Supervision : Habib MEHREZ
Exploration et Optimisation d'Architectures FPGA Arborescentes
Les circuits FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) sont devenus des acteurs importants dans le domaine du traitement numérique qui a été dominé auparavant par les microprocesseurs et les circuits intégrés spécifiques. Le plus grand défi pour les FPGAs aujourd'hui est de présenter un bon compromis entre une grande souplesse et de bonnes performances (vitesse, surface et consommation). La combinaison de trois facteurs définit les caractéristiques d'un circuit FPGA: la qualité de l'architecture, la qualité des outils CAO de configuration et la conception électrique du FPGA. L'objet de cette thèse est l'exploration de nouvelles architectures et de structures d'interconnexion qui pourront améliorer les performances de ces circuits. En effet, les ressources d'interconnexion occupent 90% de la surface totale et occasionnent 60% de la consommation électrique. Les architectures étudiées présentent des structures matricielles et arborescentes. Les principaux résultats sont les suivants: - Au départ nous explorons différentes topologies arborescentes et nous comparons leurs surfaces à celles des architectures matricielles. Pour cela, nous développons une plateforme d'outils logiciels permettant d'implanter différents circuits logiques sur l'architecture cible. En se basant sur cette étude expérimentale, nous définissons une nouvelle architecture arborescente. Nous montrons, en nous appuyant sur un modèle d'estimation de surface, que cette architecture permet de réduire la surface totale de 56% par rapport à une architecture matricielle. Ceci est dû essentiellement à une meilleure utilisation des ressources d'interconnexion. - Nous explorons les effets des différents paramètres de l'architecture proposée: le coefficient de Rent, la taille des groupes logiques et le nombre d'entrées par bloc logique. Ceci permet de régler l'architecture pour l'adapter à des domaines d'applications qui ont des contraintes spécifiques en terme de surface, vitesse et consommation. - Enfin, nous proposons une architecture qui rassemble les avantages des structures arborescentes et matricielles. Nous unifions les deux structures en construisant des groupes de blocs logiques qui ont localement un réseau d'interconnexion arborescent et qui sont connectés entre eux via un réseau matriciel. Nous montrons que l'architecture obtenue présente un bon compromis entre l'évolutivité de la vue physique et la densité de la surface.
Defence : 11/25/2008
Jury members :
M. Habib Mehrez (Paris 6) Directeur de thèse
M. Lionnel Torres (LIRMM) Rapporteur
M. Jean-Luc Danger (ENST) Rapporteur
M. Michel Minoux (Paris 6)
M. Olivier Lepape (Abound Logic)
M. Christian Masson (LIP6/BULL)
M. Jean-Luc Rebourg (CEA-DAM)
M. Joachim Pistorius (Altera)
2004-2016 Publications
- S. Chtourou, Z. Marrakchi, E. Amouri, V. Pangracious, M. Abid, H. Mehrez : “Improvement of cluster-based Mesh FPGA architecture using novel hierarchical interconnect topology and long routing wires”, Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design, vol. 40, pp. 16-26, (Elsevier) (2016)
- S. Chtourou, M. Abid, Z. Marrakchi, E. Amouri, H. Mehrez : “The effect of interconnect depopulation on FPGA performances in terms of power, area and delay”, HPCS 2016 - International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 104-111, (IEEE) (2016)
- S. Chtourou, Z. Marrakchi, E. Amouri, V. Pangracious, H. Mehrez, M. Abid : “Exploration of Mesh-Based FPGA Architecture: Comparison of 2D and 3D Technologies in Terms of Power, Area and Performance”, PDP 2016 - 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, pp. 635-642, (IEEE Computer Society) (2016)
- M. Turki, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez, M. Abid : “Signal multiplexing approach to improve inter-FPGA bandwidth of prototyping platform”, Design Automation for Embedded Systems, vol. 19 (3), pp. 223-242, (Springer Verlag) (2015)
- S. Chtourou, Z. Marrakchi, V. Pangracious, E. Amouri, H. Mehrez, M. Abid : “Mesh of Clusters FPGA Architectures: Exploration Methodology and Interconnect Optimization”, ARC 2015 - 11th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, vol. 9040, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Bochum, Germany, pp. 411-418, (Springer) (2015)
- V. Pangracious, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Design and Optimization of a Horizontally Partitioned, High-Speed, 3D Tree-Based FPGA”, IEEE Micro, vol. 35 (6), pp. 48-59, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) (2015)
- N. Belhadj, N. Bahri, Z. Marrakchi, M. Ayed, N. Masmoudi, H. Mehrez : “H.264/AVC high definition intra coding implementation on multiprocessor system on chip technology architecture”, IET Computers & Digital Techniques, vol. 9 (5), pp. 259-267, (Institution of Engineering and Technology) (2015)
