LIP6 2003/013
- Reports
Représentation des procédures et pratiques par les graphes contextuels - P. Brézillon
- 12 pages - 05/30/2003- document en - - 39 Ko
- Contact : Patrick.Brezillon (at)
- Ancien Thème : SYSDEF
- Keywords : Artificial intelligence, Decision support system, Context, Contextual graphs, procedures and practices
- Publisher : Nicole.Nardy (at)
This paper presents a context-based formalism called contextual graphs for representing knowledge and reasoning. This formalism was initiated in the framework of the SART application to represent the practices that are develop by operators as contextualized versions of the official procedures. Contextual graphs allow a unified representation of the three types of context that we identified previously, of the dynamic of the context, and offer natural capabilities of explanation and incremental acquisition of practices as parts of the task accomplished by the operator.