Photo Responsable

Team : NPA - Networks and Performance Analysis

Axes : ASN (👥👥), SSR (👥👥), TMC (👥👥), AID (👥).

Team leader :

Binh-Minh Bui-Xuan Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 26-00/122

No event planned at present.


Short presentation

Dessin Bulles HAL Staff directory 9 software

NPA team aims at developing a vision for the future Internet as well as designing solutions to shape and manage it. The target of the team is the control of ubiquitous, mobile and versatile networks that expand everywhere in our private and professional environments. The core of our work concerns problems related to multimedia and mobile networks, resource management, scalability, ambient networks, and content networking. Moreover, significant work is developed in the area of Internet measurement, modeling and traffic engineering.

Staff directory, Intranet

Selected publications

  • D. Cicalese, D. Joumblatt, D. Rossi, M.‑O. Buob, J. Augé, T. Friedman : “Latency-Based Anycast Geolocation: Algorithms, Software, and Datasets”IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34 (6), pp. 1889-1903, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)[Cicalese 2016]
  • S. Sundaresan, W. De Donato, N. Feamster, R. Teixeira, S. Crawford, A. Pescapé : “Measuring Home Broadband Performance”Communications of the ACM, vol. 55 (11), pp. 100-109, (Association for Computing Machinery)[Sundaresan 2012]
  • J. Whitbeck, M. Dias De Amorim, V. Conan, J.‑L. GUILLAUME : “Temporal Reachability Graphs”ACM Mobicom, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 377-388, (ACM)[Whitbeck 2012b]