Publications RO | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Total |
Livres | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Éditions de livres | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Articles de revues | 14 | 19 | 0 | 33 |
Chapitres de livres | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Conférences | 34 | 16 | 0 | 50 |
Habilitations | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Soutenances de thèse | 2 | 3 | 0 | 5 |
- S. Angelopoulos, A. López‑Ortiz : “Interruptible algorithms for multiproblem solving”, Journal of Scheduling, vol. 23 (4), pp. 451-464, (Springer Verlag) [Angelopoulos 2020a]
- S. Angelopoulos, Ch. Dürr, Sh. Jin : “Online maximum matching with recourse”, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, vol. 40 (4), pp. 974-1007, (Springer Verlag) [Angelopoulos 2020b]
- S. Angelopoulos, M. Renault, P. Schweitzer : “Stochastic Dominance and the Bijective Ratio of Online Algorithms”, Algorithmica, vol. 82, pp. 1101–1135, (Springer Verlag) [Angelopoulos 2020d]
- S. Angelopoulos, Th. Lidbetter : “Competitive search in a network”, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 286 (2), pp. 781-790, (Elsevier) [Angelopoulos 2020f]
- P. Bendotti, P. Fouilhoux, C. Rottner : “Symmetry-breaking inequalities for ILP with structured sub-symmetry”, Mathematical Programming, vol. 183 (1-2), pp. 61-103, (Springer Verlag) [Bendotti 2020a]
- M. Bienkowski, M. Böhm, J. Byrka, M. Chrobak, Ch. Dürr, L. Folwarczný, T. Jez, J. Sgall, K. Nguyen, P. Veselý : “Online algorithms for multilevel aggregation”, Operations Research, vol. 68 (1), pp. 214-232, (INFORMS) [Bienkowski 2020]
- M. Chrobak, Ch. Dürr, A. Fabijan, B. Nilsson : “Online Clique Clustering”, Algorithmica, vol. 82 (4), pp. 938-965, (Springer Verlag) [Chrobak 2020]
- C. Doerr, C. Fonseca, T. Friedrich, X. Yao : “Theory of Randomized Optimization Heuristics (Report of Dagstuhl Seminar 19431)”, Dagstuhl Reports, vol. 9 (10), pp. 61-94, (Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik) [Doerr 2020a]
- C. Doerr, F. Ye, N. Horesh, H. Wang, O. Shir, Th. Bäck : “Benchmarking discrete optimization heuristics with IOHprofiler”, Applied Soft Computing, vol. 88, pp. 106027, (Elsevier) [Doerr 2020b]
- B. Doerr, C. Doerr, J. Yang : “Optimal parameter choices via precise black-box analysis”, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 801, pp. 1-34, (Elsevier) [Doerr 2020c]
- Ch. Dürr, Th. Erlebach, N. Megow, J. Meissner : “An Adversarial Model for Scheduling with Testing”, Algorithmica, (Springer Verlag) [Dürr 2020]
- V. Grollemund, G. Chat, M.‑S. Secchi‑Buhour, F. Delbot, J.‑F. Pradat‑Peyre, P. Bede, P.‑F. Pradat : “Development and validation of a 1-year survival prognosis estimation model for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis using manifold learning algorithm UMAP”, Scientific Reports, vol. 10 (1), pp. 13378, (Nature Publishing Group) [Grollemund 2020b]
- C. Hanen, Z. Hanzalek : “Grouping tasks to save energy in a cyclic scheduling problem: A complexity study”, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 284 (2), pp. 445-459, (Elsevier) [Hanen 2020b]
- E. Hyon, A. Jean‑Marie : “Optimal control of admission in service in a queue with impatience and setup costs”, Performance Evaluation, vol. 144, pp. 102134, (Elsevier) [Hyon 2020]
- F. Quezada, C. Gicquel, S. Kedad‑Sidhoum, D. Vu : “A multi-stage stochastic integer programming approach for a multi-echelon lot-sizing problem with returns and lost sales”, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 116, pp. 104865, (Elsevier) [Quezada 2020b]