- Computer Science Laboratory image/svg+xml X Every 25th of the month, LIP6 supports the β€œOrange Day”» to end violences against women!

10th SMA-Honiden Lab (LIP6 – NII) Workshop


Distributed and Munlti-Agent Systems (24-25 Septembre 2014)

http://www-desir.lip6.fr/~sma-site/workshopNii/10thEdition/program/Program.pdfSubmission deadline 09/23/2014
Wednesday, September 24, 2014 to 09/25/2014

The Tenth Edition of the International Joint NII-LIP6 Seminar continues the tradition of seminars organized by the Honiden-Lab and LIP6-SMA teams, that stretches back to 2004.

This year's edition celebrates the 10th anniversary of the event. The LIP6 laboratory has the great pleasure to host this special edition and hopes that this event will be as special as the beautiful celebrated age.

More details here …
Amal.Elfallah (at) nulllip6.fr