Séminaire Phare
A Framework for Resilient and Secure Spectrum Sensing on Cognitive Radio Networks
Vendredi 5 février 2016Michele Nogueira (Federal University of Parana, Brazil)
Abstract: Cognitive radio networks have been envisaged to improve efficiency in accessing the frequency spectrum. However, these networks are prone to different kind of attacks and failures that can compromise the security and performance of licensed and unlicensed users. This talk presents a framework for security and resilience in cognitive radio networks developed by researchers of the Wireless and Advanced Networks Laboratory (NR2), Brazil. As a showcase, the framework is applied to spectrum sensing functionality in order to assist its operation even in face to failures and attacks, such as primary user emulation ones. Differently from other proposals founded on specific and permanent device features, the framework provides flexibility and adaptation for detection and mitigation mechanisms considering best-efforts or real-time applications. Simulation results based on real traces provide evidences about the improvements achieved by the framework on spectrum sensing, even under primary user emulation attacks. During this talk, correlated researches developed by the research team and also future directions regarding to resilience in wireless networks will be highlighted.
Bio: Michele Nogueira is Professor of Computer Science at Federal University of Paraná, where she has been since 2010. In 2016, she will spend her sabbatical year as visiting faculty at Carnegie Mellon University, USA. She received her doctorate in Computer Science from the University Pierre et Marie Curie – Sorbonne Universités, Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris VI (LIP6) in 2009. She was a Visiting Researcher at Georgia Institute Technology (GeorgiaTech) and a Visiting Professor at University Paul Sabatier in 2009 and 2013, respectively. Her research interests include wireless networks, security and dependability. She has worked on providing resilience to self-organized, cognitive and wireless networks by adaptive and opportunistic approaches. Dr. Nogueira was one of the pioneers in addressing survivability issues in self-organized wireless networks, being the works “A Survey of Survivability in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks” and “An Architecture for Survivable Mesh Networking” her prominent scientific contributions. She has been a recipient of Academic Scholarships from Brazilian Government on her undergraduate and graduate years, and of international grants such as from the ACM SIGCOMM Geodiversity program. She is also Associate Technical Editor for the IEEE Communications Magazine and the Journal of Network and Systems Management.
stefano.secci (at) nulllip6.fr