Publications MOCAH | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Total |
Books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Edited books | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Journal articles | 2 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
Book chapters | 3 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
Conference papers | 16 | 8 | 0 | 24 |
Habilitations | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Thesis | 2 | 3 | 0 | 5 |
- N. Bernard, A. Yessad : “Framework Multidimensionnel d'Analyse de Niveaux de Jeux Sérieux”, Actes du 9ème Colloque Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement, Bézier, France, pp. 13-24 [Bernard 2014]
- Y. Chen, P.‑H. Wuillemin, J.‑M. Labat : “Bayesian Student Modeling Improved by Diagnostic Items”, Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, vol. 8474, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Honolulu, United States, pp. 144-149, (Springer) [Chen 2014]
- M. Duffy, R. Azevedo, S. Meterissian, F. Bouchet : “VirtualSelf: A computer-based learning environment for patient education using physiological and trace data”, IIE Annual 2014, Montreal, QC, Canada, (ISBN: 978-0-98337624-3-0) [Duffy 2014]
- Jason M. Harley, F. Bouchet, M. Sazzad Hussain, R. Azevedo, Rafael A. Calvo : “A Multi-Componential Analysis of Emotions during Complex Learning with an Intelligent Multi-Agent System”, The 2014 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, USA [Harley 2014a]
- Jason M. Harley, F. Bouchet, N. Papaioannou, C. Carter, Gregory J. Trevors, R. Feyzi‑Behnagh, R. Azevedo, Ronald S. Landis : “Assessing Learning with MetaTutor, a Multi-Agent Hypermedia Learning Environment”, The 2014 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, USA [Harley 2014b]
- W. Maalej, S. Msaed, Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron : “Adaptive and playful approach in the MOOC: thanks to Serious Game”, 9th IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2014), Phitsanulok, Thailand, pp. 201-204, (IEEE) [Maalej 2014]
- B. Marne : “Évaluation d’un outil auteur d’adaptation de jeux sérieux”, Actes de la 9ème conférence des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement, Béziers, France, pp. 35-46 [Marne 2014a]
- N. Mudrick, R. Azevedo, M. Taub, R. Feyzi‑Behnagh, F. Bouchet : “A Study of subjective emotions, self-regulatory processes, and learning gains: are pedagogical agents effective in fostering learning?”, Learning and becoming in practice : The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2014, vol. 1, Joseph L. Polman, Eleni A. Kyza, D. Kevin O'Neill, I. Tabak, William R. Penuel, A. Susan Jurow, K. O'Connor, T. Lee, L. D'Amico (Eds.), Boulder, CO, USA, pp. 309-316, (International Society of the Learning Sciences), (ISBN: 1814-9316) [Mudrick 2014]
- Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron, S. Elkadiri, A. Bissay, J.‑Ch. Marty : “PLM Serious Game Approach available both for Change Management and Knowledge Assessment”, Product Lifecycle Management for a Global Market, vol. 442, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Yokohama, Japan, pp. 323-332, (Springer) [Pernelle 2014a]
- Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron, S. Talbot : “An approach to help Knowledge assessment: From Serious Game to MOOC (best article presentation award)”, International Conference on Innovative Trends in Science, Engineering and Management 2014 (ICITSEM 2014), Dubaï, United Arab Emirates, pp. 125-130 [Pernelle 2014b]
- J. Ranellucci, F. Bouchet, Eric G. Poitras, Susanne P. Lajoie, R. Azevedo : “An analysis of emotions in educationally relevant tweets”, The 2014 Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, USA [Ranellucci 2014]
- M. Taub, R. Azevedo, N. Mudrick, E. Clodfelter, F. Bouchet : “Can Scaffolds from Pedagogical Agents Influence Effective Completion of Sub-Goals during Learning with a Multi-Agent Hypermedia-Learning Environment?”, Learning and becoming in practice : The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2014, vol. 2, Joseph L. Polman, Eleni A. Kyza, D. Kevin O'Neill, I. Tabak, William R. Penuel, A. Susan Jurow, K. O'Connor, T. Lee, L. D'Amico (Eds.), Boulder, CO, USA, pp. 1052-1056, (International Society of the Learning Sciences), (ISBN: 1814-9316) [Taub 2014b]
- A. Yessad, I. Mounier, J.‑M. Labat, F. Kordon, Th. Carron : “Have you found the error? A Formal Framework for Learning Game Verification”, 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, vol. 8719, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Graz, Austria, pp. 476-481, (Springer) [Yessad 2014a]