- V. Pangracious, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Three-Dimensional Design Methodologies for Tree-based FPGA Architecture”, vol. 350, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-3-319-19173-7) (2015)
- S.‑U. Rehman, A. Blanchardon, A. Ben Dhia, M. Benabdenbi, R. Chotin‑Avot, L. Naviner, L. Anghel, H. Mehrez, E. Amouri, Z. Marrakchi : “Impact of Cluster Size on Routability, Testability and Robustness of a Cluster in a Mesh FPGA”, IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI'14), Tampa, FL, United States, pp. 553-558, (IEEE) (2014)
- V. Pangracious, E. Amouri, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Architecture level optimization of 3-dimensional tree-based FPGA”, Microelectronics Journal, vol. 45 (4), pp. 355-366, (Elsevier) (2014)
- N. Belhadj, Z. Marrakchi, M. Ben ayed, N. Masmoudi, H. Mehrez : “MPSoC Architecture for Macro Blocks Line Partitioning of H.264/AVC Encoder”, International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems, vol. 5 (2), pp. 43-60, (IGI Global) (2014)
- K. Moussa Ali Abdellatif, R. Chotin‑Avot, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez, Q. Tang : “Towards high performance GHASH for pipelined AES-GCM using FPGAs”, ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, FPGA '14, Monterey, CA, United States, pp. 242-242, (ACM) (2014)
- S. Chtourou, M. Abid, V. Pangracious, E. Amouri, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Three-dimensional Mesh of Clusters: An alternative unified high performance interconnect architecture for 3D-FPGA implementation”, 3DIC 2014 - 2014 International 3D Systems Integration Conference, Kinsdale, Ireland, pp. 1-7, (IEEE) (2014)
- A. Obeid, S. Qasim, Mohammed S. BenSaleh, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez, H. Ghariani, M. Abid : “Flexible reconfigurable architecture for DSP applications”, SOCC 2014 - 27th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference, Las Vegas, NV, United States, pp. 204-209, (IEEE) (2014)
- V. Pangracious, M. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “On wiring delays reduction of tree-based FPGA using 3-D fabric”, SOCC 2014 - 27th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference, Las Vegas, NV, United States, pp. 64-69, (IEEE) (2014)
- V. Pangracious, Z. Marrakchi, N. Beltaief, H. Mehrez, U. Farooq : “Exploration and optimization of heterogeneous interconnect fabric of 3D tree-based FPGA”, DTIS 2014 - 9th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, Santorini, Greece, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2014)
- S. Chtourou, M. Abid, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Power consumption analysis for mesh based FPGA”, DTIS 2014 - 9th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, Santorini, Greece, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) (2014)
- A. Kilic, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “A Top-Down Optimization Methodology for Mutually Exclusive Applications”, International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, vol. 2014, pp. 827613:1-827613:18, (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) (2014)
- V. Pangracious, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “Designing a 3D tree-based FPGA: Optimization of butterfly programmable interconnect topology using 3D technology”, IEEE International 3D Systems Integration Conference (3DIC), 2013, San Francisco, CA, United States, pp. 1-8, (IEEE) (2013)
- V. Pangracious, H. Mehrez, U. Farooq, Z. Marrakchi : “High Performance 3-Dimensional Heterogeneous Tree-based FPGA Architectures (HT-FPGA)”, FPGAworld'13 - The 10th FPGAworld Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 3:1-3:6, (ACM) (2013)
- V. Pangracious, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “Designing 3D tree-based FPGA: Interconnect Optimization and Thermal Analysis”, NEWCAS'13 - IEEE 11th International Conference on New Circuits and Systems, Paris, France, pp. 1-4, (IEEE) (2013)
- V. Pangracious, E. Amouri, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “Physical Design Exploration of 3D Tree-based FPGA Architecture”, GLSVLSI'13 - The 23rd ACM international conference on Great lakes symposium on VLSI, Paris, France, pp. 335-336, (ACM) (2013)
- V. Pangracious, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “Architecture Level TSV Count Minimization Methodology for 3D Tree-based FPGA”, Cool Chips XVI, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 1-3, (IEEE) (2013)
- Q. Tang, M. Tuna, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Automatic Design Flow for Creating a Custom Multi-FPGA Board Netlist”, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, ARC 2013, vol. 7806, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Los Angeles, United States, pp. 221, (Springer) (2013)
