Кандидат наук
Подразделение : Phare
Окончание контракта : 19.01.2015

Научны(е)й руководител(и)ь : Guy PUJOLLE

Étude et stratégies pour l’urbanisation d’un environnement de réseaux virtuels

Adapting virtualization concepts to satisfy many of today's network telecommunication challenges receives more and more attention. This thesis proposes an alternative to the physical network infrastructure. We have developed a necessary management tools to control a virtual network environment. The addressed problem is how to urbanize a virtual network environment. The objective is to meet the expectations of operators for providing networks services with flexibility, scalability and reduced cost. Our contribution consists on providing a design for a virtual network environment to coexist virtual networks and their respective operators. In this thesis, we describe how we focus our work on virtual network environment architecture to properly identify its advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we explain some proposed organization strategies to improve virtual network urbanization. The relevant results of the architecture deployment are exposed. A first contribution of this thesis consists on the design and the implementation of a tool used to urbanize a virtual network environment. We have described our architecture. We have implemented the tool VirtuOR Control Center (VCC) at this level. The tool offers a range of features for administrators at each virtualization level. Pertinent results of the implementation are exposed. To extend the virtual network environment with new virtualized equipment, we have published a second contribution concerning a WiFi access point virtualization. We have described how we have improved virtual network urbanization by including virtualized access point equipment. We developed this approach for supporting wireless network advantages such as mobility, coverage areas, installation speed and simplicity. Our approach allows extending a virtual network with a virtualized WiFi access point deployment to provide users more flexibility to access their services delivered by the allocated virtual networks. Our third contribution proposes new strategies to improve the urbanization of virtual networks. Indeed, it stills hard to manage the huge amount of virtual element and surround all the functionalities offered through VirtuOR agents. In this contribution, we describe how we have improved virtual network urbanization by including autonomic concepts. We have developed this approach because it helps the manager to perform his tasks and it has a distributed behavior which is more convenient for virtual environment management.

Защита диссертаций : 04.04.2012

Члены жюри :

M. Guy PUJOLLE, Professeur à l'UPMC
M. Jean-Pierre CLAUDÉ, Professeur à l’Université de Versailles [Rapporteur]
Mme. Hassnaa MOUSTAFA, Ingénieur de recherche senior à Orange Labs [Rapporteur]
M. Abdelhamid MELLOUK, Professeur à l'Université Paris Est Créteil
Mme Bénédicte LE GRAND, Maître de Conférences (HDR) à l'UPMC
M. Patrick BORRAS, Directeur Services et Ingénierie, UCOPIA

Окончание контракта : 19.01.2015

1 Кандидат наук 2015

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