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- J. Alves Esteves, A. Boubendir, F. GUILLEMIN, P. Sens : “On the Robustness of Controlled Deep Reinforcement Learning for Slice Placement”, Journal of Network and Systems Management, vol. 30 (3), pp. 43, (Springer Verlag) [Alves Esteves 2022]
- P. Amestoy, O. Boiteau, A. Buttari, M. Gerest, F. Jézéquel, J.‑Y. L'Excellent, Th. Mary : “Mixed Precision Low Rank Approximations and their Application to Block Low Rank LU Factorization”, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, (Oxford University Press (OUP)) [Amestoy 2022b]
- S. Angelopoulos : “Calcul en ligne : améliorer ses performances en utilisant des prédictions”, Interstices, (INRIA) [Angelopoulos 2022a]
- M. Arneton, M. Muratet, A. Vanbrugghe, V. Geffroy, M.‑H. Ferrand : “Proposer un jeu sérieux pour former à l’inclusion : retour d’expérience en France”, Revue internationale des technologies en pédagogie universitaire, vol. 19 (1), pp. 68-75, (Conférence des recteurs et des principaux des universités du Québec - CREPUQ) [Arneton 2022]
- L. Attouche, M.‑A. Baazizi, D. Colazzo, G. Ghelli, C. Sartiani, S. Scherzinger : “Witness Generation for JSON Schema”, Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), vol. 15 (13), pp. 4002-4014, (VLDB Endowment) [Attouche 2022]
- R. Azevedo, F. Bouchet, M. Duffy, J. Harley, M. Taub, G. Trevors, E. Cloude, D. Dever, M. Wiedbusch, F. Wortha, R. Cerezo : “Lessons Learned and Future Directions of MetaTutor: Leveraging Multichannel Data to Scaffold Self-Regulated Learning With an Intelligent Tutoring System”, Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 13, pp. 813632, (Frontiers Media) [Azevedo 2022]
- Th. Bäck, C. Doerr, B. Sendhoff, Th. Stützle : “Guest Editorial Special Issue on Benchmarking Sampling-Based Optimization Heuristics: Methodology and Software”, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 26 (6), pp. 1202-1205, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) [Bäck 2022]
- E. Bampis, B. Escoffier, A. Teiller : “Multistage knapsack”, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, vol. 126, pp. 106-118, (Elsevier) [Bampis 2022a]
- E. Bampis, D. Christou, B. Escoffier, A. Kononov, K. Nguyen : “A simple rounding scheme for multistage optimization”, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 907, pp. 1-10, (Elsevier) [Bampis 2022c]
- E. Bampis, D. Christou, B. Escoffier, K. Nguyen : “Online learning for min-max discrete problems”, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 930, pp. 209-217, (Elsevier) [Bampis 2022d]
- R. Barbosa, T. Douce, P.‑E. Emériau, E. Kashefi, Sh. Mansfield : “Continuous-variable nonlocality and contextuality”, Communications in Mathematical Physics, vol. 391, pp. 1047-1089, (Springer Verlag) [Barbosa 2022]
- M. Baron, M. Grandbastien : “Introduction (EN)”, Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle, vol. 3 (1-2), pp. 19-35, (Association pour la diffusion de la recherche francophone en intelligence artificielle) [Baron 2022b]
- M. Baron, M. Grandbastien : “Introduction (FR)”, Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle, vol. 3 (1-2), pp. 1-18, (Association pour la diffusion de la recherche francophone en intelligence artificielle) [Baron 2022c]
