Team : ALSOC - Hardware and Software for Embedded System

Axes : ASN (👥👥), SSR (👥👥), TMC (👥).

Team leader :

Alix Munier Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 24-25/418
Photo Responsable


The activities of the ALSOC team concern methods and tools for multiprocessors system on chip design, with a focus on manycore architectures.

Such highly integrated multiprocessors architectures are used in embedded applications such as automotive, nomad, audio & video, and telecom.

The design of these systems requires the development of hardware and software co-design methods. We focus on advanced hardware architecture, communication protocols, embedded operating system, real-time constraints, formal methods for verification systems and optimization of code generation.

Self-assessment Archives Thesis
Dessin Bulles HAL Staff directory 1 software 1 project


SIMD GPU System on chip Multiprocessors Manycores

Selected publications