Supervision : Patrick GARDA
Co-supervision : ROMAIN Olivier
Capteur de Pression RFID pour le suivi des anévrismes de l'aorte abdominale
Phd defence : 12/09/2008
Jury members :
Pr MOREL (president)
Pr GAZALET (rapporteur)
Pr FOUILLAT (rapporteur) absent
Pr GARDA (directeur de these)
Dr ROMAIN (Co directeur de these)
Pr LEPRINCE (examinateur)
Pr SAWAN (examinateur)
Dr MATTEI (examinateur)
Pr RENAUD (examinateur)
Departure date : 08/31/2010
2008-2011 Publications
- O. Romain, J. Mazeyrat, P. Garda, H. Talleb, D. Lautru, M.‑F. Wong, J. Wiart, V. Fouad Hanna, P.‑Y. Lagrée, M. Bonneau, Ch. Kang, M. Fernández, J.‑F. Gerbeau, V. Deplano, C. Legallais, P. Leprince : “ENDOCOM: Implantable wireless pressure sensor for the follow-up of abdominal aortic aneurysm stented”, Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering, vol. 32 (3), pp. 163-168, (Elsevier Masson) (2011)
- O. Romain, J. Mazeyrat, P. Garda, H. Talleb, D. Lautru, M.‑F. Wong, J. Wiart, V. Fouad Hanna, P.‑Y. Lagrée, M. Bonneau, Ch. Kang, M. Fernández, J.‑F. Gerbeau, V. Deplano, B. Berthier, C. Legallais, P. Leprince : “RFID implantable pressure sensor for the follow-up of abdominal aortic aneurysm stented”, IEEE DTIS 2011 : 6th International conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in nanoscale era, Athens, Greece, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2011)
- J. Mazeyrat, O. Romain, D. Lautru, M.‑F. Wong, B. Berthier, P.‑Y. Lagrée, J.‑F. Gerbeau, V. Deplano, P. Leprince, M. Bonneau : “Endocom: a wireless endoprosthesis dedicated to the follow-up of abdominal aortic aneurysms”, European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO), vol. 32 (7), The International Journal of Artificial Organs, Compiègne, France, pp. 411-411 (2009)