- Ph. Basset, S. Beeby, Ch. Bowen, Zh. Chew, Ah. Delbani, R. Dharmasena, Bh. Dudem, F. Fan, D. Galayko, H. Guo, J. Hao, Y. Hou, Ch. Hu, Q. Jing, Y. Jung, S. Karan, S. Kar‑Narayan, M. Kim, S.‑W. Kim, Y. Kuang, K. Lee, J. Li, Zh. Li, Y. Long, Sh. Priya, X. Pu, T. Ruan, S. Ravi P. Silva, H. Wang, K. Wang, X. Wang, Zh. Wang, W. Wu, W. Xu, H. Zhang, Y. Zhang, M. Zhu : “Roadmap on nanogenerators and piezotronics”, APL Materials, vol. 10 (10), pp. 109201, (AIP Publishing) [Basset 2022]
- E. Bautista, M. Latapy : “A Local Updating Algorithm for Personalized PageRank via Chebyshev Polynomials”, Social Network Analysis and Mining, vol. 12 (1), (Springer) [Bautista 2022b]
- A. Benabdallah, A. Audras, L. Coudert, N. El Madhoun, M. Badra : “Analysis of Blockchain Solutions for E-Voting: A Systematic Literature Review”, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 70746-70759, (IEEE) [Benabdallah 2022]
- R. Benadjila, L. Khati, D. Vergnaud : “Secure storage—Confidentiality and authentication”, Computer Science Review, vol. 44, pp. 100465, (Elsevier) [Benadjila 2022]
- A. BERADY, M. Jaume, V. Viet Triem Tong, G. Guette : “PWNJUTSU: A Dataset and a Semantics-Driven Approach to Retrace Attack Campaigns”, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 19 (4), Special Issue on Recent Advances in Network Security Management, pp. 5252-5264, (IEEE) [BERADY 2022]
- B. Bérard, B. Bollig, P. Bouyer, M. Függer, N. Sznajder : “Synthesis in presence of dynamic links”, Information and Computation, vol. 289 (Part B), pp. 104856, (Elsevier) [Bérard 2022a]
- B. Bérard, S. Haddad : “Revisiting Reachability in Polynomial Interrupt Timed Automata”, Information Processing Letters, vol. 174, pp. 106208, (Elsevier) [Bérard 2022b]
- J. Berthomieu, A. Bostan, A. Ferguson, M. Safey El Din : “Gröbner bases and critical values: The asymptotic combinatorics of determinantal systems”, Journal of Algebra, vol. 602, pp. 154-180, (Elsevier) [Berthomieu 2022a]
- J. Berthomieu, J.‑Ch. Faugère : “Polynomial-Division-Based Algorithms for Computing Linear Recurrence Relations”, Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 109, pp. 1-30, (Elsevier) [Berthomieu 2022c]
- J. Berthomieu, M. Safey El Din : “Guessing Gröbner Bases of Structured Ideals of Relations of Sequences”, Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 111, pp. 1-26, (Elsevier) [Berthomieu 2022d]
- S. Blusseau, S. Velasco‑Forero, J. Angulo, I. Bloch : “Adaptive anisotropic morphological filtering based on co-circularity of local orientations”, Image Processing On Line, (IPOL - Image Processing on Line) [Blusseau 2022a]
- O. Bodini, A. Genitrini, B. Gittenberger, I. Larcher, M. Naima : “Compaction for two models of logarithmic-depth trees: Analysis and Experiments”, Random Structures and Algorithms, vol. 61 (1), pp. 31-61, (Wiley) [Bodini 2022a]
- O. Bodini, A. Genitrini, C. Mailler, M. Naima : “Strict monotonic trees arising from evolutionary processes: combinatorial and probabilistic study”, Advances in Applied Mathematics, vol. 133, pp. 102284, (Elsevier) [Bodini 2022b]
- S. Bonomi, A. Del Pozzo, M. Potop‑Butucaru, S. Tixeuil : “Optimal self-stabilizing mobile byzantine-tolerant regular register with bounded timestamps”, Theoretical Computer Science, (Elsevier) [Bonomi 2022a]
- R. Booth, U. Chabaud, P.‑E. Emériau : “Contextuality and Wigner negativity are equivalent for continuous-variable quantum measurements”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 129 (23), pp. 230401, (American Physical Society) [Booth 2022b]
- S. Bouchard, Y. Dieudonné, A. Lamani : “Byzantine gathering in polynomial time”, Distributed Computing, vol. 35 (3), pp. 235-263, (Springer Verlag) [Bouchard 2022]
