Former teams : | ACASA AnimatLab MALIRE MLIA Phare REGAL SALSA SPI SPIRAL Whisper |
Former research topics : | ANP APA ASIM CALFOR OASIS RP SPI SRC SYSDEF |
- MUNRO Yann :
“Abstract argumentation and actual causality for the generation of explanations in the context of human-agent interaction”, supervision Isabelle BLOCH, phd defence 12/10/2024.
- JEYASOTHY Adulam :
“Interprétabilité des modèles en apprentissage automatique”, supervision Marie-Jeanne LESOT, Christophe MARSALA, phd defence 02/20/2024.
- BOVE Clara : “Design and evaluation of explanation user interfaces for complex machine-learning systems”, supervision Marie-Jeanne LESOT, phd defence 09/15/2023.
- PANTIN Jérémie :
“Detection and semantic characterisation of textual outliers”, supervision Christophe MARSALA, phd defence 09/11/2023.
- FACI Adam :
“Representation, simulation and exploitation of knowledge in the conceptual graphs formalism”, supervision Marie-jeanne LESOT, phd defence 04/13/2022.
- LENART Marcin : “Sensor Information Scoring for Decision-Aid Systems in Railway Domain”, supervision Marie-Jeanne LESOT, Andrzej BIELECKI, phd defence 10/02/2020.
- LAUGEL Thibault :
“Local Post-hoc Interpretability for Black-box Classifiers”, supervision Christophe MARSALA, Marie-Jeanne LESOT, phd defence 07/03/2020.
- GUILLON Arthur :
“Regularization operators for fuzzy subspace clustering”, supervision Christophe MARSALA, phd defence 03/01/2019.
- MEUNIER François :
“Knowledge extraction from complex 3D structures”, supervision Christophe MARSALA, phd defence 12/13/2018.
- LAGHMARI Khalil :
“Multi-class classification in big data ”, supervision Christophe MARSALA, phd defence 03/23/2018.
- YANG Wenlu : “Towards user-independent emotion recognition and implementation on hardware”, supervision Christophe MARSALA, phd defence 02/27/2018.
- CANU Maël :
“Vertex-oriented community detection for mobile opportunistic networks”, supervision Marie-Jeanne LESOT, phd defence 12/20/2017.
- LOEFFEL Pierre-Xavier :
“Adaptive machine learning algorithms for data streams subject to concept drifts”, supervision Christophe MARSALA, phd defence 12/04/2017.
- LEGASTELOIS Bénédicte :
“Modal logic weighted extensions for a graded belief framework”, supervision Marie-Jeanne LESOT, phd defence 11/30/2017.
- LEFORT Sébastien :
“«How much is ‘about’?» Modélisation computationnelle de l’interprétation cognitive des expressions numériques approximatives”, supervision Marie-Jeanne LESOT, phd defence 09/19/2017.
- RENARD Xavier :
“Dynamic knowledge extraction from complex temporal data”, supervision Marcin DETYNIECKI, phd defence 09/15/2017.
- AIGRAIN Jonathan :
“Multimodal detection of stress: evaluation of the impact of several assessment strategies”, supervision Séverine DUBUISSON, phd defence 12/05/2016.
- MOYSE Gilles :
“Linguistic summaries of numerical data : interpretability and series periodicity”, supervision Marie-Jeanne LESOT, phd defence 07/19/2016.
- KUOMAN MAMANI Christian :
“Diversity by Clustering in Image Retrieval: Experimental Study”, supervision Marcin DETYNIECKI, phd defence 08/31/2015.
- XU Wenyi :
“Modeling and exploiting the knowledge base of Web of Things”, supervision Christophe MARSALA, phd defence 01/16/2015.
- OUDNI Amal :
“Data mining based on gradual itemsets extraction : contextualization and enrichment?”, supervision Marie-Jeanne LESOT, phd defence 07/09/2014.
- DZOGANG Fabon :
“Representation and learning for both emotional and dynamic information from texts.”, supervision Maria RIFQI, phd defence 07/18/2013.