The LIP6, Sorbonne University and French National Center for Scientific Research (UMR 7606 Sorbonne University - CNRS), is a computer science research laboratory dedicated to the modeling and the resolution of fundamental problems driven by applications, as well as to the implementation and the validation through academic and industrial partnerships.
Research is performed by eighteen teams organized around four transversal axes:
One team is common with Inria Paris (DELYS). We also host three ERC projects: In situ Topological Reduction of Scientific 3D Data (TORI, consolidator, led by Julien Tierny), Quantum Superiority with Coherent State (QUSCO, starting, led by Eleni Diamanti) and Modular Open Platform for Static Analysis (MOPSA, consolidator, led by Antoine Miné). We also had two other advanced ERC grants obtained at LIP6 by François Pachet and Antoine Joux. LIP6 also hosts two chaires of excellence : one of Vanda Luengo about “computer-based environment for human learning”, and the second of Isabelle Bloch about “Hybrid and explainable artificial intelligence - Applications in spatial reasoning.” We also hosted the chaire of Giovanni Pau about autonomous vehicles (ATOS/Renault).
The scientific production represents more than 500 publications per year. Sixty thesis are defended approximately each year. Research conducted at LIP6 led to 84 patents and numerous software. Nine of our faculty members are (or were recently) members of the ”Institut Universitaire de France” when they were members of LIP6.
LIP6 has recurrent International cooperation within its activities. It maintains close relationships with universities in many countries such as Brazil, the United States, Japan, China and numerous European countries. In addition to academic research, LIP6 has a long history of cooperation with industrial partners within many national, European or international projects.
LIP6 is very active within Sorbonne University and fosters transdisciplinary collaborations between the multiple research units of our university. LIP6 is strongly involved in two major initiatives of Sorbonne Université : SCAI (Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence) started in 2019, and QICS (Quantum Information Center Sorbonne), started in 2020 and which offices are hosted at LIP6.
LIP6 is deeply involved in teaching its research in master degrees. The doctorate school of Paris EDITE (Ecole Doctorale d'Informatique, Télécommunication et Electronique de Paris) hosts our 142 PhD students.
Fabrice Kordon,
2021 March