Publications LFI | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Total |
Books | 1 | 1 | 0 | 2 |
Edited books | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Journal articles | 7 | 7 | 1 | 15 |
Book chapters | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Conference papers | 32 | 13 | 0 | 45 |
Habilitations | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Thesis | 2 | 2 | 0 | 4 |
- F. Badra, M.‑J. Lesot, E. Marquer, M. Couceiro : “Some Perspectives on Similarity Learning for Case-Based Reasoning and Analogical Transfer”, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop Interactions between Analogical Reasoning and Machine Learning, IARML@IJCAI'2023, vol. 3492,, Macao, China, pp. 16-29, ( [Badra 2023]
- M. Bhan, J.‑N. Vittaut, N. Chesneau, M.‑J. Lesot : “Enhancing textual counterfactual explanation intelligibility through Counterfactual Feature Importance”, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Trustworthy Natural Language Processing (TrustNLP 2023), Toronto, Canada, pp. 221-231, (Association for Computational Linguistics) [Bhan 2023a]
- M. Bhan, J.‑N. Vittaut, N. Chesneau, M.‑J. Lesot : “TIGTEC : Token Importance Guided TExt Counterfactuals”, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: Research Track. ECML PKDD 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14171 (3), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Turin, Italy, pp. 496–512, (Springer), (ISBN: 978-3-031-43417-4) [Bhan 2023b]
- M. Bhan, N. Achache, V. Legrand, A. Blangero, N. Chesneau : “Evaluating self-attention interpretability through human-grounded experimental protocol”, Explainable Artificial Intelligence, vol. 1903, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Lisbonne, Portugal, pp. 26-46, (Springer Nature Switzerland), (ISBN: 978-3-031-44070-0) [Bhan 2023c]
- C. Bove, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Tijus, M. Detyniecki : “Investigating the Intelligibility of Plural Counterfactual Examples for Non-Expert Users: an Explanation User Interface Proposition and User Study”, IUI '23: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI ’23), Sydney, Australia, pp. 188-203, (ACM), (ISBN: 979-8-4007-0106-1) [Bove 2023]
- C. Del cistia Gallimard, K. Nikolajevic, F. Beroul, J. Denoulet, B. Granado, Ch. Marsala : “Direct Load Recognition to Estimate the Damper Load on the H175 Fleet”, European Rotorcraft Forum, BĂĽckeburg, Germany [Del cistia Gallimard 2023]
- V. Eyharabide, L. Likforman‑Sulem, L. Orlandi, A. Binoux, Th. Rageau, Q. Huang, A. Fiandrotti, B. Caseau, I. Bloch : “Study of historical Byzantine seal images: the BHAI project for computer-based sigillography”, HIP '23: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing, San JosĂ©, CA, United States, pp. 49-54, (ISBN: 979-8-4007-0841-1) [Eyharabide 2023]
- G. Gervois, G. Bourgne, M.‑J. Lesot : “DiffĂ©rentiation des modalitĂ©s du Bien : au-delĂ de l'optimalitĂ© de Pareto”, Actes JIAF-JFPDA 2023, Strasbourg, France [Gervois 2023]
- A. Jeyasothy, A. Rico, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, Th. Laugel : “IntĂ©gration de connaissances en XAI avec les intĂ©grales de Gödel”, LFA 2023 - RENCONTRES FRANCOPHONES SUR LA LOGIQUE FLOUE ET SES APPLICATIONS, Bourges, France, (CĂ©paduès) [Jeyasothy 2023a]
- A. Jeyasothy, A. Rico, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, Th. Laugel : “Knowledge Integration in XAI with Gödel Integrals”, International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Incheon, Korea, Republic of [Jeyasothy 2023b]
- P. Lascabettes, E. Chew, I. Bloch : “Characterizing and Interpreting Music Expressivity through Rhythm and Loudness Simplices”, International Computer Music Conference (ICMC 2023), Shenzhen, China [Lascabettes 2023]
- Th. Laugel, A. Jeyasothy, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala, M. Detyniecki : “Achieving Diversity in Counterfactual Explanations: a Review and Discussion”, FAccT ’23, vol. 23 (6), Chicago, Il, United States, (ISBN: 979-8-4007-0192-4) [Laugel 2023]
- E. Marquer, F. Badra, M.‑J. Lesot, M. Couceiro, D. Leake : “Less is Better: An Energy-Based Approach to Case Base Competence”, Proceedings of the Workshops at the 31st International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR-WS 2023)co-located with the 31st International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (ICCBR 2023), vol. 3438, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, pp. 27-42, (CEUR) [Marquer 2023]
- Ch. Marsala, D. Petturiti : “SĂ©lection d'attributs pour arbres de dĂ©cision flous monotones”, LFA 2023 - Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, LFA, Bourges, France, pp. 117-124, (CĂ©paduès Editions), (ISBN: 9782383950554) [Marsala 2023a]
