- A. Achour, B. Kervella, G. Pujolle : “SHIM6-Based Mobility Management for Multi-homed Terminals in Heterogeneous Environment”, The Eight IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2011), Paris, France, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) [Achour 2011]
- M. Bourguiba, K. Haddadou, I. El Korbi, G. Pujolle : “A Container-based I/O for Virtual Routers: Experimental and Analytical Evaluations”, IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) [Bourguiba 2011b]
- O. Braham, G. Pujolle : “Virtual Wireless Network Urbanization”, 2011 International Conference on the Network of the Future (NOF 2011), Paris, France, pp. 31-34, (IEEE) [Braham 2011]
- I. Fajjari, M. Ayari, G. Pujolle, H. Zimmermann : “Towards an Autonomic Piloting Virtual Network Architecture”, IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Paris, France, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) [Fajjari 2011a]
- I. Fajjari, M. Ayari, O. Braham, G. Pujolle, H. Zimmermann : “Towards an Autonomic Piloting Virtual Network Architecture”, NTMS 2011 - 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, Paris, France, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) [Fajjari 2011b]
- I. Fajjari, N. Aitsaadi, G. Pujolle, H. Zimmermann : “VNE-AC: Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm Based on Ant Colony Metaheuristic”, ICC 2011 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) [Fajjari 2011c]
- I. Fajjari, N. Aitsaadi, G. Pujolle, H. Zimmermann : “VNR Algorithm: A Greedy Approach For Virtual Networks Reconfigurations”, Globecom 2011 - IEEE Global Communications Conference, Exhibition and Industry Forum, Houston, United States, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) [Fajjari 2011d]
- E. Ghedira Molinier, L. Molinier, G. Pujolle : “Decentralized task allocation mechanism applied to QoS routing in home network”, 5th International Conference on e-Technologies, MCETECH 2011, vol. 78, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, pp. 146-157, (Springer) [Ghedira Molinier 2011]
- A. Hatoum, N. Aitsaadi, R. Langar, R. Boutaba, G. Pujolle : “FCRA: Femtocell Cluster-Based Resource Allocation Scheme for OFDMA Networks”, ICC 2011 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) [Hatoum 2011]
- H. Le Phu, G. Pujolle, Th.‑M.‑T. Nguyen : “An Interference-Aware Multi-Path Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Network”, IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2011 International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Delft, Netherlands, pp. 503-507, (IEEE) [Le Phu 2011]
- K. Liu, B. Jabbari, S. Secci : “Understanding Transit-Edge Routing Separation: Analysis and Characterization”, 2011 International Conference on the Network of the Future (NoF 2011), Paris, France, pp. 46-51, (IEEE) [Liu 2011]
- F. Mirani, X. Zhang, N. Boukhatem, Th.‑M.‑T. Nguyen : “Cross-layer FPS: A SCTP-based cross-layer data scheduling approach”, Proceedings of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, United States, pp. 192-197 [Mirani 2011]
- S. Moad, M. Abdul Azim, N. Bouabdallah, R. Langar : “CDEEC: A Connectivity Degree-Based Energy Efficient Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IFIP Wireless Days, Niagara Falls, Canada, (IEEE) [Moad 2011a]
- S. Moad, M. Rivero, N. Bouabdallah, R. Langar : “$CC_SCR$: Compression Cluster-based scheme in a Spatial Correlated Region for Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Communications, ICC 2011, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) [Moad 2011b]
- S. Nguyen, Th.‑M.‑T. Nguyen : “Evaluation of Multipath TCP Load Sharing with Coupled Congestion Control Option in Heterogeneous Networks”, International Workshop on Multi-homing and Mobility for the Future Internet (MMFI 2011), Da Nang, Viet Nam, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) [Nguyen 2011a]
- S. Nguyen, Th.‑M.‑T. Nguyen, G. Pujolle : “Performance Improvements of Mobile SCTP during handover period”, International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC), Luxembourg, Luxembourg, pp. 193-197, (IARA) [Nguyen 2011b]
- S. Nguyen, X. Zhang, Th. Nguyen, G. Pujolle : “Evaluation of Throughput Optimization and Load Sharing of Multipath TCP in Heterogeneous Networks”, WOCN 2011 - Eighth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, Paris, France, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) [Nguyen 2011c]
- D. Oriol, Th.‑M.‑T. Nguyen : “Towards Protocol Design Based on Composition of Functionalities”, Second International Conference on the Network of the Future, Paris, France, pp. 15-19, (IEEE) [Oriol 2011]
- H. Saleet, R. Langar, S. Naik, R. Boutaba : “Performance Modeling of Routing Dependability in Home Networks”, IEEE GLOBECOM, Houston, Texas, United States, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) [Saleet 2011b]
- S. Secci, K. Liu, Guruprasad K. Rao, B. Jabbari : “Resilient Traffic Engineering in a Transit-Edge Separated Internet Routing”, Proc. of 2011 IEEE Int. Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2011), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 1-6, (IEEE) [Secci 2011f]
- B. To, Th. Vu, Th.‑M.‑T. Nguyen, A. Fladenmuller : “An Application-Oriented Routing Protocol for Multi-hop Cognitive Radio Networks”, International Conference on Advances in Cognitive Radio 2011, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 19-25, (IARA) [To 2011]
- X. Zhang, Th. Nguyen : “Concurrent Multipath Transfer Performance Optimization Using Kalman Filter Based Predictive Delay Estimation in Wireless Networks”, Workshop on Multi-homing and Mobility for the Future Internet (MMFI) (GIIS 2011 Workshop), Da Nang, Viet Nam, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) [Zhang 2011a]
- X. Zhang, Th. Nguyen, G. Pujolle : “Cooperative Mobility Management in Multihomed End-to-End Communications”, 4th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Paris, France, pp. 1-5, (IEEE) [Zhang 2011b]