DENIS Christophe
Research activity
The notions of information and conviviality in deep neural networks – or what about "Explainable AI" or "Trust AI"?The thunderous return of neural networks occurred in the sublime Florentine setting in 2012 during a renowned international computer vision conference. As for several years, the participants of this conference were invited to test their image recognition techniques. Geoffrey Hinton's team from the University of Toronto was the only one using deep neural networks: it outperformed the other competitors in two out of three categories of the competition. The audience was stunned by the impact of the reduction in prediction error, a factor of three, while the algorithms based on the expertise of the researchers differ by a few percent. Other computational scientific disciplines, like computational fluid dynamics, geophysics, and climatology, have also started to use deep learning methods to predict phenomena which are difficult to solve with a classical hypothetical deductive approach.
We argue that systematically explaining deep learning to all its users is not always justified, could be counterproductive and even raises ethical issues. For example, how to assess the correctness of an explanation that could even be unintentionally permissive or even manipulative in a fraudulent context? There is therefore a need to revisit the theory of information (Fisher, Shannon) and the philosophy of information (eg. Floridi) in the light of deep learning. This information will allow certain users to produce their own reasoning (surely an abductive one) rather than receiving an explanation.
Last but not least, should we trust a machine learning model? Trust means handing over something valuable to someone, relying on them. The corollary is that "the person who trusts is immediately in a state of vulnerability and dependence", and all the more and all the more so on the basis of an explanation whose correctness is difficult to assess. Last but not least, we strongly believe that using human relationship terms, like trust or fairness in the context of machine learning, necessarily induces anthropomorphism, whose bad effects could be addiction (Eliza effect) and persuasion rather than information. In contrast, our philosophical and mathematical research direction tries to define conviviality criteria in machine learning based on Ivan Illich's thought. According to Illich, a convivial tool must have the following properties: • it must generate efficiency without degrading personal autonomy; • it must create neither slave nor master; • it must widen the personal radius of action. As presented in the last part of the talk, neural differential equations, by providing trajectories rather than predictions, seem to be an efficient mathematical formalism to implement convivial deep learning tools.
2005-2023 Publications
- Ch. Denis : “L’apport de la philosophie et de l’épistémologie dans la mise en place d’une politique de cybersécurité en santé”, (2023)
- Ch. Denis : “Cadre méthodologique pour assurer la spécification d’un simulateur par apprentissage machine profond en vue de sa validation”, (2023)
- D. ROTIMBO MBOUROU, D.‑F. Bilenga Moukodouma, Ch. Nkoulembene, Ch. Denis : “Apports de la boîte à outils Advanced Data Analysis (AdvDatAna) pour le traitement automatisé des bases de données météorologiques : cas du parc de la Lopé.”, Colloque Scientifique International, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (2023)
- D.‑F. Bilenga Moukodouma, Ch. Denis, D. ROTIMBO MBOUROU, Ch. Nkoulembene : “Proposition d’une nouvelle approche d’estimation d’éléphants basée sur les algorithmes de l’Intelligence Artificielle dans les forêts gabonaises”, Journée de la Recherche Technologique, de l'Innovation et du Développement durable, Libreville, Gabon (2023)
- Th. Bayet, Ch. Denis, A. Bah, J.‑D. Zucker : “Les défis du glissement de contexte géographique”, Journée Résilience et IA - Plate-Forme d'Intelligence Artificielle, Strasbourg, France (2023)
- Ch. Denis, J. Nicogossian : “Du gène à l’octet : la communication phygitale pour une utilisation responsable de l’Intelligence Artificielle dans le domaine médical”, Dalloz IP/IT : droit de la propriété intellectuelle et du numérique n°3, pp. 145-150, (Éditions Dalloz [2016-....]) (2023)
- N. Demeure, C. Chevalier, Ch. Denis, P. Dossantos‑Uzarralde : “Algorithm 1029: Encapsulated Error, a Direct Approach to Evaluate Floating-Point Accuracy”, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 48 (4), pp. 47, (Association for Computing Machinery) (2022)
- Ch. Denis : “Peut-on avoir confiance à l’Intelligence Artificielle pour nous aider à contrer les effets du changement climatique ?”, Fete de la Science - Université de Rouen, Rouen, France (2022)