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Jacques Pitrat, le précurseur et le passionné”, Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle, vol. 3 (1-2), pp. 37-41, (Association pour la diffusion de la recherche francophone en intelligence artificielle) [Bouchon-Meunier 2022a]
- Ch. Bouillaguet, F. Martinez, D. Vergnaud : “Cryptanalysis of Modular Exponentiation Outsourcing Protocols”, The Computer Journal, vol. 65 (9), pp. 2299–2314, (Oxford University Press (UK)) [Bouillaguet 2022c]
- A. Broadbent, A. Bredariol Grilo : “QMA-Hardness of Consistency of Local Density Matrices with Applications to Quantum Zero-Knowledge”, SIAM Journal on Computing, vol. 51 (4), pp. 1400-1450, (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) [Broadbent 2022]
- B.‑M. Bui‑Xuan, H. Hourcade, C. Miachon : “Computing Small Temporal Modules in Time Logarithmic in History Length”, Social Network Analysis and Mining, (Springer) [Bui-Xuan 2022]
- C. Buron, Z. Guessoum, S. Ductor, O. Roussel : “MoCaNA, un agent de négociation automatique utilisant la recherche arborescente de Monte-Carlo”, Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle, vol. 3 (5-6), Post-actes des Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents, pp. 645-669, (Association pour la diffusion de la recherche francophone en intelligence artificielle) [Buron 2022]
- M. Buzdalov, B. Doerr, C. Doerr, D. Vinokurov : “Fixed-Target Runtime Analysis”, Algorithmica, vol. 84 (6), pp. 1762-1793, (Springer Verlag) [Buzdalov 2022]
- Th. Cameron, S. Graillat : “On a compensated Ehrlich-Aberth method for the accurate computation of all polynomial roots”, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, vol. 55, pp. 401–423, (Kent State University Library) [Cameron 2022]
- J. Cárdenas Chapellín, Ch. Denis, H. Mousannif, Ch. Camerlynck, N. Florsch : “Magnetic Anomalies Characterization: Deep Learning and Explainability”, Computers and Geosciences, (Elsevier) [Cárdenas Chapellín 2022]
- F. Centrone, E. Diamanti, I. Kerenidis : “Quantum Protocol for Electronic Voting without Election Authorities”, Physical Review Applied, vol. 18 (1), pp. 014005, (American Physical Society) [Centrone 2022]
- R. Chaker, F. Bouchet, R. Bachelet : “How do online learning intentions lead to learning outcomes? The mediating effect of the autotelic dimension of flow in a MOOC”, Computers in Human Behavior, vol. 134, pp. 107306, (Elsevier) [Chaker 2022]
- F. Clément, C. Doerr, L. Paquete : “Star Discrepancy Subset Selection: Problem Formulation and Efficient Approaches for Low Dimensions”, Journal of Complexity, vol. 70, pp. 101645, (Elsevier) [Clément 2022]
- Ch. Corbière, N. Thome, A. Saporta, T.‑H. Vu, M. Cord, P. Pérez : “Confidence Estimation via Auxiliary Models”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 44 (10), pp. 6043-6055, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) [Corbière 2022]
- D. Cordova Morales, P. Velloso, A. Laube, Th.‑M.‑T. Nguyen, G. Pujolle : “A performance evaluation of C4M consensus algorithm”, Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications, (Springer) [Cordova Morales 2022a]
- P. Courtieu, L. Rieg, S. Tixeuil, X. Urbain : “Swarms of Mobile Robots: Towards Versatility with Safety”, Leibniz Transactions on Embedded Systems, vol. 8 (2), Distributed Hybrid Systems, pp. 02:1–02:36, (European Design and Automation Association (EDAA) \ EMbedded Systems Special Interest Group (EMSIG) and Schloss Dagstuhl -- Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH, Dagstuhl Publishing.) [Courtieu 2022]
