ROLLAND Pierre-Yves
ongoing PhD project - APA
Supervision : Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA
Découverte automatique de régularités dans les séquences et application à l'analyse musicale
Defence : 07/20/1998
Departure date : 07/20/19991998-2002 Publications
- P.‑Y. Rolland, J.‑G. Ganascia : “Pattern Detection and Discovery: the case of Music Data Mining”, ESF Exploratory Workshop on Pattern Detection and Discovery, vol. 2447, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, London, United Kingdom, pp. 190-198, (Springer) (2002)
- P.‑Y. Rolland, J.‑G. Ganascia : “Musical Pattern Extraction and Similarity Assessment.”, chapter in Readings in Music and Artificial Intelligence, vol. 20, Contemporary music studies, pp. 115-144, (Routledge) (2000)
- P.‑Y. Rolland, G. Raskinis, J.‑G. Ganascia : “Musical Content-Based Retrieval : an Overview of the Melodiscov Approach and System”, Seventh ACM International Multimedia Conference, Orlando, Florida, United States, pp. 81-84, (ACM) (1999)
- P.‑Y. Rolland, J.‑G. Ganascia : “Flexible Mining of Patterns in Sequential Data”, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Durban, South Africa (1999)
- G. Ramalho, P.‑Y. Rolland, J.‑G. Ganascia : “An Artificially Intelligent Jazz Performer”, Journal of New Music Research, vol. 28 (2), pp. 105-129, (Taylor & Francis (Routledge)) (1999)
- P.‑Y. Rolland : “Discovery of Patterns in Musical Sequences”, Journal of New Music Research, vol. 28 (4), pp. 334-350, (Taylor & Francis (Routledge)) (1999)
- P.‑Y. Rolland : “Découverte automatique de régularités dans les séquences et application à l’analyse musicale”, thesis, phd defence 07/20/1998, supervision Ganascia, Jean-Gabriel (1998)
- P.‑Y. Rolland : “FlExPat : a Novel Algorithm for Musical Pattern Discovery”, 12th Colloquium on Musical Informatics, Gorizia, Italy, pp. 125-128 (1998)
- P.‑Y. Rolland : “Discovery of Patterns in Musical Sequences”, Symposium on Music, Dynamical Systems and Pattern Matching, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 23-31 (1998)
- P.‑Y. Rolland, F. Pachet : “Représentation de connaissances sur la programmation de synthétiseurs”, chapitre de Recherches et applications en informatique musicale, Informatique Musicale, (Hermès) (1998)