PolSys seminarRSS

Design of Marx generators as a structured eigenvalue assignment

المتدخلون) المتدخل) : Alain Jacquemard (PolSys team, CNRS/INRIA/UPMC)
We consider the design problem for a Marx generator electrical network, a pulsed power generator. The engineering specification of the design is that a suitable resonance condition is satisfied by the circuit so that the energy initially stored in a number of storage capacitors is transferred in finite time to a single load capacitor which can then store the total energy and deliver the pulse. We show that the components design can be conveniently cast as a structured real eigenvalue assignment. We present possible approaches to determine its solutions, among them a symbolic approach using Groebner bases. We will discuss the advantages and the limitations of the method and consider other approaches as well as open questions.

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Elias.Tsigaridas (at) nulllip6.fr
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