PhD student at Sorbonne University
Team : NPA

Supervision : Prométhée SPATHIS
Co-supervision : FRIEDMAN Timur

Improved algorithms for capturing Internet maps

The Internet is nowadays a major component of our lives. Also called the network of the networks, the Internet is a giant network composed of thousands of interconnected networks. These networks are composed of routers, themselves having multiple interfaces, that connect to each other to be able to carry the traffic from one point to another. All these connections form a structure, called the Internet topology, that has been questioning the scientific community since its creation. A better knowledge of the Internet topology helps to answer questions such as: Which countries the traffic is crossing? Is the Internet robust to outages? These questions implicitly concern billions of users, and motivate this work to better capture the Internet topology. Network topology being often considered as an industrial secret, researchers perform measurements from vantage points connected to the Internet to reveal it.

This thesis presents new measurement techniques that provide a more complete view of the Internet topology. At IP level, it presents the last evolution of the well known traceroute tool and the first system capable of mapping all the IPv4 load balanced paths in 2.5 days, providing the most complete view of the IP level topology from a single server ever obtained. At router level, it presents the first alias resolution technique based on ICMP rate limiting.

This thesis will allow more thorough studies of the Internet through the completeness of the topology discovered, and open the possibility to better study the dynamics of the Internet topology.

Phd defence : 06/02/2020

Jury members :

M. Prométhée Spathis, Associate Professor, Sorbonne Université
M. Jim Kurose, Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Mme. Cristel Pelsser, Professor, Université de Strasbourg
Mme. Anja Feldmann, Professor, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik
Mme. Clémence Magnien, Professor, Sorbonne Université
M. Timur Friedman, Associate Professor, Sorbonne Université

Departure date : 11/30/2020

2018-2024 Publications