The Supercloud: Opportunities and Challenges 2 juin 2016
Hakim Weatherspoon (Cornell University)

Cloud computing is often compared to the power utility model as part of a trend towards the commoditization of computing resources. However, today’s cloud providers do not simply supply raw computing resources as a commodity, but also act as distributors, dictating cloud services that are not compatible across providers. In this talk, I will discuss a new cloud model, called a Supercloud, that is completely decoupled from the cloud provider and allows transparent and simultaneous control over a diverse set of cloud provider resources such as Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace, VMWare vCloud Air, HP Cloud, and many private clouds. I will present the design and implementation of the Supercloud and demonstrate how users and applications can benefit from the power and capability that it provides.

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Marc.Shapiro (at)