- V. Pangracious, Z. Marrakchi, E. Amouri, H. Mehrez : “Performance analysis and optimization of high density tree-based 3d multilevel FPGA”, Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications, vol. 7806, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Los Angeles, CA, United States, pp. 197-209, (Springer) (2013)
- E. Amouri, A. Blanchardon, R. Chotin‑Avot, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “Efficient Multilevel Interconnect Topology for Cluster-based Mesh FPGA Architecture”, ReConFig 2013 - International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2013)
- A. Ben Dhia, S. Ur Rehman, A. Blanchardon, L. Naviner, M. Benabdenbi, R. Chotin‑Avot, H. Mehrez, E. Amouri, Z. Marrakchi : “A Defect-tolerant Cluster in a Mesh SRAM-based FPGA”, International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (FPT), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 434-437, (IEEE Computer Society) (2013)
- V. Pangracious, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Design and optimization of heterogeneous tree-based FPGA using 3D technology”, FPT 2013 - International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 334-337, (IEEE) (2013)
- V. Pangracious, H. Mehrez, N. Beltaief, Z. Marrakchi, U. Farooq : “Exploration environment for 3D heterogeneous tree-based FPGA architectures (3D HT-FPGA)”, ReConFig 2013 - International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2013)
- M. Turki, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi, M. Abid : “Partitioning constraints and signal routing approach for multi-FPGA prototyping platform”, ISSoC 2013 - International Symposium on System on Chip, Tampere, Finland, pp. 1-4, (IEEE) (2013)
- V. Pangracious, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “TSV count minimization and thermal analysis for 3D Tree-based FPGA”, ICICDT 2013 - International Conference on IC Design & Technology, Pavia, Italy, pp. 223-226, (IEEE) (2013)
- M. Turki, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez, M. Abid : “Iterative Routing Algorithm of Inter-FPGA Signals for Multi-FPGA Prototyping Platform”, ARC 2013 - 9th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Computing: Architectures, Tools and Applications, vol. 7806, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Los Angeles, CA, United States, pp. 210-217, (Springer) (2013)
- N. Belhadj, N. Bahri, M. Ali Ben Ayed, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Data level parallelism for H264/AVC baseline intra-prediction chain on MPSoC”, 2013 10th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD), Hammamet, Tunisia, (IEEE) (2013)
- U. Farooq, H. Parvez, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “Exploration and optimization of a homogeneous tree-based application specific inflexible FPGA”, Microelectronics Journal, vol. 44 (12), pp. 1052-1062, (Elsevier) (2013)
- M. Turki, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez, M. Abid : “Frequency Optimization Objective during System Prototyping on Multi-FPGA Platform”, International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, vol. 2013, pp. 853510, (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) (2013)
- E. Amouri, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “Impact of Dual Placement and Routing on WDDL Netlist Security in FPGA”, International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, vol. 2013 (802436), pp. 24, (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) (2013)
- M. Turki, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “Multi-FPGA Prototyping Environment: Large Benchmark Generation and Signals Routing”, 2014 International Conference on Reconfigurable computing and FPGA, Cancun, Mexico (2012)
- U. Farooq, H. Parvez, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “A New Heterogeneous Tree-based Application Specific FPGA and Its Comparison with Mesh-based Application Specific FPGA”, Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design, vol. 36 (8), pp. 588-605, (Elsevier) (2012)
- A. Kilic, Z. Marrakchi, M. Tuna, H. Mehrez : “A Logic Sharing Synthesis Tool for Mutually Exclusive Applications”, Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era (DTIS), 2012 7th International Conference on, Gammarth, Tunisia, pp. 1-6 (2012)
- U. Farooq, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Tree Based Heterogeneous FPGA Architectures, Application Specific Exploration and Optimization”, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-1-4614-3593-8) (2012)
- H. Parvez, Z. Marrakchi, A. Kilic, H. Mehrez : “Application-Specific FPGA using heterogeneous logic blocks”, ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), vol. 4 (3), pp. 1-24, (ACM) (2011)
- E. Amouri, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Differential pair routing to balance dual signals of WDDL designs in cluster-based Mesh FPGA”, 6th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip, ReCoSoC 2011, Montpellier, France, pp. 1-4, (IEEE) (2011)
