MARNE Bertrand

PhD student at Sorbonne University
Team : MOCAH

Supervision : Jean-Marc LABAT

Tools and models for serious games design: a meta-design approach

This thesis in computer science is in the field of Serious Games (SGs) for learning, and focuses on design and authoring tools for adaptation.

SGs are Technology Enhanced Learning systems whose design requires collaboration of different types of experts among which teachers.

To help the initial multi-expertise design of the SGs that mix fun and learning, we propose a conceptual framework named the 6 Facets of the Design of SGs, which helps stakeholders to collaborate at every stage of design. The 6 Facets are enhanced by the design pattern (Dps) library we offer, which builds a vocabulary promoting participatory design.

To enable teachers to co-design SGs during the use stage, we extend the participatory design approach to meta-design. We propose a model and an authoring tool that help teachers to adapt SGs to their specific teaching contexts.

MoPPLiq is a model, both formal and visual, representing the several stages of an SG. It is meant to be explicit and adaptable by teachers. APPLiq is an authoring tool meant to adapt instances of MoPPLiq models, and automatically check and compensate their inconsistencies.

Our conceptual tools (6 Facets and DPs) and software tools (MoPPLiq and APPLiq) were tested while designing SGs with public and private partners and with SGs used by teachers.

Phd defence : 07/10/2014

Jury members :

Sébastien George (Université du Maine) [Rapporteur]
Jean-Charles Marty (Université de Savoie) [Rapporteur]
Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni (Université Pierre et Maris Curie)
Jean-Marc Labat (Université Pierre et Maris Curie)
Domitile Lourdeaux (Université de Technologie de Compiègne)
M. Stéphane Natkin (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers)

Departure date : 08/31/2015

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