Les tendances de l’èvolution des systèmes d’exploitation”, Confèrences techniques, Convention Unix 90, Paris, France, (AFUU) (1990)
- M. Shapiro : “Object-Support Operating Systems”, Workshop on Operating Systems and Object Orientation at ECOOP-OOPSLA 1990, Ottawa, Canada, Canada (1990)
- M. Shapiro : “Prototyping a distributed objet-oriented operating system on UNIX”, (1989)
- M. Shapiro, L. Mosseri : “A simple object storage system”, Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems : POS-3, Newcastle NSW, Australia, Australia, pp. 320-327 (1989)
- V. Abrossimov, M. Rozier, M. Shapiro : “Generic Virtual Memory Management for Operating System Kernels”, Symp. on Op. Sys. Principles (SOSP), Litchfield Park AZ, United States, pp. 123-136 (1989)
- M. Shapiro, Ph. Gautron, L. Mosseri : “Persistence and Migration for C++ Objects”, ECOOP'89, Proc. of the Third European Conf.on Object-Oriented Programming, British Computer Society Workshop Series, Nottingham, GB, United Kingdom, pp. 191-204, (Cambridge University Society) (1989)
- M. Shapiro : “Prototyping a distributed object-oriented OS on Unix”, Workshop on Experiences with Building Distributed and Multiprocessor Systems, Ft. Lauderdale FL, USA, United States (1989)
- M. Shapiro, N. Guimarães : “Software Integration in SOMIW : Goals, Accomplishments, and Problems”, Esprit'89, 6th Annual Esprit Conf., Brussels, Belgium, (North-Holland) (1989)
- J.‑P. Le Narzul, M. Shapiro : “Un Service de Nommage pour un Système à Objets Rèpartis”, Actes Convention Unix 89, Paris, France, pp. 73-82 (1989)
- J.‑P. Le Narzul, M. Shapiro : “Un Service de Nommage pour un Système Rèpartis à Objets”, Sèminaire Franco-Brèsilien sur les Systèmes Informatiques Rèpartis, Florianopolis, Brazil, Brazil, pp. 127-133 (1989)
- V. Abrossimov, M. Rozier, M. Shapiro : “Generic Virtual Memory Management for Operating System Kernels”, (1989)
- M. Shapiro, Y. Gourhant, S. Habert, L. Mosseri, M. Ruffin, C. Valot : “SOS: An Object-Oriented Operating System ―- Assessment and Perspectives”, Computing systems, vol. 2 (4), pp. 287-337, (University of California Press) (1989)
- M. Shapiro : “Domains and dynamic loading: reconciling autonomy and integration”, SIGOPS European Workshop on ``Autonomy or interdependence in distributed systems?'', Cambridge, United Kingdom (1988)
- M. Shapiro : “The Design of a Distributed Object-Oriented Operating System for Office Applications”, Proc. Esprit Technical Week 1988, Brussels, Belgium, Belgium (1988)
- M. Makpangou, M. Shapiro : “The SOS Object-Oriented Communication Service”, Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Computer Communication, Tel Aviv, Israel (1988)
- M. Makpangou, M. Shapiro : “The SOS object-oriented communication service”, (1988)
- Ph. Gautron, M. Shapiro : “Two extensions to C++: A Dynamic Link Editor and Inner data”, C++ Workshop, Santa Fe, NM, US, United States (1987)
- M. Shapiro, V. Abrossimov, Ph. Gautron, S. Habert, M. Makpangou : “SOS : un système d’exploitation rèparti basè sur les objets”, Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, vol. 6 (2), pp. 166-169, (Lavoisier) (1987)
- M. Shapiro, V. Abrossimov, Ph. Gautron, S. Habert, M. Makpangou : “SOS~: un système d’exploitation réparti basé sur les objets”, Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, vol. 6 (2), pp. 166-169, (Lavoisier) (1987)
- M. Shapiro, V. Abrossimov, P. Gautron, S. Habert, M. Makpangou : “Un recueil de papiers sur le systeme d’exploitation reparti a objets SOS”, 77 pages (1987)
- M. Shapiro : “SOS: a distributed Object-Oriented Operating System”, SIGOPS European Workshop on ``Making Distributed Systems Work'', Amsterdam, the, Netherlands (1986)
- M. Shapiro : “Structure and Encapsulation in Distributed Systems: the Proxy Principle”, Int. Conf. on Distr. Comp. Sys. (ICDCS), Int. Conf. on Distr. Comp. Sys. (ICDCS), Cambridge, MA, USA, United States, pp. 198-204 (1986)
- M. Shapiro : “Le service d’appel de procèdure distante Girolle”, Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, vol. 3 (6), pp. 435-442, (Lavoisier) (1984)
- M. Shapiro : “The contributions of an object-oriented approach to the programming of distributed applications”, Journèe d'étude sur les Langages Orientés Objet, Le Cap d'Agde, France, pp. 149-159 (1983)
- G. Bernard, P. Bouchet, Th. Fleury, M. Shapiro, Y. Talhouet : “Microrèzo: le projet rèseau local du Centre Mondial”, 1983 World Conference on Systems, Caracas, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of (1983)
- M. Shapiro : “Une proposition pour Microrèzo,: Girolle, un protocole d’appel de procèdure distante”, Gènie Logiciel : le second souffle,?'', Journèes Bigre 1983, Le Cap d'Agde, France, France (1983)
- M. Shapiro : “An Experiment in Distributed Program Design, Using Control Enrichment”, icdcs, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale FL, USA, United States (1982)
- J.‑M. Ayache, B. Carrichon, J.‑P. Courtiat, M. Diaz, M. Shapiro, B. Potin : “Fault Tolerance in Rebus, a Distributed System for Industrial Real Time Control”, Symposium on Fault-Tolerant Computing (FTCS-11), Portland, Maine, USA", United States, pp. 224-227 (1981)
- J.‑M. Ayache, B. Carrichon, M. Devy, M. Diaz, B. Potin, M. Shapiro : “A distributed control system for industrial plants”, Euromicro 80 Conference, London, United Kingdom (1980)