Full Professor Team : MoVe Sorbonne Université - LIP6 Boîte courrier 169 Couloir 25-26, Étage 2, Bureau 215 4 place Jussieu 75252 PARIS CEDEX 05 FRANCE Tel: +33 1 44 27 88 44 https://pages.lip6.fr/Jean-Francois.Pradat-Peyre
One PhD student (Supervision / Co-supervision)
ANANI AGONDJA Thibault : Assistance in the management and follow-up of cranio-cerebral trauma.
Two past PhD students (2008 - 2021) at Sorbonne University
GROLLEMUND Vincent : Exploration et modélisation de données peu ou pas structurées.
PAJAULT Christophe : Model Checking parallèle et réparti de réseaux de Petri colorés de haut-niveau.
J.‑F. Pradat‑Peyre, Y. Thierry‑Mieg : “Verification of Finite-State Systems”, chapter in Models and Analysis in Distributed Systems, pp. 155-220, (Wiley), (ISBN: 9781848213142) (2011)
C. KAISER, J.‑F. Pradat‑Peyre : “Weak Fairness Semantic Drawbacks in Java Multithreading”, Reliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 2009, vol. 5570, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Brest, France, pp. 90-104, (Springer Berlin Heidelberg) (2009)
C. Girault, J.‑F. Pradat‑Peyre : “Analysis of High Level Petri Nets”, chapter in Petri Nets: Fundamental Models, Verification and Applications, pp. 221-266, (Wiley-ISTE), (ISBN: 9781848210790) (2009)
C. Girault, J.‑F. Pradat‑Peyre : “High Level Petri Nets”, chapter in Petri Nets: Fundamental Models, Verification and Applications, pp. 185-219, (Wiley-ISTE), (ISBN: 9781848210790) (2009)
Ch. Pajault, J.‑F. Pradat‑Peyre, P. Rousseau : “Adapting Petri Nets Reductions to Promela Specifications”, Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems - FORTE 2008, 28th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, vol. 5048, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 84-98, (Springer-Verlag) (2008)
C. KAISER, Ch. Pajault, J.‑F. Pradat‑Peyre : “Concurrent Program Metrics Drawn by Quasar”, Ada-Europe 2008, 13th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, vol. 5026, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Venice, Italy, pp. 101-114, (Springer-Verlag) (2008)
C. Girault, J.‑F. Pradat‑Peyre : “Les Réseaux de Petri de Haut Niveau”, chapitre de Les Réseaux de Petri, Modèles Fondamentaux, pp. 223-254, (Hermes), (ISBN: 2-7462-0250-6) (2001)
D. Poitrenaud, J.‑F. Pradat‑Peyre : “Pre and post-agglomerations for LTL model checking”, 21th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets, vol. 1825, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 387-408, (Springer) (2000)