Conferences and seminars since 2006
- One-Way Functions Candidates Based on Information Theoretical Secure Primitives
- Agnostic, Post-Training Backdoor Defense for Deep Learning
- Distributed Computability for Sub-Models : Set-Agreement and other Simple Results from Geometrization Topology
- 13th Annual GigaNet Symposium - "Not the ‘New Oil’ – Data Governance and the Internet"
- The First European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies
- Recent Research on Twitter Anonymity and Sensitivity
- Utilizing Approximate Counting in Distributed Caching and Content Delivery
- Rendez-vous déterministe dans les réseaux
- Journées automnales RESCOM: Octobre 2011
- Mobility Management in IP Networks
- NALF: A Network-Adapted Application Layer Flooding
- Global Robustness and Correctness in Massively Distributed Network Systems
- A Basis for Systematic Analysis of Network Topologies
- Link Adaptations and Protocol Design for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
- 8èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications
- Rôle des TIC dans l’évolution des politiques de sécurité en Europe