Mobile Crowdsensing for User/Group Profiling and Edge Optimizations

Понедельник, июль 3, 2017
Докладчики : Paolo Bellavista (Università di Bologna, Italy)

Abstract: The University of Bologna ParticipAct project ( has allowed us to collect experience, lessons learned, and a very large dataset about users/devices behavior (related to urban mobility but not only). After a technical introduction about the most original technical aspects that we introduced in our ParticipAct mobile crowdsensing platform (e.g., optimized and social-aware collaborative task assignment), the seminar will describe and discuss how we are innovatively using mobile crowdsensing to obtain relevant information for user/group profiling towards service provisioning optimization and for Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) optimizations in urban scenarios. In particular, the seminar will discuss the novel concept of Human-driven Edge Computing (HEC) as a model to ease the provisioning and to extend the coverage of traditional MEC solutions. In this perspective and from the methodological point of view, the seminar will show how it is possible to exploit mobile crowdsensing i) to support the effective deployment of Fixed MEC proxies and ii) to further extend their coverage through the introduction of impromptu and human-enabled Mobile MEC proxies for serving local MCS computing/storage needs. In particular, the focus of the presentation will be on already achieved results and ongoing research directions that can provide a significant terroir where to establish synergies and joint research activities with UPMC in the short-medium term, for example in the area of elastic scalability via load distribution at edge nodes according to runtime provisioning needs.
Short Bio: Paolo Bellavista is an Associate Professor of Distributed and Mobile Systems at Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna (UNIBO), Italy, where he received his PhD in Computer Science and Engineering. His research activities span from mobile computing to pervasive ubiquitous middleware, from IoT middleware for scalable cloud integration to vehicular sensor networks, from mobile cloud computing to big data adaptive stream processing, and from mobile edge & fog computing to resource management in SDN. He co-authored more than 180 papers, including around 60 magazine/journal articles and around 100 conference/workshop papers in those fields, reporting results from several national- and EU-funded projects. About notable recent experiences in the mobile cloud and edge computing area, in 2016 he was keynote speaker at the IEEE Mobile Cloud conference and led the UNIBO team in the completion of the large EU Mobile Cloud Networking project ( He serves on the Editorial Boards of IEEE TNSM & TSC, Elsevier PMC & JNCA, and Springer JNSM & WINET. In addition, he is senior member of the IEEE and the ACM. For additional details and his complete list of publications, see also

stefano.secci (at)