LEJEUNE Jonathan
Associate Professor
Team : DELYS
Tel: +33 1 44 27 73 18, Jonathan.Lejeune (at) nulllip6.fr
Team : DELYS
- Sorbonne Université - LIP6
Boîte courrier 169
Couloir 26-00, Étage 2, Bureau 217
4 place Jussieu
75252 PARIS CEDEX 05
Tel: +33 1 44 27 73 18, Jonathan.Lejeune (at) nulllip6.fr
1 ongoing PhD project (Supervision / Co-supervision)
- AGON-RAMBOSSON Aymeric : Maintien du groupe de sous-systèmes dans un environnement hautement hétérogène et dynamique
2011-2023 Publications
- C. Mahamdi, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, P. Sens, M. Makpangou : “OMAHA: Opportunistic Message Aggregation for pHase-based Algorithms”, 2023 IEEE 28th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), Singapour, Singapore, pp. 150-160, (IEEE Computer Society), (ISBN: 979-8-3503-5876-6) (2023)
- A. Alidra, H. Bruneliere, H. Coullon, Th. Ledoux, Ch. Prud'Homme, J. Lejeune, P. Sens, J. Sopena, J. Rivalan : “SeMaFoR - Self-Management of Fog Resources with Collaborative Decentralized Controllers”, SEAMS 2023 - IEEE/ACM 18th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 25-31, (IEEE) (2023)
- A. Agon‑Rambosson, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, P. Sens : “Alternating MPR: a balanced broadcast algorithm for MANETs”, 2022 IEEE 21st International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), vol. 21, Boston, MA, United States, pp. 19-26, (IEEE), (ISBN: 979-8-3503-9730-7) (2022)
- A. Agon‑Rambosson, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, P. Sens : “MPR alternant : un algorithme de diffusion MANET Ă©quilibrĂ©”, COMPAS 2022 - ConfĂ©rence francophone d'informatique en ParallĂ©lisme, Architecture et Système, Amiens, France (2022)
- A. Favier, L. Arantes, J. Lejeune, P. Sens : “Centrality-Based Eventual Leader Election in Dynamic Networks”, NCA 2021 - 20th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, 2021 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Cambridge, Boston, United States, pp. 1-8 (2021)
- C. Mahamdi, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, P. Sens, M. Makpangou : “RĂ©duire le coĂ»t de communication des algorithmes Ă phases par l’agrĂ©gation de messages : application Ă Paxos”, COMPAS 2021 - ConfĂ©rence francophone d'informatique en ParallĂ©lisme, Architecture et Système, Lyon (virtuelle), France (2021)
- A. Favier, N. Guittonneau, L. Arantes, A. Fladenmuller, J. Lejeune, P. Sens : “Topology Aware Leader Election Algorithm for Dynamic Networks”, PRDC 2020 - 25th IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing, 2020 IEEE 25th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC), Perth, Australia, pp. 1-10 (2020)
- F. Laniel, D. Carver, J. Sopena, F. WajsbĂĽrt, J. Lejeune, M. Shapiro : “MemOpLight: Leveraging application feedback to improve container memory consolidation”, NCA 2020 - 19th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, Cambridge / Virtual, United States, pp. 1-10 (2020)
- A. Favier, N. Guittonneau, J. Lejeune, A. Fladenmuller, L. Arantes, P. Sens : “Topology Aware Leader Election Algorithm for MANET”, COMPAS 2020 - ConfĂ©rence francophone d'informatique en ParallĂ©lisme, Architecture et Système, Lyon, France (2020)
- G. Fraysse, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, P. Sens : “A resource usage efficient distributed allocation algorithm for 5G Service Function Chains”, DAIS 2020 - 20th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, vol. 12135, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Valetta, Malta, pp. 169-185, (Springer) (2020)
- F. Laniel, D. Carver, J. Sopena, F. WajsbĂĽrt, J. Lejeune, M. Shapiro : “Highlighting the Container Memory Consolidation Problems in Linux”, NCA 2019 - 18th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications, Cambridge, United States, pp. 1-4, (IEEE) (2019)
- Z. Al‑Shara, F. Alvares, H. Bruneliere, J. Lejeune, Ch. Prud'Homme, Th. Ledoux : “CoMe4ACloud: An End-to-End Framework for Autonomic Cloud Systems”, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 86, pp. 339-354, (Elsevier) (2018)
