PhD student at Sorbonne University
Team : CIAN

Supervision : Habib MEHREZ

Étude d'une architechture dynamiquement reconfigurables pour les telecommunications

Today electronic devices contain more and more features due to emergence of new embedded applications. The interesting point which comes with feature-rich platforms, from hardware designer's point of view, is that lots of features cannot be executed at the same time. The mutually exclusiveness of different features gives the possibility of hardware resource sharing between applications, among other optimization. Designers can implement those using different architectures like CPUs, FPGAs or ASICs. However the higher cost of silicon pushes researchers to find better solutions. Thus, to have a good trade-off between flexibility and performance, Multi-Mode Systems are proposed. This work proposes a new optimization methodology for mutually exclusive applications which contains common logic resources. It takes the advantage of the possibility of resource sharing between applications knowing that resources cannot be used at the same time. A given set of mutually exclusive applications are synthesized and combined in a single multi-mode ASIC called mASIC. This methodology allows to create a multi-mode circuit without changing the hardware description of the input applications MASIC generation techniques are also performed to generate a multi standard RF receiver. ZigBee, WiFi and Bluetooth standards are developed separately in the context of the ANR funded project “ASTECAS”. Knowing the fact that they have common resources like adders and multipliers, we used mASIC optimization methodology to share resources between 3 standards.

Phd defence : 11/18/2013

Jury members :

Guy GOGNIAT : Professeur, Université Bretagne-Sud [Rapporteur]
Gilles SASSATELLI : Maître de conférence (HDR), Université Montpellier 2 [Rapporteur]
Bertrand GRANADO : Professeur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Hassan ABOUSHADY : Maître de conférence (HDR), Pierre et Marie Curie
Zied MARRAKCHI : Ingénieur, Flexras Technologies
Habib MEHREZ : Professeur, Université Pierre et Marie Curie

Departure date : 11/18/2013

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