Team : MoVe - Modeling and Verification

Axes : SSR (👥👥), ASN (👥), TMC (👥).

Team leaders :

Jean-François Pradat-Peyre Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 25-26/215
Yann Thierry-Mieg Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 25-26/210
Photo Responsable Photo Responsable


MoVe centers its research on the modeling and analysis of complex and dynamic distributed systems. In particular, we put our focus on:

  • Optimized techniques of formal verification through model-checking.
  • Development methodologies based on Model-Driven Engineering.
  • Integration of formal analysis in development processes.
  • Design and implementation of new programming languages and models to increase the verifiability of distributed programs.

Self-assessment Archives Thesis
Dessin Bulles HAL Staff directory 18 software 4 projects


Model checking Program generation Model engineering Modeling Petri nets

Selected publications