Conférence "Philippe Flajolet et la Combinatoire Analytique", December 14, 2011 to 12/16/2011

This conference will pay homage to the man as well as the multi-faceted mathematician and computer-scientist. It will also help more people understand his rich and varied work, through talks aimed at a large audience.

The first afternoon will be devoted to testimonies and official talks. The next two days will be dedicated to scientific talks. These talks are intended to people who want to learn about Philippe Flajolet’s work, and will be given mostly by co-authors of Philippe. In 30 minutes, they will give a pedagogical introduction to his work, identify his main ideas and contributions and possibly show their evolution.

Most of the talks will form a basis for an introduction to the corresponding chapter in Philippe Flajolet's collected works, to be edited soon.

More details here …
Michele.Soria (at)