IEEE CloudNet'12


2012 IEEE 1st Int. Conference on Cloud Networking
最后提交期限 2012-7-8
Wednesday, 十一月 28, 2012 到 2012-11-30

Cloud computing has emerged as a promising direction for cost-efficient and reliable service delivery across data communication networks. The dynamic location of service facilities and the virtualization of hardware and software elements are stressing the communication network and protocols, especially when datacenters are interconnected through the Internet. Although the "computing" aspects of Cloud technologies have been largely investigated, lower attention has been devoted to the "networking" aspects. The 2012 IEEE 1st Int. Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet 2012) precisely addresses these aspects. Conference topics include (but are not limited to):
  • Datacenter Network Management, Reliability, Optimization
  • Distributed Datacenter Architectures
  • Internet Routing of Cloud data
  • Ethernet Routing: TRILL, Shortest Path Bridging, Data Center Bridging, L2LSP, OpenFlow
  • Cloud Traffic Characterization and Measurements
  • Intra-Cloud and Inter-Cloud Networking
  • Cloud Traffic Engineering and Control-Plane Architectures
  • Security, Privacy, Confidentiality in Cloud networking
  • Network on the fly, Virtual control, Virtual radio, Isolation
  • Unified User and Machine Mobility Management
  • Virtualization of Wireless Equipment
  • Mobile Cloud Networking, Follow-Me-Cloud
  • Storage Area Networks, Optical Interconnect, Fiber Channel
  • Content and Service Distribution
Supporting IEEE Communications Society Technical Committees:
  • Cloud Communications and Networking Ad-Hoc Committee
  • Communications Software TC (TCCS)
  • Computer Communications TC (TCCC)
  • Green Communications & Computing Technical SubCommitter (TSCGCC)
  • Information Infrastructure and Networking TC (TCIIN)
  • Internet TC (ITC)
  • Network Operations and Maintenance TC (CNOM)

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aziza.lounis (at)