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- I. Alvarez, S. Martin, O. Dordan, X. Litrico, P. Saint‑Pierre : “Indicateurs de sécurité et de restauration dynamiques”, chapitre de Agir en situation d'incertitude, pp. 309-326, (Peter Lang) [Alvarez 2013b]
- Th. Aynaud, E. Fleury, J.‑L. GUILLAUME, Q. Wang : “Communities in evolving networks: definitions, detection and analysis techniques”, chapter in Dynamics On and Of Complex Networks, vol. 2, pp. 159-200, (Springer) [Aynaud 2013]
- B. Bérard : “An Introduction to Timed Automata”, chapter in Control of Discrete-Event Systems, vol. 433, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science, pp. 169-187, (Springer) [Bérard 2013a]
- B. Bérard, M. Cabasino, A. Febbraro, A. Giua, C. Seatzu : “Petri nets with time”, chapter in Control of Discrete-Event Systems, vol. 433, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science, pp. 319-342, (Springer) [Bérard 2013e]
- B. Bouchon‑Meunier : “Lofti A. Zadeh, from information processing to computing with words”, chapter in On Fuzziness, vol. 298, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, pp. 65-68, (Springer) [Bouchon-Meunier 2013b]
- Th. Bourgeau, H. Chaouchi, P. KIRCI : “Machine-to-machine communications”, chapitre de Next-generation wireless technologies : 4G and beyond, Computer Communications and Networks, pp. 221-241, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-1-4471-5163-0) [Bourgeau 2013a]
- Th. Carron, Ph. Pernelle, J.‑Ch. Marty : “A Serious Game Environment to Support Organisational Changes in Enterprise”, chapter in Ubiquitous and Mobile Learning in the Digital Age, pp. 239-256, (Springer New York) [Carron 2013b]
- H. Chaouchi, Th. Bourgeau, P. KIRCI : “Internet of things : from real to virtual world”, chapitre de Next-generation wireless technologies : 4G and beyond, Computer Communications and Networks, pp. 161-188, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-1-4471-5163-0) [Chaouchi 2013]
- P. Fortin, R. HABEL, F. Jézéquel, J.‑L. Lamotte, N. Scott : “Numerical validation and performance optimization on GPUs of an application in atomic physics”, chapter in Designing Scientific Applications on GPUs, pp. 369-414, (Chapman & Hall/CRC) [Fortin 2013c]
- F. Javid, S. Youssef, R. Iskander, M.‑M. Louërat : “A Designer-Assisted Analog Synthesis Flow”, chapter in Analog/RF and Mixed-Signal Circuit Systematic Design, vol. 233, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, pp. 123-148, (Springer) [Javid 2013b]
- F. Kordon, J. Hugues, A. Canals, A. Dohet : “Elements for the Design of Embedded Computer Systems”, chapter in Embedded Systems, analysis and modeling with SysML, UML and AADL, pp. 3-27, (Wiley) [Kordon 2013b]
- F. Kordon, J. Hugues, A. Canals, A. Dohet : “Eléments pour la conception des systèmes embarqués”, chapitre de Modélisation et analyse de systèmes embarqués, pp. 21-44, (Hermes) [Kordon 2013c]
- F. Kordon, J. Hugues, A. Canals, A. Dohet : “Introduction”, chapter in Embedded Systems, analysis and modeling with SysML, UML and AADL, pp. xix-xxii, (Wiley) [Kordon 2013e]
- F. Kordon, J. Hugues, A. Canals, A. Dohet : “Introduction générale”, chapitre de Modélisation et analyse de systèmes embarqués, pp. 15-18, (Hermes) [Kordon 2013f]
- Ch. Lécuyer : “Hautes Technologies et Techniques de Production aux États-Unis”, chapitre de Entreprises de haute Technologie, États et souveraineté, pp. 317-324, (Comité pour l'histoire économique et financière de la France) [Lécuyer 2013a]
- M.‑J. Lesot, F. Pichon, Th. Delavallade : “Cotation quantitative de l'information : modélisation et évaluation expérimentale”, chapitre de Confiance et défiance envers l'information : concepts, besoins, méthodes et perspective, pp. 195-231, (Hermès) [Lesot 2013a]
- F. Pêcheux, M.‑M. Louërat, K. Einwich : “SystemC AMS and Cosimulation Aspects”, chapter in System-level Modeling of MEMS, vol. 10, Advanced Micro and Nanosystems, pp. 357-376, (Wiley) [Pêcheux 2013]
- F. Pichon, Ch. Labreuche, B. Duqueroie, Th. Delavallade : “Approche multidimensionnelle pour l'évaluation de la fiabilité de sources d'information”, chapitre de Confiance et défiance envers l'information : concepts, besoins, méthodes et perspective, pp. 147–170, (Hermès) [Pichon 2013]
- A. Quilliot, Ph. Chrétienne, B. Benoit : “Homogeneous Non Idling Problems: Models and Algorithms”, chapter in Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 470, Recent Advances in Computational Optimization, pp. 115-134, (Springer Verlag) [Quilliot 2013b]
- S.‑H. Syed‑Alwi, C. Braunstein, E. Encrenaz : “Efficient Refinement Strategy Exploiting Component Properties in a CEGAR Process”, chapter in Models, Methods and Tools for Complex Chip Design, selected contributions from FDL 2012, vol. 265, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, pp. 17-36, (Springer) [Syed-Alwi 2013]