- M. Croci, M. Fasi, N. Higham, Th. Mary, M. Mikaitis : “Stochastic Rounding: Implementation, Error Analysis, and Applications”, Royal Society Open Science, (The Royal Society) [Croci 2022]
- N. Demeure, C. Chevalier, Ch. Denis, P. Dossantos‑Uzarralde : “Algorithm 1029: Encapsulated Error, a Direct Approach to Evaluate Floating-Point Accuracy”, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 48 (4), pp. 47, (Association for Computing Machinery) [Demeure 2022]
- Ch. Denis, F. Varenne : “Interprétabilité et explicabilité de phénomènes prédits par de l’apprentissage machine”, Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle, vol. 3 (3-4), pp. 287-310, (Association pour la diffusion de la recherche francophone en intelligence artificielle) [Denis 2022d]
- A. Díaz Rizo, J. Leonhard, H. Aboushady, Haralampos‑G. Stratigopoulos : “RF Transceiver Security Against Piracy Attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 69 (7), pp. 3169-3173, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) [Díaz Rizo 2022b]
- M. Doosti, N. Kumar, E. Kashefi, K. Chakraborty : “On the connection between quantum pseudorandomness and quantum hardware assumptions”, Quantum Science and Technology, vol. 7 (3), pp. 035004, (IOP Science) [Doosti 2022]
- H. Dourdent, A. Abbott, N. Brunner, I. Šupić, C. Branciard : “Semi-device-independent Certification of Causal Nonseparability with Trusted Quantum Inputs”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 129 (9), pp. 090402, (American Physical Society) [Dourdent 2022]
- F. Dufossé, Ch. Dürr, N. Nadal, D. Trystram, Ó. Vásquez : “Scheduling with a processing time oracle”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 104, pp. 701-720, (Elsevier) [Dufossé 2022]
- Th. Ehrhard, S. Attias, E. Bampis, V. Cohen‑Addad, B. Escoffier, C. Mathieu, F. Pascual, A. Pass‑Lanneau, D. Saulpic : “Découpage électoral des circonscriptions législatives en France: déséquilibres démographiques et contraintes territoriales”, Revue Française de Science Politique, vol. Vol. 72 (3), pp. 333-364, (Presses de Sciences Po) [Ehrhard 2022]
- M. Elshamy, G. Di Natale, A. Sayed, A. Pavlidis, M.‑M. Louërat, H. Aboushady, Haralampos‑G. Stratigopoulos : “Digital-to-Analog Hardware Trojan Attacks”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 69 (2), pp. 573-586, (IEEE) [Elshamy 2022]
- P.‑E. Emériau, M. Howard, Sh. Mansfield : “Quantum Advantage in Information Retrieval”, PRX Quantum, vol. 3 (2), pp. 020307, (APS Physics) [Emériau 2022]
- B. Escoffier, L. Gourvès, V. Paschos : “In memory of Jérôme Monnot”, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 921, pp. 1-3, (Elsevier) [Escoffier 2022a]
- B. Escoffier, O. Spanjaard, M. Tydrichová : “Weighted majority tournaments and Kemeny ranking with 2-dimensional Euclidean preferences”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 318, pp. 6-12, (Elsevier) [Escoffier 2022b]
- V. Eyharabide, B. Caseau, J.‑C. Cheynet, L. Orlandi, Q. Huang, I. Bloch : “Byzantine Sigillography meets Artificial Intelligence: The BHAI Project”, Numismatics, Sphragistics and Epigraphy, (National institute of archaeology with museum (Bulgarian academy of sciences)) [Eyharabide 2022]
- A.‑E. Falq, P. Fouilhoux, S. Kedad‑Sidhoum : “Dominance inequalities for scheduling around an unrestrictive common due date”, European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 296 (2), pp. 453-464, (Elsevier) [Falq 2022]
