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LIP6 1998/037

  • Reports
    MetaScribe : un outil pour la génération de moteurs de réécriture
  • F. Kordon
  • 43 pages - 07/09/1998- document en - http://www.lip6.fr/lip6/reports/1998/lip6.1998.037.ps.gz - 106 Ko
  • Contact : Fabrice.Kordon (at) nulllip6.fr
  • Ancien Thème : SRC
  • This report presents MetaScribe, a transformation engine generator.
    MetaScribe eases the construction of translator (form a format to another) and program generators. It distinguishes discrete aspects :
    * the description of input formalism (components of a representation) to deduce the description of models (specification to be processed),
    * the description of models using the format deduced from the formalism description,
    * the definition of semantic transformations rules (e.g. production of expression trees),
    * the definition of a syntax to apply on expression trees.
    * MetaScribe is curently used to produce program generators
  • Keywords : Program Generation, Software Engineering
  • Publisher : Denis.Poitrenaud (at) nulllip6.fr
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