- H. Bruneliere, Z. Al‑Shara, F. Alvares, J. Lejeune, Th. Ledoux : “A Model-based Architecture for Autonomic and Heterogeneous Cloud Systems”, Proceedings of the 8h International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2018), vol. 1, Funchal, Portugal, pp. 201-212 (2018)
- G. Fraysse, I. Grida Ben Yahia, J. Lejeune, P. Sens, J. Sopena : “Towards multi-SDN services: Dangers of concurrent resource allocation from multiple providers”, 21st Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN 2018), Paris, France (2018)
- J. Lejeune, F. Alvares, Th. Ledoux : “Towards a generic autonomic model to manage Cloud Services”, CLOSER 2017, Porto, Portugal, pp. 175-186, (ScitePress) (2017)
- D. Serrano, S. Bouchenak, Y. Kouki, F. Alvares De Oliveira Jr., Th. Ledoux, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, L. Arantes, P. Sens : “SLA guarantees for cloud services”, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 54, pp. 233–246, (Elsevier) (2016)
- L. Abidi, S. Bejaoui, Ch. CĂ©rin, J. Lejeune, Y. Ngoko, W. Saad : “Data Management for the RedisDG Scientific Workflow Engine”, IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, Nadi, Fiji, pp. 599-606 (2016)
- J. Lejeune, L. Arantes, J. Sopena, P. Sens : “Reducing synchronization cost in distributed multi-resource allocation problem”, ICPP 2015 - 44th International Conference on Parallel Processing, Beijing, China, pp. 540-549, (IEEE) (2015)
- J. Lejeune, L. Arantes, J. Sopena, P. Sens : “A fair starvation-free prioritized mutual exclusion algorithm for distributed systems”, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, vol. 83, pp. 13-29, (Elsevier) (2015)
- J. Lejeune, L. Arantes, J. Sopena, P. Sens : “Reducing synchronization cost in distributed multi-resource allocation problem”, (2015)
- J. Lejeune : “Algorithmique distribuĂ©e d’exclusion mutuelle : vers une gestion efficace des ressources”, thesis, phd defence 09/19/2014, supervision Sens, Pierre, co-supervision : Sopena, Julien, Arantes, Luciana (2014)
- D. Serrano, S. Bouchenak, Y. Kouki, Th. Ledoux, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, L. Arantes, P. Sens : “Towards QoS-Oriented SLA Guarantees for Online Cloud Services”, Proceedings of the 13th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2013), Delft, Netherlands, pp. 50-57 (2013)
- Y. Kouki, Th. Ledoux, D. Serrano, S. Bouchenak, J. Lejeune, L. Arantes, J. Sopena, P. Sens : “SLA et qualitĂ© de service pour le Cloud Computing”, ConfĂ©rence d'informatique en ParallĂ©lisme, Architecture et Système, ComPAS 2013, Grenoble, France, pp. 1-11 (2013)
- J. Lejeune, L. Arantes, J. Sopena, P. Sens : “A prioritized distributed mutual exclusion algorithm balancing priority inversions and response time”, ICPP'13 - 42th International Conference on Parallel Processing, Lyon, France, pp. 290-299, (IEEE Computer Society) (2013)
- J. Lejeune, L. Arantes, J. Sopena, P. Sens : “Un algorithme Ă©quitable d’exclusion mutuelle distribuĂ©e avec prioritĂ©”, 9e ConfĂ©rence Française sur les Systèmes d'Exploitation (CFSE'13), Chapitre français de l'ACM-SIGOPS, GDR ARP, Grenoble, France (2013)
- J. Lejeune, L. Arantes, J. Sopena, P. Sens : “Service Level Agreement for Distributed Mutual Exclusion in Cloud Computing”, 12th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID'12), Ottawa, Canada, pp. 180-187, (IEEE) (2012)
- D. Serrano, S. Bouchenak, Y. Kouki, Th. Ledoux, J. Lejeune, J. Sopena, L. Arantes, P. Sens : “Towards QoS-Oriented SLA Guarantees for Online Cloud Services”, (2012)
- L. Arantes, J. Lejeune, M. Piffaretti, O. Marin, P. Sens, J. Sopena, Alysson N. Bessani, Vinicius V. Cogo, M. Correia, P. Costa, M. Pasin : “Vers une plate-forme MapReduce tolĂ©rant les fautes byzantines”, Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - SĂ©rie TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, vol. 31 (8-10), pp. 1079-1099, (Lavoisier) (2012)
- L. Arantes, J. Lejeune, M. Piffaretti, O. Marin, P. Sens, J. Sopena, Alysson N. Bessani, Vinicius V. Cogo, M. Correia, P. Costa, M. Pasin, FabrĂcio A. B. Silva : “Étude d’une architecture MapReduce tolĂ©rant les fautes byzantines.”, Actes des 20Ă©me Rencontres francophones du parallĂ©lisme (RENPAR'11), Saint-Malo, France (2011)