PhD student at Sorbonne University
Team : MOCAH

Supervision : Thibault CARRON

SIGPI-STI Instrumentation to support change management in R&D context

In the current context of globalization, the company is often distributed. Its activities are divided into different departments often located in different countries or between partners when there are sub-contractors. It is required to change its services operating mode and use particular approaches of collaborative design. The R&D sector is particularly constrained to evolve in this context. Information Systems (IS) meet the need of movement and development of knowledge and skills. However, the complexity of the collaborative process of innovative design in R&D context needs to develop approaches and tools for ensuring change management. The objective of this thesis is to show how it is possible to use the IS and TEL techniques (Technology Enhanced Learning), particularly the ITS (Intelligent Tutoring Systems), to realize a change accompaniment within the framework of the professional activity of R&D actors. This context is strongly marked by an evolution of the individual activity and team management towards participative, collaborative and partner processes. The proposed contributions implement the joining learning and professional activities, to organize their interrelation in the duration in particular by their piloting. We also identified and implemented the specific functional and conceptual characterizing of an intelligent tutoring system to ensure support for the change of R&D actors through the virtual coaching.

Phd defence : 08/29/2013

Jury members :

Iksal Sébastien (Univ du Maine, LIUM) [rapporteur]
Marty Jean-Charles (Univ de Savoie, LIRIS) [rapporteur]
Delattre Miguel (IAE Lyon, )
Brézillon Patrick (UPMC, LIP6)
Yessad Amel (UPMC, LIP6)
Carron Thibault (Univ de Savoie, LIP6)

Departure date : 08/29/2013