- Th. Bayet, Ch. Denis, A. Bah, J.‑D. Zucker : “Distribution Shift nested in Web Scraping : Adapting MS COCO for Inclusive Data”, ICML Workshop on Principles of Distribution Shift 2022, Baltimore, United States (2022)
- Ch. Denis, F. Varenne : “Interprétabilité et explicabilité de phénomènes prédits par de l’apprentissage machine”, Revue Ouverte d'Intelligence Artificielle, vol. 3 (3-4), pp. 287-310, (Association pour la diffusion de la recherche francophone en intelligence artificielle) (2022)
- Ch. Denis : “Le périple de l’éthique de l’intelligence artificielle dans les révolutions en cours des systèmes de soins”, chapitre de Intelligence Artificielle. Vivre Avec.Vers Une Nouvelle Architecture Du Monde, (ISBN: 978-2-8224-0801-1) (2022)
- Ch. Denis : “Esquisses philosophiques autour de la compréhension de phénomènes complexes avec des outils de prédiction basés sur de l’apprentissage machine”, EGC - Conférence francophone sur l'Extraction et la Gestion des Connaissances - Atelier Explain'AI, Blois, France (2022)
- J. Cárdenas ChapellÃn, Ch. Denis, H. Mousannif, Ch. Camerlynck, N. Florsch : “Magnetic Anomalies Characterization: Deep Learning and Explainability”, Computers and Geosciences, (Elsevier) (2022)
- Ch. Denis : “Enjeux scientifiques et épistémologiques de l’explicabilité de la prédiction de phénomènesphysiques par de l’apprentissage machine profond”, VIIIe congrès de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences, Mons, Belgium (2021)
- Ch. Denis : “Le périple de l’éthique de l’Intelligence Artificielle dans la révolution en cours des systèmes de soins”, Droit, Santé et Société [Journal de médecine légale, droit médical, victimologie, dommage corporel. Série E], vol. 3 (3), Santé et intelligence artificielle Quelle(s) révolution(s) ?, pp. 17-21, (Eska [2014-....]) (2021)
- Th. Bayet, T. Brochier, Ch. Cambier, A. Bah, Ch. Denis, N. Thiam, J.‑D. Zucker : “A Machine Learning approach to improve the monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals : a case study in Senegalese artisanal fisheries”, CNIA 2021 : Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle, Bordeaux (virtuel), France, pp. 30-37 (2021)
- J. Cárdenas ChapellÃn, Ch. Denis, H. Mousannif, Ch. Camerlynck, N. Florsch : “Réseaux de Neurones Convolutifs pour la Caractérisation d’Anomalies Magnétiques”, Actes CNIA 2021, Bordeaux (en ligne), France, pp. 84-90 (2021)
- J. Cardenas Chapellin, Ch. Denis, H. Mousannif, Ch. Camerkynck, N. Florsch : “Réseaux de neurones convolutifs pour la caractérisation d’anomalies magnétiques.”, Colloque GEOFCAN, A distance, France (2021)
- Th. Anglade, Ch. Denis, Th. Berthier : “A novel embedding-based framework improving the User and Entity Behav- ior Analysis”, (2019)
- Ch. Denis, J. Nicogossian : “Du gène à l’octet : la communication phygitale pour une utilisation responsable de l’Intelligence Artificielle dans le domaine médical”, (2019)
- Ch. Denis, F. Varenne : “Interprétabilité et explicabilité pour l’apprentissage machine : entre modèles descriptifs, modèles prédictifs et modèles causaux. Une nécessaire clarification épistémologique”, Actes Conférence Nationale en Intelligence Artificielle (CNIA), PFIA 2019 (, Toulouse, France, pp. 60-68 (2019)
- Ch. Denis : “Towards an explainable and convivial AI based tools: Illustration on medicine applications”,, Tallinn, Estonia (2019)
- Ch. Denis, J. Nicogossian : “Explicabilité et convivialité d’outils de diagnostic médical basé sur de l’IA”, Journées plénières du GdR-IA, Groupe de travail Explicabilité, Orléans, France (2019)
- Ch. Denis : “Collaboration intelligence humaine et intelligence artificielle en vue d’une société conviviale”, Forum Industriel de l'Intelligence Artificielle (FIIA'2019), Champ-sur-Marne, France (2019)
- Ch. Denis, A. Delaborde, N. Meric : “Table Ronde TRB3 "IA, confiance, sécurité"”, IANP 2019 – Intelligence Artificielle : Nouvelles Puissances, Paris, France (2019)
- S. Montan, J.‑M. Chesneaux, Ch. Denis, J.‑L. Lamotte : “Étude de la propagation des erreurs d’arrondi dans un code d’hydrodynamique parallèle”, Conférence d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Systeme, COMPAS 2013, Grenoble, France (2013)
- S. Montan, J.‑M. Chesneaux, Ch. Denis, J.‑L. Lamotte : “Towards an efficient implementation of CADNA in the BLAS : Example of DgemmCADNA routine.”, 15th GAMM - IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics (SCAN), Novosibirsk, Russian Federation (2012)
- Ch. Denis, S. Montan : “Numerical Verification of Industrial Numerical Codes”, Congrès National de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles, vol. 35, ESAIM: Proceedings, Guidel, France, pp. 107-113 (2012)
