Feature Localization in Hardware Designs

Sexta-feira, 15 de março de 2013
Palestrante(s) : Görschwin Fey, Professor at Teschnische Universität of Bremen

Modern chip designs are getting more and more complex. To fulfill tight time-to-market constraints, third-party blocks and parts from previous designs are reused. However, these are often poorly documented, making it hard for a designer to understand the code. Therefore, automatic approaches are required which extract information about the design and support developers in understanding the design. Within the talk the concept of feature localization for hardware designs will be introduced. Automation approaches and their relation to design understanding techniques for software will be discussed. Empirical results proof the potential of tool automation in this upcoming area.
Goerschwin Fey is Professor at Teschniche Universität of Bremen and DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt -- Air and Space German Agency), working on design and verification of embedded systems.
For information, please contact : Emmanuelle Encrenaz

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Emmanuelle.Encrenaz (at)