Publications DECISION | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Total |
Books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Edited books | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Journal articles | 2 | 7 | 1 | 10 |
Book chapters | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Conference papers | 13 | 8 | 0 | 21 |
Habilitations | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
Thesis | 1 | 2 | 0 | 3 |
- N. Benabbou, P. Perny, P. Viappiani : “Incremental elicitation of choquet capacities for multicriteria choice, ranking and sorting problems”, Artificial Intelligence, vol. 246, pp. 152-180, (Elsevier) [Benabbou 2017b]
- J. Chlebíková, M. Chopin : “The firefighter problem: Further steps in understanding its complexity”, Theoretical Computer Science, (Elsevier) [Chlebíková 2017]
- V. Coelho, Th. Oliveira, I. Coelho, B. Coelho, P. Fleming, F. Guimarães, H. Ramalhinho, M. Souza, E.‑Gh. Talbi, Th. Lust : “Generic Pareto local search metaheuristic for optimization of targeted offers in a bi-objective direct marketing campaign”, Computers and Operations Research, vol. 78, pp. 578-587, (Elsevier) [Coelho 2017]
- S. Cortijo, Ch. Gonzales : “On conditional truncated densities Bayesian networks”, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, (Elsevier) [Cortijo 2017]
- H. Gilbert, O. Spanjaard : “A double oracle approach to minmax regret optimization problems with interval data”, European Journal of Operational Research, (Elsevier) [Gilbert 2017c]
- Ih. Haidar, I. Alvarez, A.‑C. Prévot : “Mathematical modeling of an urban pigeon population subject to local management strategies”, Mathematical Biosciences, vol. 288, pp. 71-83, (Elsevier) [Haidar 2017]
- L. Hillah, A.‑P. Maesano, F. De Rosa, F. Kordon, P.‑H. Wuillemin, R. Fontanelli, S. Di Bona, D. Guerri, L. Maesano : “Automation and intelligent scheduling of distributed system functional testing: Model-based functional testing in practice”, International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, vol. 19 (3), pp. 281-308, (Springer Verlag) [Hillah 2017a]
- A. Jaszkiewicz, Th. Lust : “Proper balance between search towards and along Pareto front: biobjective TSP case study”, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 254 (1-2), pp. 111-130, (Springer Verlag) [Jaszkiewicz 2017]
- J.‑Ch. Magnan, P.‑H. Wuillemin : “Efficient Incremental Planning and Learning with Multi-Valued Decision Diagrams”, Journal of Applied Logic, vol. 22, pp. 63-90, (Elsevier) [Magnan 2017]
- M. Minoux : “A class of efficiently solvable multistage optimization problems under uncertainty and applications”, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, vol. 28 (1), pp. 87-107, (Oxford University Press (OUP)) [Minoux 2017a]
- M. Minoux : “Robust and stochastic multistage optimisation under Markovian uncertainty with applications to production/inventory problems”, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 56 (1-2), pp. 565-583, (Taylor & Francis) [Minoux 2017b]
- M. Minoux, R. Zorgati : “Global probability maximization for a gaussian bilateral inequality in polynomial time”, Journal of Global Optimization, (Springer Verlag) [Minoux 2017c]
- D. Nguyen, M. Minoux, V. Nguyen, Th. Nguyen, R. Sirdey : “Improved compact formulations for a wide class of graph partitioning problems in sparse graphs”, Discrete Optimization, vol. 25, pp. 175-188, (Elsevier) [Nguyen 2017]
- V. Nguyen, M. Minoux : “Improved linearized models for Graph Partitioning Problem under Capacity Constraints”, Optimization Methods and Software, vol. 32 (4), pp. 892-903, (Taylor & Francis) [Nguyen 2017a]
- V. Nguyen, M. Minoux, D. Nguyen : “Reduced-size formulations for metric and cut polyhedra in sparse graphs”, Networks, vol. 69 (1), pp. 142-150, (Wiley) [Nguyen 2017b]
- P. Weng, O. Spanjaard : “Functional Reward Markov Decision Processes: Theory and Applications”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, vol. 26 (03), (World Scientific Publishing) [Weng 2017]