- E. Ferrier‑Barbut, Ph. Gauthier, V. Luengo, G. CANLORBE, M.‑A. Vitrani : “Measuring the quality of learning in a human-robot collaboration: a study of laparoscopic surgery”, ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, (ACM) [Ferrier-Barbut 2022]
- M. Fopa, M. Gueye, S. Ndiaye, H. Naacke : “A parameter-free KNN for rating prediction”, Data and Knowledge Engineering, (Elsevier) [Fopa 2022]
- J.‑G. Ganascia : “Enjeux épistémologiques de la science des données”, Réalités industrielles. Annales des mines, vol. 2022 (3), pp. 45-48, (Eska) [Ganascia 2022a]
- J. García Fontán, A. Nayak, S. Briot, M. Safey El Din : “Singularity Analysis for the Perspective-Four and Five-Line Problems”, International Journal of Computer Vision, vol. 130, pp. 909-932, (Springer Verlag) [García Fontán 2022]
- A. Genitrini, M. Pépin, F. Peschanski : “A quantitative study of fork-join processes with non-deterministic choice: application to the statistical exploration of the state-space”, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 912, pp. 1-36, (Elsevier) [Genitrini 2022b]
- Th. Giannakas, A. Giovanidis, Th. Spyropoulos : “MDP-based Network Friendly Recommendations”, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems, (ACM) [Giannakas 2022]
- H. Gilbert, T. Portoleau, O. Spanjaard : “Beyond pairwise comparisons in social choice: A setwise Kemeny aggregation problem”, Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 904, pp. 27-47, (Elsevier) [Gilbert 2022c]
- A. Gočanin, I. Šupić, B. Dakić : “Sample-efficient device-independent quantum state verification and certification”, PRX Quantum, vol. 3 (1), pp. 010317 [Gočanin 2022]
- M. Gouel, K. Vermeulen, M. Mouchet, J. Rohrer, O. Fourmaux, T. Friedman : “Zeph & Iris map the internet: A resilient reinforcement learning approach to distributed IP route tracing”, Computer Communication Review, vol. 52 (1), pp. 2-9, (Association for Computing Machinery) [Gouel 2022b]
- A. Grandmaison, K. Heydemann, Quentin L. Meunier : “ARMISTICE: Microarchitectural Leakage Modeling for Masked Software Formal Verification”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 41 (11), pp. 3733-3744, (IEEE) [Grandmaison 2022]
- N. Gross‑‑Humbert, N. Benabbou, A. Beynier, N. Maudet : “Sequential and Swap Mechanisms for Public Housing Allocation with Quotas and Neighbourhood-based Utilities”, ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, vol. 10 (4), (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)) [Gross--Humbert 2022]
- N. Higham, Th. Mary : “Mixed precision algorithms in numerical linear algebra”, Acta Numerica, (Cambridge University Press (CUP)) [Higham 2022]
- S. Houhou, S. Baarir, P. Poizat, Ph. Quéinnec, L. Kahloud : “A First-Order Logic Verification Framework for Communication-Parametric and Time-Aware BPMN Collaborations”, Information Systems, vol. 104, pp. 101765, (Elsevier) [Houhou 2022]
- B. Huttner, R. Alléaume, E. Diamanti, F. Fröwis, Ph. Grangier, H. Hübel, V. Martin, A. Poppe, J. Slater, T. Spiller, B. Tranier, A. Wonfor, H. Zbinden : “Long-range QKD without trusted nodes is not possible with current technology”, npj Quantum Information, vol. 8, pp. 108, (Nature) [Huttner 2022]
- J.‑M. Ilié, Ah. Chaouche, F. Pêcheux : “A Reinforcement Learning Integrating Distributed Caches for Contextual Road Navigation”, International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence, vol. 13 (1), pp. 1-19, (IGI Pub) [Ilié 2022]