- U. Farooq, H. Parvez, E. Amouri, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “Exploring the Effect of LUT and Arity Size on a Tree-based Application Specific Inflexible FPGA”, International conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems (DTIS), Athens, Greece, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) (2011)
- U. Farooq, H. Parvez, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Comparison between Heterogeneous Mesh-Based and Tree-Based Application Specific FPGA”, The 7th International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, vol. 6578, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Belfast, United Kingdom, pp. 218-229, (Springer) (2011)
- U. Farooq, H. Parvez, H. Mehrez, Z. Marrakchi : “Exploration of Heterogeneous FPGA Arcrchitectures”, International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, vol. 2011, pp. 121404, (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) (2011)
- U. Farooq, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “A New Datapath-Oriented Tree-based FPGA Architecture”, IEEE International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), Cairo, Egypt, pp. 403-406, (IEEE) (2010)
- H. Parvez, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Application Specific FPGA Using Heterogeneous Logic Blocks”, ARC International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing, Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 92-109, (Springer) (2010)
- H. Parvez, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Heterogeneous-ASIF: An Application Specific Inflexible FPGA using Heterogeneous logic blocks”, FPGA ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, California, United States, pp. 290-290, (ACM) (2010)
- M. Turki, M. Abid, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Routability driven placement for mesh-based FPGA architecture”, IDT 2010 - 5th International Design and Test Workshop, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, pp. 85-90, (IEEE) (2010)
- E. Amouri, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Controlled placement and routing techniques to improve timing balance of WDDL designs in Mesh-based FPGA”, APCCAS 2010 - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 296-299, (IEEE) (2010)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Parvez, A. Kilic, H. Mehrez, H. Marrakchi : “On the optimization of FPGA area depending on target applications”, APCCAS 2010 - IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pp. 308-311, (IEEE) (2010)
- H. Parvez, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “ASIF: Application Specific Inflexible FPGA”, ICFPT International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, Sydney, Australia, pp. 112-119, (IEEE) (2009)
- Z. Marrakchi, U. Farooq, H. Mrabet, H. Mehrez : “Comparison of Tree-Based and Mesh-Based Coarse-Grained FPGA Architectures”, ICM International Conference on Microelectronics, Marrakech, Morocco, pp. 248-251, (IEEE) (2009)
- E. Amouri, H. Mrabet, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Improving the Security of Dual Rail Logic in FPGA Using Controlled Placement and Routing”, ReConFig International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs 2009, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 201-206, (IEEE) (2009)
- E. Amouri, H. Mrabet, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Placement and Routing Techniques to Improve Delay Balance of WDDL Netlist in MFPGA”, IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems - ICECS 2009, Hammamet, Tunisia, pp. 791-794, (IEEE) (2009)
- U. Farooq, H. Parvez, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “A New Tree-based coarse-grained FPGA Architecture”, IEEE International Conference on PhD. Research in MicroElectronics, PRIME'09, Cork, Ireland, pp. 48-51, (IEEE) (2009)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, H. Mehrez : “FPGA Interconnect Topologies Exploration”, International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, vol. 2009, pp. 259837, (Hindawi Publishing Corporation) (2009)
- Z. Marrakchi : “Exploration et Optimisation d’Architectures FPGA Arborescentes”, thesis, phd defence 11/25/2008, supervision Mehrez, Habib (2008)
- H. Parvez, Z. Marrakchi, U. Farooq, H. Mehrez : “A New Coarse-grained FPGA Architecture Exploration Environment”, ICFPT International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China, pp. 285-288, (IEEE) (2008)
- H. Mrabet, H. Parvez, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Automatic Layout Generator of Domain Specific FPGA:”, ICM International Conference on Microelectronics, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, pp. 183-186, (IEEE) (2008)
- H. Parvez, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez : “Enhanced Methodology and Tools for Exploring Domain-Specific Coarse-grained FPGAs”, ReConFig International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 121-126, (IEEE) (2008)
