Photo Responsable

Team : PEQUAN - Performance and Quality of Numerical Algorithms

Axes : SSR (👥👥), TMC (👥👥).

Team leader :

Fabienne Jézéquel Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 26-00/309

No event planned at present.


Short presentation

Dessin Bulles HAL Staff directory 8 software

The domain of the PEQUAN team deals with computer arithmetic and scientific computing. The team has developed the CADNA library based on a probabilistic approach of round-off error propagation. The skills of the team cover:

  • the development of numerical algorithms using floating point or fixed point arithmetic and their numerical validation,
  • the performance optimization of numerical applications on various architectures (multicore processors, GPUs, computing grids, supercomputers,...),
  • the problems related to image assimilation.

Staff directory

Computer arithmetic, Rounding errors, Numerical validation, Numerical quality, Heterogeneous and multimodal data, Distributed numerical computing, Linear algebra algorithms in mixed precision, Reliable results, Symbolic/numerical algorithms

Selected publications



Fabienne.Jezequel (at)