- F. Jézéquel, R. Couturier, Ch. Denis : “Solving large sparse linear systems in a grid environment: the GREMLINS code versus the PETSc library”, Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 59 (3), pp. 1517-1532, (Springer Verlag) (2012)
- F. Jézéquel, Ch. Denis, Ph. Trébuchet : “Reliable numerical evaluation of eigenvalues involved in polynomial systems solving”, Computer-assisted proofs - tools, methods and applications, Dagstuhl, Germany (2009)
- Ch. Denis, R. Couturier, F. Jézéquel : “A sparse linear system solver used in a distributed and heterogeneous grid computing environment”, chapter in Parallel Scientific Computing and Optimization, vol. 27, Springer Optimization and Its Applications, pp. 47-56, (Springer) (2009)
- Ch. Denis, F. Jézéquel : “Numerical validation of eigenvalues computation in solving polynomial systems”, Proceedings of the 8th Real Numbers and Computers conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, pp. 123-131 (2008)
- N. Scott, V. Faro‑Maza, M. Penny Scott, T. Harmer, J.‑M. Chesneaux, Ch. Denis, F. Jézéquel : “E-collisions using e-science”, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters / PisÐ’'ma v Zhurnal Fizika Elementarnykh Chastits i Atomnogo Yadra, vol. 5 (3), pp. 150-156, (MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica) (2008)
- R. Couturier, Ch. Denis, F. Jézéquel : “GREMLINS: a large sparse linear solver for grid environment”, Parallel Computing, vol. 34 (6-8), pp. 380-391, (Elsevier) (2008)
- N. Scott, M. Penny Scott, Liviu Gr. Ixaru, Ch. Denis : “2DRMP: fast computation of the Slater integrals”, Mathematical and Computational Methods in R-matrix theory, CCP2 workshop proceedings, London, United Kingdom, pp. 70-75 (2007)
- Ch. Denis, F. Jézéquel, N. Scott : “High Performance Computation: numerical music or numerical noise?”, Proceedings of the 8th HERCMA (Hellenic European Research on Computer Mathematics and its Applications) conference, Athens, Greece, pp. 1-8 (2007)
- N. Scott, F. Jézéquel, Ch. Denis, J.‑M. Chesneaux : “Numerical ’health check’ for scientific codes: the CADNA approach”, Computer Physics Communications, vol. 176 (8), pp. 507-521, (Elsevier) (2007)
- T. Sadowski, E. Postek, Ch. Denis : “Stress distribution due to discontinuities in polycrystalline ceramics containing metallic inter-granular layers”, Computational Materials Science, vol. 39 (1), pp. 230-236, (Elsevier) (2007)
- N. Scott, Liviu Gr. Ixaru, Ch. Denis, F. Jézéquel, J.‑M. Chesneaux, M. Penny Scott : “High performance computation and numerical validation of e-collision software”, International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2006 (ICCMSE 2006), vol. 6, Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, Chania, Crete, Greece, pp. 561-570, (CRC Press) (2006)
- E. Postek, T. Sadowski, Ch. Denis : “Modelling of Metalling of Inter-granular Layers in Polycrystalline Ceramics”, Eighth International Symposium on Brittle Matrix Composites, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 495-505, (Zturek RSI and Woodhead Publ.) (2006)
- J.‑M. Chesneaux, Ch. Denis, F. Jézéquel, N. Scott : “Dynamical strategies for the computation of integrals: an example from the CPC library”, Proc. SCAN2006 conference, Duisburg, Germany, pp. 41-42 (2006)
- S. Contassot‑Vivier, R. Couturier, Ch. Denis, F. Jézéquel : “Efficiently solving large sparse linear systems on a distributed and heterogeneous grid by using the multisplitting-direct method”, Proc. 4th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications, PMAA'06, Rennes, France, pp. 1-2 (2006)
- N. Scott, V. Faro‑Maza, M. Penny Scott, T. Harmer, J.‑M. Chesneaux, F. Jézéquel, Ch. Denis : “e-Collisions Using e-Science”, Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics, High Tatra Mountains, Slovakia (2006)
- Ch. Denis : “Parallelization of a Numerical Code Predicting the Mechanical Response of a Polycrystalline Ceramics containing Metalling Integral Layers Under Uniaxal Tension”, chapter in Science and Supercomputing in Europe - Report 2005, pp. 547-550, (CINECA), (ISBN: 88-86037-17-1) (2006)
- Ch. Denis, E. Postek, T. Sadowski : “A Parallel Numerical Code Predicting the Mechanical Response of a Polycrystalline Ceramic Material Containing Inter-granular Layers”, TAM'O5 (Transnational Access Meeting) Workshop, HPC-Europa, Stuttgart, Germany, pp. 1-2 (2005)
- Ch. Denis, J.‑P. Boufflet, P. Breitkopf : “A Load Balancing Method for a Parallel Application Based on a Domain Decomposition”, IPDPS 2005 - 19th IEEE and ACM Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Denver, Colorado, United States, pp. 1-8, (IEEE Computer Society Press) (2005)
- Ch. Denis, J.‑P. Boufflet, P. Breitkopf, M. Vayssade : “Équilibrage en volume de calcul pour une méthode parallèle à fronts multiples”, Revue Européenne des Éléments Finis, vol. 14 (1), pp. 87-113, (HERMÈS / LAVOISIER) (2005)