Projects MoVe

Team : MoVe

  • BCMCyPhy - Component model for cyber-physical control systems

    This research project and its associated software aim at designing and implementing a software component model for cyber-physical control systems. It develops over the BCM4Java project from which it uses the basic concepts and the implementation of distributed components in Java (10.000 lines of code and documentation today). Besides integrating real time components, this project studies component-based software architectures for control, their specification using stochastic hybrid systems and their simulation using models following the DEVS standard. A particular focus is given on the parallel composability between components, their individual specifications and simulation models. A software subproject of BCMCyPhy proposes a new implementation in Java of the DEVS standard for modular simulation of components and their assemblies (20.000 lines of code and documentation today). The simulators obtained through the composition of the components simulator models allow to debug, test, verify and validate applications. This software has been used by a few tens of students and is still being used in the context of the ALASCA master 2 course since 2018.

    Project Leader : Jacques MALENFANT
  • http://pnml.lip6.frPNML Framework

    PNML Framework is a prototype implementation of ISO/IEC-15909 part 2, International Standard on Petri Net Markup Language. The primary purpose of PNML is to enable interoperability among Petri net tools. PNML framework has thus been designed to back the Standard. It will enable Petri nets tools developers to seamlessly integrate PNML support into their tools. It provides an extensive and comprehensible API to create, save, load and browse PNML models.

    Project Leader : Fabrice KORDON
    More details here …

    is a Petri Net based CASE environment. It offers a set of services to perform specification, validation, formal verification, model checking, compute structural properties (invariants, traps, syphons etc.) simulate and generate code. These services have been implemented either by members of our team or university partners (Technical university of Helsinki, University of Torino, Technical university of Munchen, Bell laboratories). The second geration of CPN-AMI, build on top of FrameKit, is available on the Internet since March 1997.

    Project Leader : Fabrice KORDON
    More details here …
  • - Spot Produces Our Traces

    SPOT (Spot Produces Our Traces) est une bibliothèque de model-checking facilement extensible. À la différence des model-checkers existants, dont le mode opératoire est immuable, SPOT fournit des briques que l'utilisateur peut combiner entre elles pour réaliser un model-checker répondant à ses propres besoins. Une telle modularité permet d'expérimenter facilement différentes combinaisons, et facilite le développement de nouveaux algorithmes. D'autre part, cette bibliothèque est centrée autour d'un type d'automates particulier permettant d'exprimer les propriétés à vérifier de façon plus compacte, qui n'a jamais été utilisé dans un outil jusqu'à présent.

    Project Leader : Denis POITRENAUD

    More details here …