Associate Professor Team : APR Sorbonne Université - LIP6 Boîte courrier 169 Couloir 25-26, Étage 3, Bureau 314 4 place Jussieu 75252 PARIS CEDEX 05 FRANCE Tel: +33 1 44 27 88 25
2013-2023 Publications
R. Demangeon, C. Dima, D. Varacca : “Observational Preorders for Alternating Transition Systems”, 20th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems - EUMAS 2023, vol. 14282, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Naples, Italy, pp. 312-327, (Springer Nature Switzerland) (2023)
R. Demangeon, N. Yoshida : “Causal Computational Complexity of Distributed Processes”, LICS '18 Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 344-353, (ACM Press) (2018)
E. Chailloux, R. Demangeon, M. Mauny : “Typage des langages de programmation”, chapitre de Techniques de l'ingénieur n°ref. article : h3320, (Editions T.I.) (2018)
R. Demangeon, N. Yoshida : “On the Expressiveness of Multiparty Sessions”, 35th IARCS Annual Conference on Foundation of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, FSTTCS 2015, vol. 45, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Bangalore, India, pp. 560-574 (2015)
R. Demangeon, R. Hu, K. Honda, N. Yoshida, T.‑Ch. Chen, R. Neykova : “Structuring Communication with Session Types”, Concurrent Objects and Beyond, vol. 8665, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Kobe, Japan, pp. 105-127 (2014)