Séminaire SMA


New trends in Computational Narratology and Interactive Storytelling

الاثني 13 جانفي 2020
المتدخلون) المتدخل) : Pr. Bruno FEIJO

Humans like to listen, read, watch, tell stories, and participate in stories. Narratives strongly influence decision-making processes, which are often based on emotion rather than on logic and data. Also, people remember stories, not data or statistics. These facts may explain why computational narratology and interactive storytelling are intensively changing the way we develop computer games and, even more surprising, the way we deal with data and implement agent systems. In this talk, we present some concepts and results explored by the research group in computational narratology and interactive storytelling of PUC-Rio. Bruno Feijó is Full Professor of the Department of Informatics at Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil. He is founder and coordinator of ICAD/VisionLab (Research Lab on Visualization, Digital TV/Cinema, and Games) of PUC-Rio. He holds a Ph.D. from University of London/Imperial College, London, and a B.Sc. degree in aeronautics engineering from Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA). His areas of research include games, computer graphics, computer vision, and artificial intelligence.

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cedric.herpson (at) nulllip6.fr