Publications MOCAH | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Total |
Books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Edited books | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Journal articles | 2 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
Book chapters | 3 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
Conference papers | 16 | 8 | 0 | 24 |
Habilitations | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Thesis | 2 | 3 | 0 | 5 |
- H. Abed, Ph. Pernelle, S. Talbot, E. Kredens, Th. Carron : “Teaching generation Y and Z with mixed reality: from virtual with serious game to real with IoT (full paper)”, E-Learn 2015: World Conference on E-Learning, Kona, Hawaii, United States [Abed 2015a]
- H. Abed, Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron, Ch. Ben Amar, M. Kechiche, P. Baert : “Serious game framework confronted with specificities of industrial training: application to steel industry”, The 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2015, Steinkjer, Norway [Abed 2015b]
- N. Aouadi, Ph. Pernelle, J.‑Ch. Marty, Th. Carron : “A model Driven Architecture MDA Approach to facilitate Serious Game Integration in an e-learning environment”, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Game-Based Learning, Streinkjer, Norway, pp. 15-25 [Aouadi 2015a]
- N. Aouadi, Ph. Pernelle, J.‑Ch. Marty, Th. Carron : “Model Driven Architecture Approach for smooth integration of playful scenarios into learning environments”, The 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2015, Steinkjer, Norway [Aouadi 2015b]
- F. Bouchet, R. Bachelet : “Do MOOC students come back for more? Recurring Students in the GdP MOOC”, Proc. of the European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit 2015, Mons, Belgium, pp. 174-182 [Bouchet 2015]
- Y. Chen, P.‑H. Wuillemin, J.‑M. Labat : “Discovering Prerequisite Structure of Skills through Probabilistic Association Rules Mining”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, Madrid, Spain, pp. 117-124 [Chen 2015]
- F. Chenevotot, B. Grugeon, J. Pilet, D. Prévit, E. Delozanne : “The diagnostic assessment Pépite and the question of its transfer at different school levels”, The Ninth Congress of the European society for Research in Mathematics Education CERME9, Prague, Czechia, pp. (to appear) [Chenevotot 2015a]
- F. Chenevotot, B. Grugeon, J. Pilet, E. Delozanne, D. Prévit : “Transfert du diagnostic Pépite à différents niveaux scolaires : tests diagnostiques pour les élèves et leurs usages pour les enseignants.”, Espace Mathématique Francophone EMF’2015, Alger, Algeria [Chenevotot 2015b]
- N. El‑Kechaï, J. Melero, J.‑M. Labat : “Adaptation de serious games selon la stratégie choisie par l'enseignant : approche fondée sur la Competence-based Knowledge Space Theory”, 7ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2015), Agadir, Morocco, pp. 294-305 [El-Kechaï 2015a]
- N. El‑Kechaï, J. Melero, J.‑M. Labat : “Quelques enseignements tirés de l'application de la Competence-based Knowledge Space Theory aux Serious Games”, collection AFIA, AFIA, Rennes, France [El-Kechaï 2015b]
- N. El‑Kechaï, M. Muratet, A. Yessad, J.‑M. Labat : “Le suivi de l'apprenant : une approche fondée sur le cadre méthodologique Evidence Centered Design Application aux Serious Games.”, EIAH 2015 - Atelier Evaluation des Apprentissages et Environnements Informatique, Agadir, Morocco [El-Kechaï 2015c]
- J. Hajjam, M. Muratet, C. Mercier, N. Louis, C. Popescu, N. Vigouroux, S. Herve, F. VELLA, J. Brin, J. Colineau, Th. Hobé, L. Brimant : “EYESCHOOL, Dispositif numérique nomade pour l'accès à l'apprentissage pour des personnes en situation de handicap sensoriel ou troubles spécifiques du langage”, 7ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2015), Agadir, Morocco, pp. 444-446 [Hajjam 2015]
- Jason M. Harley, Cassia K. Carter, N. Papaioannou, F. Bouchet, Ronald S. Landis, R. Azevedo, L. Karabachian : “Examining the predictive relationship between personality and emotion traits and learners’ agent-directed emotions”, Proc. of the 17th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2015), vol. 9112, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Madrid, Spain, pp. 145-154, (Springer International Publishing) [Harley 2015a]
- W. Maalej, Ph. Pernelle, J.‑Ch. Marty, Th. Carron : “Integration of Game Based Learning into a TEL Platform: Application to MOOCs”, Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL), Steinkjer, Norway, pp. 321-331 [Maalej 2015]
- B. Marne : “Assessing an Authoring Tool for Meta-Design of Serious Games”, 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning, Steinkjer, Norway, pp. 368-377 [Marne 2015]
- B. Martin, J.‑M. Labat, E. Sander : “Synthèse des Environnements d'Apprentissage Abordant les Problèmes Arithmétiques en Classe Élémentaire”, 7ème Conférence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2015), Agadir, Morocco [Martin 2015]
- J. Melero, N. El‑Kechaï, J.‑M. Labat : “Comparing two CbKST approaches for adapting learning paths in serious games”, EC-TEL 2015 - 10th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, vol. 9307, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Toledo, Spain, pp. 211-224, (Springer) [Melero 2015]
- S. Msaed, A. Benharkart, Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron : “Integration of complex ressources in a tel environment”, 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, EDULEARN15, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 7514-7522 [Msaed 2015]
- N. Mudrick, R. Azevedo, M. Taub, F. Bouchet : “Does the Frequency of Pedagogical Agent Intervention Relate to Learners' Self-Reported Boredom while using Multi-Agent Intelligent Tutoring Systems?”, Proc. of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Pasadena, CA, United States, pp. 1661-1666 [Mudrick 2015]
- C. Popescu, M. Muratet, C. Moreau : “Appropriations et détournements d’un dispositif numérique adapté : le cas d’une expérimentation concernant la scolarisation des jeunes en situation de handicap en milieu ordinaire”, Culture Numérique - Ludovia 2015 - Les objets numériques : appropriations & détournements, Ax-les-Thermes, France [Popescu 2015]
- A. Zaghbib, Ph. Pernelle, N. El Kechai, Th. Carron : “An ITS and Experiential Training approach to support lifelong change management in enterprises”, 2015 International Conference on Education, Management and Systems Engineering, EMSE2015, Phuket, Thailand, pp. 157-161 [Zaghbib 2015]