- Ch. Marsala, D. Petturiti : “Splitting Rules for Monotone Fuzzy Decision Trees”, Fuzzy Logic and Technology, and Aggregation Operators, vol. 14069, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, pp. 161-173, (Springer Nature Switzerland) [Marsala 2023b]
- Ch. Marsala, D. Petturiti, B. Vantaggi : “Adding Semantics to Fuzzy Similarity Measures through the d-Choquet Integral”, ECSQARU 2023, the 17th European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, Arras, France [Marsala 2023c]
- Y. Munro, C. Sarmiento, I. Bloch, G. Bourgne, M.‑J. Lesot : “Dynamic Argumentation and Action Languages: Towards Explanations”, The Fourth Workshop on Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR 2023), Rhodes, Greece [Munro 2023a]
- Y. Munro, C. Sarmiento, I. Bloch, G. Bourgne, M.‑J. Lesot : “TemporalitĂ© et causalitĂ© en argumentation abstraite”, Actes JIAF-JFPDA 2023, Strasbourg, France [Munro 2023b]
- L. Nascimento, Q. François, B. Duplat, S. Haliyo, I. Bloch : “Estimating the registration error of MRI brain data based on regression U-Net”, ORASIS 2023, Carqueiranne, France [Nascimento 2023]
- A. Quillent, V. Bismuth, I. Bloch, Ch. Kervazo, S. Ladjal : “A deep learning method trained on synthetic data for digital breast tomosynthesis reconstruction”, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, vol. 227, Nashville, TN, United States, pp. 1813-1825 [Quillent 2023]
- A. Rico, M.‑J. Lesot, Ch. Marsala : “Norms and Discrete Choquet Integrals Induced by Submodular Fuzzy Measures: a Discussion”, Fuzzy Logic and Technology, and Aggregation Operators, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, (Springer Nature Switzerland) [Rico 2023]
- F. Rossant, I. Bloch, A. Aissa, M. Paques : “Analyse des artères rĂ©tiniennes en optique adaptative”, GRESTI 2023 XXIXème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, Grenoble, France [Rossant 2023]
- C. Ruppli, P. Gori, R. Ardon, I. Bloch : “Decoupled conditional contrastive learning with variable metadata for prostate lesion detection”, 26th Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vancouver, Canada [Ruppli 2023]
- E. Sarfati, A. BĂ´ne, M.‑M. RohĂ©, P. Gori, I. Bloch : “Apprendre Ă diagnostiquer la cirrhose Ă l'aide de mĂ©thodes de prĂ©-entraĂ®nement faiblement et auto-supervisĂ©es”, JournĂ©es Francophones de Radiologie, Paris, France [Sarfati 2023a]
- E. Sarfati, A. BĂ´ne, M.‑M. RohĂ©, P. Gori, I. Bloch : “Learning to diagnose cirrhosis from radiological and histological labels with joint self and weakly-supervised pretraining strategies”, IEEE ISBI, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia [Sarfati 2023b]
- E. Sarfati, A. BĂ´ne, M.‑M. RohĂ©, P. Gori, I. Bloch : “Weakly-supervised positional contrastive learning: application to cirrhosis classification”, 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2023,, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vancouver, Canada, (Springer) [Sarfati 2023c]
- L. Serrano, J.‑N. Vittaut, P. Gallinari : “Operator Learning on Free-Form Geometries”, ICLR 2023 Workshop on Physics for Machine Learning, Kigali, Rwanda [Serrano 2023a]
- L. Serrano, L. Boudec, A. KoupaĂŻ, Th. Wang, Y. Yin, J.‑N. Vittaut, P. Gallinari : “Operator Learning with Neural Fields: Tackling PDEs on General Geometries”, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, vol. 36, New Orleans (Louisiana), United States, pp. 70581-70611 [Serrano 2023b]
- G. Smits, M.‑J. Lesot, O. Pivert, M. Reformat : “Diversifying top-k Answers in a Query by Example Setting”, Flexible Query Answering Systems, vol. 14113, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, pp. 15-26, (Springer Nature Switzerland), (ISBN: 978-3-031-42935-4) [Smits 2023]
- R. VĂ©til, C. Abi Nader, A. BĂ´ne, M.‑P. Vullierme, M.‑M. RohĂ©, P. Gori, I. Bloch : “Non-Redundant Combination of Hand-Crafted and Deep Learning Radiomics: Application to the Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer”, Cancer Prevention through early detecTion - CaPTion workshop @ MICCAI2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vancouver, Canada, (Springer) [VĂ©til 2023a]
- R. VĂ©til, C. Abi Nader, A. BĂ´ne, M.‑P. Vullierme, M.‑M. RohĂ©, P. Gori, I. Bloch : “Non-Redundant Combination of Hand-Crafted and Deep Learning Radiomics: Application to the Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer”, Cancer Prevention Through Early Detection - Second International Workshop, CaPTion 2023, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2023, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 12, 2023, Proceedings, vol. 14295, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 68-82, (Springer Nature Switzerland) [VĂ©til 2023b]
- V. Yepmo, G. Smits, M.‑J. Lesot, O. Pivert : “Vers un partitionnement des donnĂ©es Ă partir d'une forĂŞt d'isolation”, EGC 2023, vol. Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, RNTI-E-39, Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, Lyon, France, pp. 163-174 [Yepmo 2023]