Team : ACASA - Cognitive Agents and Symbolic Machine Learning
Headed by Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, the ACASA team works on cognitive modeling using symbolic artificial intelligence techniques, especially symbolic machine learning, abductive, deductive and inductive models of reasoning, semantic information processing, knowledge representation and symbolic data fusion. In addition, an axe of research is centered on computational epistemology and on computational ethics.
These basic researches lead to a number of applications, including:
- Applications to health in collaboration with hospitals, and, more precisely, automatic interpretation of polysomnographic signals using symbolic information fusion techniques;
- Protection of the privacy and design of recommendation systems with semantic processing;
- Electronic editions, with publishers, making use of semantic processing techniques, natural language processing, text mining and cartography of contents.
In this area, we have implemented the Labex OBVIL (Observatory of the Literary Life) with various teams of Paris-Sorbonne specialized in literature, which opens our activities onto the "digital humanities''.
Scientific Discovery
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Symbolic Machine Learning
Non-supervised Learning
Selected publications
- S.‑A. Sansone, Ph. Rocca‑Serra, D. Field, E. Maguire, Ch. Taylor, O. Hofmann, H. Fang, S. Neumann, W. Tong, L. Amaral‑Zettler, K. Begley, T. Booth, L. Bougueleret, G. Burns, B. Chapman, T. Clark, L.‑A. Coleman, J. Copeland, S. Das, A. De Daruvar, P. De Matos, I. Dix, S. Edmunds, Ch. Evelo, M. Forster, P. Gaudet, J. Gilbert, C. Goble, J. Griffin, D. Jacob, J. Kleinjans, L. Harland, K. Haug, H. Hermjakob, Sh. Ho Sui, A. Laederach, Sh. Liang, S. Marshall, A. Mcgrath, E. Merrill, D. Reilly, M. Roux, C. Shamu, C. Shang, Ch. Steinbeck, A. Trefethen, B. Williams‑Jones, K. Wolstencroft, I. Xenarios, W. Hide : “Toward interoperable bioscience data” Nature Genetics, vol. 44 (2), pp. 121-126, (Nature Publishing Group)[Sansone 2012]
- J.‑G. Ganascia : “The New Ethical Trilemma: Security, Privacy and Transparency” Comptes Rendus. Physique, vol. 12 (7), pp. 684-692, (Académie des sciences (Paris))[Ganascia 2011d]
- J.‑G. Ganascia : “Epistemology of AI Revisited in the Light of the Philosophy of Information” Knowledge, Technology and Policy, vol. 23 (1-2), pp. 57-73, (Springer Verlag)[Ganascia 2010b]
- E. Dequier, M. Mechref, A. Zasadzinski, M.‑Ch. Jacquemot, F. Mazur, H. Gruttemeier, Ph. Savarin, M.‑J. Clément, O. Maciejak, D. Pflieger, F. Gonnet, W. Buchmann, P. Curmi, J. Tortajada, M. Roux : “SIDR-UEVE: a pilot for eliciting a French academic policy on data preservation in Life sciences” CODATA, Le Cap, South Africa[Dequier 2010]
- J.‑G. Ganascia, Ch. Madeira, K. Fouladi : “An Adaptive Cartography of DTV Programs” EuroITV 2008 - 6th European Conference on Changing Television Environments, vol. 5066, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Salzburg, Austria, pp. 253-262, (Springer-Verlag)[Ganascia 2008g]
- J.‑G. Ganascia : “Reconstructing True Wrong Inductions” AI magazine, vol. 29 (2), pp. 57-65, (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence)[Ganascia 2008d]
- J.‑G. Ganascia : “Modeling Ethical Rules of Lying with Answer Set Programming” Ethics and Information Technology, vol. 9 (1), pp. 39-47, (Springer Verlag)[Ganascia 2007d]
- J. Bourdaillet, J.‑G. Ganascia : “Practical block sequence alignment with moves” 1st International Conference on Language and Automata Theory and Applications (LATA), Tarragona, Spain, pp. 199-210[Bourdaillet 2007c]
- J. Velcin, J.‑G. Ganascia : “Default Clustering with Conceptual Structures” Journal on Data Semantics, vol. VIII, pp. 1-25, (Springer)[Velcin 2007b]
2004 January → 2023 December