- N. Jain, B. Coyle, E. Kashefi, N. Kumar : “Graph neural network initialisation of quantum approximate optimisation”, Quantum, vol. 6, pp. 861, (Verein) [Jain 2022]
- M. Jiu, H. Sahbi : “Context-Aware Deep Kernel Networks for Image Annotation”, Neurocomputing, vol. 474, pp. 154-167, (Elsevier) [Jiu 2022]
- S. Jolivet, A. Yessad, M. Muratet, E. Lesnes‑Cuisiniez, B. Grugeon‑Allys, V. Luengo : “Rétroactions dans un environnement numérique d’apprentissage : Modèle de description et décision”, STICEF (Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Éducation et la Formation), vol. 29 (2), (ATIEF) [Jolivet 2022]
- S. Kamei, S. Tixeuil : “An Asynchronous Maximum Independent Set Algorithm By Myopic Luminous Robots On Grids”, The Computer Journal, (Oxford University Press (UK)) [Kamei 2022b]
- M. Kerdoudi, T. Ziadi, Ch. Tibermacine, S. Sadou : “A novel approach for Software Architecture Product Line Engineering”, Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 186, pp. 111191, (Elsevier) [Kerdoudi 2022]
- S. Khabaz, Th.‑M.‑T. Nguyen, G. Pujolle, P. Braconnot‑Velloso : “Resource Allocation Modes in C-V2X: From LTE-V2X to 5G-V2X”, IEEE internet of things journal, (IEEE) [khabaz 2022c]
- H. Le, D. Manevich, D. Plaumann : “Computing totally real hyperplane sections and linear series on algebraic curves”, Le Matematiche, vol. 77 (1), pp. 119-141, (Università degli Studi di Catania) [Le 2022b]
- H. Le, M. Safey El Din : “Solving parametric systems of polynomial equations over the reals through Hermite matrices”, Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 112, pp. 25-61, (Elsevier) [Le 2022c]
- Ch. Lécuyer : “Mouvement syndical et critique écologique des industries numériques dans la Silicon Valley”, Réseaux : communication, technologie, société, vol. 1 (231), pp. 41-70, (Lavoisier, La Découverte) [Lécuyer 2022]
- X. Lei, T. Gu, S. Graillat, H. Jiang, J. Qi : “A Fast Parallel High-Precision Summation Algorithm Based on AccSumK”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, vol. 406, pp. 113827, (Elsevier) [Lei 2022]
- J. Leonhard, N. Limaye, Sh. Turk, A. Sayed, A. Díaz‑Rizo, H. Aboushady, O. Sinanoglu, Haralampos‑G. Stratigopoulos : “Digitally-Assisted Mixed-Signal Circuit Security”, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 41 (8), pp. 2449-2462, (IEEE) [Leonhard 2022]
- H. Li, M. Trocan, M. Sawan, D. Galayko : “Serial Decoders-Based Auto-Encoders for Image Reconstruction”, Applied Sciences, vol. 12 (16), pp. 8256, (Multidisciplinary digital publishing institute (MDPI)) [Li 2022]
- Ch. Liao, S. Bahrani, F. Da Silva, E. Kashefi : “Benchmarking of quantum protocols”, Scientific Reports, vol. 12 (1), pp. 5298, (Nature Publishing Group) [Liao 2022]
- A. Lobato, M. ANDREONI LOPEZ, A. Cardenas, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte, G. Pujolle : “A fast and accurate threat detection and prevention architecture using stream processing”, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 34 (3), pp. e6561, (Wiley) [Lobato 2022]
- R. López‑Dawn, A. Giovanidis : “Optimal Influencer Marketing Campaign under Budget Constraints using Frank-Wolfe”, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, (IEEE) [López-Dawn 2022]
- Y. Ma, E. Kashefi, M. Arapinis, K. Chakraborty, M. Kaplan : “QEnclave - A practical solution for secure quantum cloud computing”, npj Quantum Information, vol. 8 (1), pp. 128, (Nature) [Ma 2022]
