Ph. Baufreton, E. Chailloux, J.‑L. Dufour, G. Henry, P. Manoury, E. Prun, F. Thibord, Ph. Wang : “Compositional certification: the CERCLES2 project”, Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS2), Toulouse, France, pp. 582-591 (2014)
G. Henry, M. Mauny, E. Chailloux, P. Manoury : “Typing Unmarshalling without Marshalling Types”, International Conference on Functional Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 287-298, (ACM) (2012)
A. Brygoo, T. Durand, P. Manoury, Ch. Queinnec, M. Soria : “Un cédérom pour Scheme: Chacun son entraineur, un entraineur pour tous”, TICE 2002 - Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans les Enseignements d'ingénieurs et dans l'industrie, Villeurbanne, France, pp. 223-231, (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon) (2002)
A. Brygoo, T. Durand, P. Manoury, Ch. Queinnec, M. Soria : “Experiment around a training engine”, IFIP WCC 2002 - 17th World Computer Congress, vol. 102, IFIP - The International Federation for Information Processing, Montreal, Canada, pp. 45-52, (Springer) (2002)
M.‑V. Aponte, E. Chailloux, G. Cousineau, P. Manoury : “Advanced programming features in objective caml.”, 6eme Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages. -- Rio de Janeiro, X, France (2002)