Séminaire Donnees et APprentissage Artificiel


Big Data Analytics using Deep Learning and Information Theoretical Learning: Applications to Astronomy

الثلاثاء 4 جويلية 2017
المتدخلون) المتدخل) : Pablo A. Estévez (U. Chile)

Astronomy is facing a paradigm shift caused by the exponential growth of the sample size, data complexity and data generation rates of new sky surveys. To cope with a change of paradigm to data-driven science new computational intelligence, machine learning and statistical approaches are needed. In this talk I will present two main applications. The first is to discriminate periodic versus non-periodic light curves, and then estimate the period of the periodic ones. Light curves are one-dimensional time series of the brightness of a star versus time. We have developed several methods based on the correntropy function (generalized correlation using information theoretical learning concepts), which outperforms conventional approaches. Results using 32.8 million light curves will be presented. Interestingly, some of these techniques can be applied to other problems such as sleep EEG analysis, and I will present preliminary results on this topic too. The second application is the automated real-time transient detection in astronomical images. The aim is to achieve real-time detection of supernovae and other transients with the Dark Energy Camera. A novel transient detection pipeline was developed. We have been applying convolutional neural nets (deep learning) to discriminate between true transients and bogus transients, among other techniques, e.g non-negative matrix factorization combined with random forests. Results using 1.5 million images will be presented. The new pipeline was successfully tested online in February 2015 finding more than 100 supernovae in a few days of telescope observation.
Pablo A. Estévez received his professional title in electrical engineering (EE) from Universidad de Chile, in 1981, and the M.Sc. and Dr.Eng. degrees from the University of Tokyo, Japan, in 1992 and 1995, respectively. He is a Full Professor with the Electrical Engineering Department, University of Chile, and former Chairman of the EE Department in the period 2006-2010.
Prof. Estévez is one of the founders of the Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS), Chile, which was created in January 2014. He is currently leading the Astroinformatics/Astrostatistics group at MAS. He has been an Invited Researcher with the NTT Communication Science Laboratory, Kyoto, Japan; the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France, and a Visiting Professor with the University of Tokyo.
Prof. Estévez is an IEEE Fellow. He is currently the President of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) for the term 2016-2017. He has served as IEEE CIS President-elect (2015), CIS Vice-president of Members Activities (2011-2014), CIS ADCOM Member-at-Large (2008-2010), CIS Distinguished Lecturer (2006-2011) and as an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (2007-2012).
Prof. Estévez served as conference chair of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), held in July 2016, in Vancouver, Canada, and general chair of the Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM), held in December 2012, in Santiago, Chile. Currently he is serving as general co-chair of the 2018 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2018, to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2018.
His current research interests include big data, deep learning, neural networks, self-organizing maps, data visualization, feature selection, information theoretic-learning, time series analysis, and advanced signal and image processing. One of his main topics of research is the application of computational intelligence techniques to astronomical datasets, and EEG signals.
_Plus d'information sur Pablo A. Estévez : _

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benjamin.piwowarski (at) nulllip6.fr