- N. Mainard, O. Tsiakaka, S. Li, J. Denoulet, K. Messaoudene, R. VIALLE, S. Feruglio : “Intraoperative Optical Monitoring of Spinal Cord Hemodynamics Using Multiwavelength Imaging System”, Sensors, vol. 22 (10), pp. 3840, (MDPI) [Mainard 2022]
- J. Mairesse, P. Moyal : “New frontiers for stochastic matching”, Queueing Systems, vol. 100 (3-4), pp. 473-475, (Springer Verlag) [Mairesse 2022]
- N. Makarem, W. Bou Diab, I. MOUGHARBEL, N. Malouch : “On the design of efficient congestion control for the Constrained Application Protocol in IoT”, Computer Networks, vol. 207, pp. 108824, (Elsevier) [Makarem 2022b]
- Ch. Marsala, I. Bloch, M.‑J. Lesot, S. Tollari, J.‑N. Vittaut : “Recherches en IA explicable dans l’équipe LFI du LIP6”, Bulletin de l'Association Française pour l'Intelligence Artificielle n°116, pp. 9-13, (AFIA) [Marsala 2022c]
- G. Martin, S. El‑Madafri, A. Becq, J. Szewczyk, I. Bloch : “Instruments Segmentation in X-ray Fluoroscopic Images for Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio Pancreatography”, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 294, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, pp. 133-134, (IOS Press) [Martin 2022]
- L. Meunier, H. Rakotoarison, P. Wong, B. Roziere, J. Rapin, O. Teytaud, A. Moreau, C. Doerr : “Black-Box Optimization Revisited: Improving Algorithm Selection Wizards through Massive Benchmarking”, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 26 (3), pp. 490-500, (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) [Meunier 2022]
- M. Millet, N. Rambaux, A. Petreto, F. Lemaitre, L. Lacassagne : “Meteorix - A new processing chain for real-time detection and tracking of meteors from space”, WGN, Journal of the International Meteor Organization, vol. 49 (6), (International Meteor Organization) [Millet 2022b]
- G. Moody, V. Sorger, D. Blumenthal, P. Juodawlkis, W. Loh, Ch. Sorace‑Agaskar, A. Jones, K. Balram, J. Matthews, A. Laing, M. Davanco, L. Chang, J. Bowers, N. Quack, Ch. Galland, I. Aharonovich, M. Wolff, C. Schuck, N. Sinclair, M. Lončar, T. Komljenovic, D. Weld, Sh. Mookherjea, S. Buckley, M. Radulaski, S. Reitzenstein, B. Pingault, B. Machielse, D. Mukhopadhyay, A. Akimov, A. Zheltikov, G. Agarwal, K. Srinivasan, J. Lu, H. Tang, W. Jiang, T. Mckenna, A. Safavi‑Naeini, S. Steinhauer, A. Elshaari, V. Zwiller, P. Davids, N. Martinez, M. Gehl, J. Chiaverini, K. Mehta, J. Romero, N. Lingaraju, A. Weiner, D. Peace, R. Cernansky, M. Lobino, E. Diamanti, L. Vidarte, R. Camacho : “2022 Roadmap on integrated quantum photonics”, Journal of Physics: Photonics, vol. 4 (1), pp. 012501, (IOP Science) [Moody 2022]
- M. Munch, P. Buche, H. Angellier‑Coussy, C. Manfredotti, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “Formalising contextual expert knowledge for causal discovery in linked knowledge graphs about transformation processes: application to processing of bio-composites for food packaging”, International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, vol. 16 (1), pp. 1-15, (Inderscience) [Munch 2022c]
- M. Munch, P. Buche, S. Dervaux, J. Dibie, L. Ibanescu, C. Manfredotti, P.‑H. Wuillemin, H. Angellier‑Coussy : “Combining ontology and probabilistic models for the design of bio-based product transformation processes”, Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 203, pp. 117406, (Elsevier) [Munch 2022d]
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