Publications MOCAH | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Total |
Books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Edited books | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Journal articles | 2 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
Book chapters | 3 | 1 | 0 | 4 |
Conference papers | 16 | 8 | 0 | 24 |
Habilitations | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Thesis | 2 | 3 | 0 | 5 |
- O. Auzende, H. Giroire, F. Le Calvez : “Error Driven Adaptive Training Sequences”, IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2013, Beijing, China, pp. 219-220, (IEEE) [Auzende 2013a]
- O. Auzende, H. Giroire, F. Le Calvez : “SĂ©quences d'entraĂ®nement guidĂ©es par les erreurs”, Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, EIAH 2013, Toulouse, France, pp. 105-116 [Auzende 2013b]
- Th. Carron, F. Kordon, J.‑M. Labat, I. Mounier, A. Yessad : “Toward Improvement of Serious Game Reliability”, 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning, vol. 2, Porto, Portugal, pp. 80-87, (Academic Conferences and Publishing International) [Carron 2013a]
- Th. Carron, Ph. Pernelle, J.‑M. Heraud, A. Yessad : “VĂ©rification de scĂ©narios complexes issus du processus de ludification ("gamification") dans les jeux sĂ©rieux”, Rencontres interdisciplinaires sur les systèmes complexes naturels et artificiels, Thème: la preuve et ses moyens., Rochebrune, France, pp. 1-12(inpress), (Les chemins de tr@verse) [Carron 2013c]
- Th. Carron, Ph. Pernelle, S. Talbot : “Issues of Learning Games: From Virtual to Real”, International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2013, Fort Worth, Texas, United States, pp. 133-140, (IADIS) [Carron 2013d]
- B. Grugeon, F. Chenevotot, E. Delozanne : “De la conception aux usages de ressources dĂ©diĂ©es Ă l’enseignement diffĂ©renciĂ© en algèbre Ă©lĂ©mentaire”, SĂ©minaire national de Didactique des mathĂ©matiques, Paris, France [Grugeon 2013]
- I. Marfisi‑Schottman, J.‑M. Labat, Th. Carron : “Approche basĂ©e sur la mĂ©thode pĂ©dagogique des cas pour crĂ©er des Learning Games pertinents dans de nombreux domaines d'enseignement”, Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, EIAH'2013, Toulouse, France, pp. 67-78 [Marfisi-Schottman 2013a]
- I. Marfisi‑Schottman, J.‑M. Labat, Th. Carron : “Building on the Case Teaching Method to Generate Learning Games Relevant to Numerous Educational Fields”, International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT, Beijing, China, pp. 156-160 [Marfisi-Schottman 2013b]
- B. Marne, Th. Carron, J.‑M. Labat : “ModĂ©lisation des parcours pĂ©dago-ludiques pour l'adaptation des jeux sĂ©rieux”, 6e ConfĂ©rence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Toulouse, France, pp. 55-66, (IRIT Press 2013) [Marne 2013a]
- B. Marne, Th. Carron, J.‑M. Labat, I. Marfisi‑Schottman : “MoPPLiq: A Model For Pedagogical Adaptation of Serious Game Scenarios”, 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Beijing, China, pp. 291-293, (IEEE Computer Society) [Marne 2013b]
- B. Martin, E. Sander, J.‑M. Labat, J.‑F. Richard : “STAR : Un outil permettant une intĂ©gration efficace de modèles cognitifs simples en EIAH”, Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Toulouse, France, pp. 293-304 [Martin 2013]
- J.‑Ch. Marty, Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron : “ProblĂ©matique d'awareness au sein d'un groupe d'apprenants dans des environnements basĂ©s sur le jeu”, EIAH - Atelier "Serious Games, jeux Ă©pistĂ©miques numĂ©riques - MĂ©thodologies de recherche pour l'Ă©tude des interactions, Toulouse, France, pp. 47-53 [Marty 2013a]
- J.‑Ch. Marty, Th. Carron, S. Talbot, G. Houzet, Ph. Pernelle : “Integrating non-virtual Electronic activities in Game-Based Learning Environments”, 7th European Conference on Games-Based Learning (ECGBL), Porto, Portugal, pp. 378-385 [Marty 2013b]
- Ph. Pernelle, Th. Carron : “Plateforme Serious Game mutualisĂ©e et pluridisciplinaire: les IUT en première ligne”, Second congrès national de la recherche en IUT, Corte, France [Pernelle 2013b]
- J. Pilet, F. Chenevotot, B. Grugeon, N. El Kechai, E. Delozanne : “Bridging diagnosis and learning of elementary algebra using technologies”, Proceedings of the Eighth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 8, February 6 - 10, 2013)., Manavgat-Side/Antalya, TĂĽrkiye, pp. 2684-2693 [Pilet 2013b]
- J. Pilet, N. El Kechai, E. Delozanne, B. Grugeon, F. Chenevotot : “SĂ©ances diffĂ©renciĂ©es en algèbre Ă©lĂ©mentaire : une Ă©tude de cas.”, ConfĂ©rence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain EIAH’2013, Toulouse, France, pp. 5-16 [Pilet 2013c]
- J. Rodrigues, L. BrandĂŁo, M. Nascimento, P. Rodrigues, Anarosa A. F. BrandĂŁo, H. Giroire, O. Auzende : “IQUIZ: Integrated Assessment Environment to improve Moodle Quiz”, Frontiers In Education Conference 2013, Oklahoma City, United States, pp. 293-295, (IEEE) [Rodrigues 2013]
- J.‑P. Sansonnet, F. Bouchet : “A Framework Covering the Influence of FFM/NEO PI-R Traits over the Dialogical Process of Rational Agents”, 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, ICAART 2013, vol. 449, Communications in Computer and Information Science, J. Filipe, A. Fred (Eds.), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 62-79, (Springer Berlin Heidelberg), (ISBN: 978-3-662-44439-9) [Sansonnet 2013a]
- A. Yessad, J.‑M. Labat, Th. Carron : “An approach to model and validate scenarios of serious games in the design stage”, International Conference on Web-based Learning, vol. 8167, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Kenting, Taiwan, Province of China, pp. 264-273, (Springer) [Yessad 2013]