Mobile, Cloud, Analytics – Challenges and Opportunities for Data-Driven Infrastructure
Monday, July 25, 2016Prof. Xiaoming Fu (Université de Göttingen, Allemagne)
With the tremendous growth of data-intensive applications and platforms, various challenges emerge particularly those concerning mobile usage, cloud computing and big data analytics. How to mitigate these challenges and how can we embrace the opportunities in this era? In this talk, I will introduce some of our ongoing efforts and outline a vision of how social media, mobile sensing, big data and cloud computing could be converged in a universal infrastructure to provide a more holistic view on future ICT-rich life.
Short bio: Prof. Xiaoming Fu received his Ph.D. in computer science from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 2000. He was then a research staff at the Technical University Berlin until joining the University of Goettingen, Germany in 2002 as assistant professor, where he has been a professor in computer science and heading the Computer Networks Group since April 2007. He has spent research visits at universities of Cambridge, Columbia, UCLA, Tsinghua, Nanjing, Fudan, Uppsala, and UPMC.
Prof. Fu's research interests include network architectures, protocols, and applications. He is currently an editorial board member of IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management and Elsevier Computer Communications. He has served on the organization or program committees of leading conferences such as CoNEXT, MOBICOM, MOBIHOC, INFOCOM, ICNP, ICDCS, IWQoS and COSN. He has served as secretary (2008-2010) and vice chair (2010-2012) of the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC), and chair (2011-2013) of the Internet Technical Committee (ITC) of the IEEE Communications Society and the Internet Society. He has been involved in FP6 ENABLE, VIDIOS, Daidalos-II, MING-T and FP7 GreenICN projects and is the coordinator of FP7 MobileCloud and CleanSky projects and H2020 ICN2020 project.
Thi-Mai-Trang.Nguyen (at)