- U. Farooq, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, H. Mehrez : “The Effect of LUT and Cluster Size on a Tree based FPGA Architecture”, ReConFig International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 115-120, (IEEE) (2008)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, E. Amouri, H. Mehrez : “Efficient Tree Topology for FPGA Interconnect Network”, GLSVLSI ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, Orlando, Florida, United States, pp. 321-326, (ACM) (2008)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, Ch. Masson, H. Mehrez : “Performances Comparison between Multilevel Hierarchical and Mesh FPGA Interconnects”, International Journal of Electronics, vol. 95 (3), pp. 275-289, (Taylor & Francis) (2008)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, Ch. Masson, H. Mehrez : “Efficient Mesh of Tree Interconnect for FPGA Architecture”, ICFPT International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology, Kitakyushu, Japan, pp. 269-272, (IEEE) (2007)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, Ch. Masson, H. Mehrez : “Mesh of Tree: Unifying Mesh and MFPGA for Better Device Performances”, NoC ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, Princeton, United States, pp. 243-252, (IEEE) (2007)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, G. Souffleteau, Ch. Masson, H. Mehrez : “A Routability Driven Partitioning and Detailed Placement Approach for Multilevel Hierarchical FPGA”, FPGA ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, Californie, United States, pp. 225-225 (2007)
- H. Mrabet, Z. Marrakchi, P. Souillot, H. Mehrez : “Performances Improvement of FPGA using Novel Multilevel Hierarchical Interconnection Structure”, ICCAD IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, San Jose, California, United States, pp. 675-679, (IEEE) (2006)
- H. Mrabet, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez, A. Tissot : “Implementation of Scalable Embedded FPGA for SOC”, DTIS IEEE International Conference on Design & Test of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Technology, Tunis, Tunisia, pp. 74-77, (IEEE) (2006)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, H. Mehrez : “Performances comparison between Multilevel hierarchical and Mesh FPGA”, DTIS IEEE International Conference on Design & Test of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Technology, Tunis, Tunisia, pp. 166-171, (IEEE) (2006)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, H. Mehrez : “Evaluation of Hierarchical FPGA partitioning methodologies based on architecture Rent Parameter”, PRIME IEEE Conference on Ph.D. Research in MicroElectronics and Electronics, Otranto, Italy, pp. 85-88, (IEEE) (2006)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, H. Mehrez : “A new Multilevel Hierarchical MFPGA and its suitable configuration tools”, ISVLSI IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on Emerging VLSI Technologies and Architectures, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 263-268, (IEEE) (2006)
- H. Mrabet, Z. Marrakchi, P. Souillot, H. Mehrez : “A multilevel hierarchical interconnection structure for FPGA”, FPGA ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, California, United States, pp. 225-225, (ACM) (2006)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, H. Mehrez : “Configuration tools for a new multilevel hierarchical FPGA”, FPGA ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, California, United States, pp. 229-229, (ACM) (2006)
- H. Mrabet, Z. Marrakchi, P. Souillot, H. Mehrez, A. Tissot : “Performance Improvement of FPGA Using Novel Multilevel Hierarchical Interconnection Structure”, ReCoSoC 2006 - 2nd International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip, Montpellier, France, pp. 117-123, (Univ. Montpellier II) (2006)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, H. Mehrez : “Hierarchical FPGA clustering to improve routability”, PRIME 2005 - IEEE Conference on Ph.D. Research in MicroElectronics and Electronics, vol. 1, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 165-168, (IEEE) (2005)
- H. Mrabet, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez, A. Tissot : “Implementation of Scalable Embedded FPGA for SOC”, ReCoSoC 2005 - 1st International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip, Montpellier, France, pp. 74-77 (2005)
- Z. Marrakchi, H. Mrabet, H. Mehrez : “Hierarchical FPGA clustering based on multilevel partitioning approach to improve routability and reduce power dissipation”, ReConFig 2005 - International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs, Puebla City, Mexico, pp. 21-25, (IEEE Computer Society) (2005)
- H. Mrabet, Z. Marrakchi, H. Mehrez, A. Tissot : “Automatic Layout of Scalable Embedded Field Programmable Gate Array”, ICEEC 2004 - International Conference on Electrical Electronic and Computer Engineering, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 469-472, (IEEE) (2004)