Marie-Laure Potet (Pr. ENSIMAG-VERIMAG) [rapporteur]
C. Kirchner [rapporteur]
T. Hardin
F. Pessaux
V. Viguié Donzeau-Gouge
C. Queinnec
P.E. Moreau
Richard Imhoff (Conseiller Technique et Assurance Sécurité, THALES Rail Signaling)
Departure date : 04/22/2011
2000-2012 Publications
F. Pessaux, V. Benayoun, C. Dubois, Ph. Ayrault : “ML Dependency Analysis for Assessors”, Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM) 2012, vol. 7504, Thessaloniki, Greece, pp. 278-292, (Springer Verlag) (2012)
Ph. Ayrault, Th. Hardin, F. Pessaux : “Development of a Generic Voter under FoCal”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Tests and Proofs, vol. 5668, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Zurich, Switzerland, pp. 10-26, (Springer) (2009)
Ph. Ayrault, M. Carlier, D. Delahaye, C. Dubois, D. Doligez, L. Habib, Th. Hardin, M. Jaume, Ch. Morisset, F. Pessaux, R. Rioboo, P. Weis : “Trusted Software within Focal”, Trusting Trusted Computing ?, Rennes, France, pp. 162-179 (2008)