ALDEA Emanuel
Supervision : Isabelle BLOCH
Apprentissage de données structurées pour l'interprétation d'images
Defence : 12/12/2009
Departure date : 08/31/20102009-2024 Publications
- G. Franchi, A. Bursuc, E. Aldea, S. Dubuisson, I. Bloch : “Encoding the Latent Posterior of Bayesian Neural Networks for Uncertainty Quantification”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 46 (4), pp. 2027-2040, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) (2024)
- G. Franchi, A. Bursuc, E. Aldea, S. Dubuisson, I. Bloch : “One Versus all for deep Neural Network Incertitude (OVNNI) quantification”, IEEE Access, (IEEE) (2022)
- G. Franchi, A. Bursuc, E. Aldea, S. Dubuisson, I. Bloch : “Encoding the latent posterior of Bayesian Neural Networks for uncertainty quantification”, NeurIPS workshop on Bayesian Deep Learning, Vancouver, Canada (2020)
- G. Franchi, A. Bursuc, E. Aldea, S. Dubuisson, I. Bloch : “TRADI: Tracking deep neural network weight distributions”, 16th European Conference on Computer Vision. ECCV 2020, Online Event, France (2020)
- G. Franchi, E. Aldea, S. Dubuisson, I. Bloch : “Tracking hundreds of people in densely crowded scenes with particle filtering supervising deep convolutional neural networks”, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Abu Dhabi, (2020)
- G. Franchi, E. Aldea, S. Dubuisson, I. Bloch : “Crowd Behavior Characterization for Scene Tracking”, 2019 16th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China, pp. 1-8, (IEEE) (2019)
- N. Widynski, E. Aldea, S. Dubuisson, I. Bloch : “Object Tracking based on Particle Filtering with Multiple Appearance Models”, Sixth International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'11), Algarve, Portugal, pp. 604-609, (ScitePress) (2011)
- E. Aldea : “Apprentissage de données structurées pour l’interprétation d’images”, thesis, phd defence 12/12/2009, supervision Bloch, Isabelle (2009)