ZAGHBIB Amina : Instrumentation d'un systĂšme d'information de gestion de projets innovants pour l'accompagnement au changement dans le contexte de la R&D industrielle.
Th. Carron, G. Houzet, S. Talbot, D. Wayntal, D. Telisson : “Ecological Transition via IoT Approach in Training Process”, 2024 4th International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), Male, Maldives, pp. 01-06, (IEEE), (ISBN: 979-8-3503-9118-3) (2024)
S. Barrit, N. Torcida, A. Mazeraud, S. Boulogne, J. Benoit, T. Carette, Th. Carron, B. Delsaut, E. Diab, H. Kermorvant, A. Maarouf, S. Slootjes, S. Redon, A. Robin, S. Hadidane, V. Harlay, V. Tota, T. Madec, A. Niset, S. El Hadwe, N. Massager, S. Lagarde, R. Carron : “Neura: a specialized large language model solution in neurology”, (2024)
G. Guigon, M. Muratet, M. Vermeulen, Th. Carron : “Facilitate the design of Role Learning Games: the RLG Kit”, international conference on Advanced Learning Technologies and Technology-enhanced Learning, Orem (UT), United States (2023)
K. Oliver‑Quelennec, F. Bouchet, Th. Carron, K. Fronton Casalino, C. Pinçon : “Adapting Learning Analytics Dashboards by and for University Students”, Educating for a New Future: Making Sense of Technology-Enhanced Learning Adoption, vol. 13450, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Toulouse, France, pp. 299-309, (Springer International Publishing), (ISBN: 978-3-031-16290-9) (2022)
Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron, S. Talbot, D. Wayntal : “Digital Twin and Ecological Transition Integration in Training Process”, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME), Flicenflac, Mauritius, pp. 6p / 596 (2021)
P. Pernelle, Th. Carron, S. Talbot, D. Wayntal : “Fast Gamification Approach: Increase of the Motivation in Remote Classes”, CSEDU 2021 - 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, vol. 2, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Prague (virtual), Czechia, pp. 282-287, (SciTePress - Science and Technology Publications) (2021)
H. Abed, Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron, S. Talbot, D. Wayntal, Ch. Amar : “A Gamification Approach for Serious Games”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE), Wollongong, Australia, pp. 551-558, (IEEE) (2018)
G. Mbatchou, F. Bouchet, Th. Carron, Ph. Pernelle : “Proposing and evaluating a model of co-construction of the learning scenario by the learner”, International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, vol. ISBN: 978-989-8533-81-4, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 208-215 (2018)
W. Maalej, Ph. Pernelle, Ch. Ben Amar, Th. Carron, E. Kredens : “Identification and modeling of the skills within MOOCs”, AICCSA 2016 - 13th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Agadir, Morocco (2016)
N. Aouadi, Ph. Pernelle, Ch. Ben Amar, Th. Carron, S. Talbot : “Models and Mechanisms for implementing playful scenarios”, AICCSA 2016 - 13th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, Agadir, Morocco (2016)
M. Muratet, A. Yessad, Th. Carron : “Understanding Learnersâ Behaviors in Serious Games”, ICWL 2016 15th International Conference on Advances in Web-Based Learning, vol. 10013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Rome, Italy, pp. 195-205, (Springer) (2016)
M. Muratet, A. Yessad, Th. Carron : “Framework for Learner Assessment in Learning Games”, Adaptive and Adaptable Learning, vol. 9891, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Lyon, France, pp. 622-626, (Springer) (2016)
S. Msaed, A. Benharkart, Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron : “Integration of complex ressources in a tel environment”, 7th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, EDULEARN15, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 7514-7522 (2015)
J.‑Ch. Marty, Th. Carron, Ph. Pernelle, S. Talbot, G. Houzet : “Mixed Reality Games”, International Journal of Game-Based Learning, vol. 5 (1), pp. 32-47, (IGI Global) (2015)
Th. Carron, Ph. Pernelle, S. Talbot : “Issues of Learning Games: From Virtual to Real”, International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2013, Fort Worth, Texas, United States, pp. 133-140, (IADIS) (2013)
Th. Carron, F. Kordon, J.‑M. Labat, I. Mounier, A. Yessad : “Toward Improvement of Serious Game Reliability”, 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning, vol. 2, Porto, Portugal, pp. 80-87, (Academic Conferences and Publishing International) (2013)
Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron, J.‑Ch. Marty, S. Talbot : “Learning PLM system with a Serious Game”, Advances in Production Management Systems. Competitive Manufacturing for Innovative Products and Services, vol. AICT-397 (Part I), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Rhodes, Greece, pp. 598-605, (Springer) (2012)
Ph. Pernelle, J.‑Ch. Marty, Th. Carron : “Serious Gaming: A new way to introduce Product Lifecycle Management”, IEEE Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Organizations. Services and Cloud Computing, vol. 173, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Salamanca, Spain, pp. 89-100, (Springer Berlin Heidelberg) (2012)
A. Zaghbib, Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron : “Virtual coaching for change management”, 12th IEEE International Conference on Advance Learning Technologies, ICALT 2012, Roma, Italy, pp. 634-638, (IEEE) (2012)
Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron, J.‑Ch. Marty : “Understanding product lifecycle management thanks to a serious game environment”, Proc. of International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, J. Michael Spector, Dirk Ifenthaler Demetrios G Sampson, P. Isaías (Eds.), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp. 161-172, (IADIS) (2011)
J.‑Ch. Marty, Th. Carron : “Hints for Improving Motivation in Game-Based Learning Environments”, chapter in Handbook of Research on Increasing Motivation and Learning Through Educational Video Games: Multidisciplinary Approaches, I. Patrick Felicia (Waterford Institute of Technology (Ed.), pp. 530-549, (IGI Global) (2011)
Th. Carron, J.‑Ch. Marty, S. Talbot : “Interactive Widgets for Regulation in Learning Games”, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Sousse, Tunisia, pp. 391-393, (IEEE Computer Society) (2010)
H. Fernandes, Th. Carron, S. Ducasse : “Guidage macroscopique de lâapprentissage”, Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH), Le Mans, France (2009)
Th. Carron, J.‑Ch. Marty : “User Modelling in Learning Games”, Proc. of the 3rd European Conference on Games Based Learning, Graz, Austria, pp. 86-94 (2009)
J.‑Ch. Marty, Th. Carron, J.‑M. Heraud : “Observation as a Requisite for Game-Based Learning Environments”, chapter in Games-Based Learning Advancements for Multi-Sensory Human Computer Interfaces: Techniques and Effective Practices, U. Thomas Connolly (University of the West of Scotland, U. Liz Boyle (University of Paisley (Eds.), pp. 51-71, (IGI Global) (2009)
H. Fernandes, Th. Carron, S. Ducasse : “iSTOA: Artefacts for mathematical interactive learning exercises”, Sixth International Conference on Creating, Connecting and Collaborating through Computing, 2008 (C5 2008), Poitiers, France, (IEEE Computer Society) (2008)
Th. Carron, J.‑Ch. Marty, J.‑M. Heraud, L. France : “Games as Learning Scenarios: Are you serious?”, Proc. of the 1st European Conference on Games Based Learning, Paisley, Scotland, pp. 55-64 (2007)
G. Loghin, J.‑Ch. Marty, Th. Carron : “A Method for Enabling a Better Comprehension of User Behavior”, Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Kinshuk
Sampson, Demetrios G.
Isaias, Pedro T.
(Ed.), Porto, Portugal, pp. 349-352, (IADIS) (2005)
J.‑M. Heraud, J.‑Ch. Marty, L. France, Th. Carron : “Helping the Interpretation of Web Logs: Application to Learning Scenario Improvement”, 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in EDucation workshop usage analysis in learning systems, Gordon I. McCalla, Bert Bredeweg Chee-Kit Looi (Eds.), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, pp. xx-yy (2005)
Th. Carron, J.‑Ch. Marty, L. France, J.‑M. Heraud : “Preparing an Observed Pedagogical Experiment”, Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, Kinshuk
Sampson, Demetrios G.
Isaias, Pedro T.
(Ed.), Porto, Portugal, pp. 526-531, (IADIS) (2005)
B. Caron, Th. Carron, Gh. Chabert, Ch. Courtin, Ch. Ferraris, Ch. Martel, J.‑Ch. Marty, L. Vignollet : “Lâespace numeÌrique de travail du "cartable eÌlectronique"”, Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Education 2004, pp. 1-9 (2004)
Th. Carron, O. Boissier, C. Sayettat : “Le temps dans les systĂšmes multi-agents”, chapitre de Organisation et applications des SMA, pp. pp.133-166, (Hermes Lavoisier) (2002)