Supervision : Jean-Arcady MEYER
Développement, apprentissage et évolution d'architectures de contrôle pour animats volants
Phd defence : 06/23/2003
Departure date : 08/31/2004
1999-2019 Publications
Journal articles
Book chapters
Other publications
A. Angeli, D. Filliat, S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “2D Simultaneous Localization And Mapping for Micro Air Vehicles ”, European Micro Aerial Vehicles (EMAV 2006), Braunschweig, Germany (2006)
S. Doncieux, J.‑B. Mouret, A. Angeli, R. Barate, J.‑A. Meyer, E. De Margerie : “Building an artificial bird: Goals and accomplishments of the ROBUR project ”, European Micro Aerial Vehicles Conference (EMAV), Braunschweig, Germany (2006)
J.‑B. Mouret, S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Incremental Evolution of Target-Following Neuro-controllers for Flapping-Wing Animats ”, From Animals to Animats 9, vol. 4095, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Rome, Italy, pp. 606-618, (Springer) (2006)
R. Barate, S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Design of a bio-inspired controller for dynamic soaring in a simulated uav ”, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, vol. 1 (3), pp. 76-88, (IOP Publishing) (2006)
L. Muratet, S. Doncieux, Y. Brière, J.‑A. Meyer : “A contribution to vision-based autonomous helicopter flight in urban environments ”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 50 (4), pp. 195-209, (Elsevier) (2005)
S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Evolving PID-like neurocontrollers for non-linear control problems ”, Control and Intelligent Systems, vol. 33 (1), pp. 55-62, (ACTA Press) (2005)
J.‑B. Mouret, S. Doncieux, L. Muratet, Th. Druot, J.‑A. Meyer : “Evolution of neuro-controllers for flapping-wing animats ”, Journées Microdrones, Toulouse, France (2004)
S. Doncieux, J.‑B. Mouret, L. Muratet, J.‑A. Meyer : “The ROBUR project: towards an autonomous flapping-wing animat ”, Journées MicroDrones, Toulouse, France (2004)
S. Doncieux, S. Landau, N. Guelfi : “EcoSFERES: A tool for the design of self-organized agent-based applications ”, GECCO 2004 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, WA, United States (2004)
L. Muratet, S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “A biomimetic reactive navigation system using the optical flow for a rotary-wing UAV in urban environment ”, ISR 2004 - 35th International Symposium on Robotics, Paris, France (2004)
S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Evolution of neurocontrollers for complex systems: alternatives to the incremental approach ”, AIA 2004 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria (2004)
S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Evolving modular neural networks to solve challenging control problems ”, EIS 2004 - Fourth international ICSC symposium on Engineering of intelligent systems, Madeira, Portugal (2004)
L. Muratet, S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer, P. Pirim, Th. Druot : “Système d’évitement d’obstacles biomimétique basé sur le flux optique. Application à un drone à voilure fixe en environnement urbain simulé. ”, 3e s Journées MicroDrones, Toulouse, France (2003)
S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Evolving Neural Networks for the Control of a Lenticular Blimp ”, Applications of Evolutionary Computing - EvoWorkshops 2003: EvoBIO, EvoCOP, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, EvoROB, EvoSTIM, vol. 2611, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Essex, United Kingdom, pp. 626-637, (Springer) (2003)
S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “L’approche animat et la robotique évolutionniste ”, JNRR'03 - Quatrièmes Journées Nationales de Recherche en Robotique, Murol, France (2003)
S. Doncieux : “Algorithmes évolutionnistes: de l’optimisation de paramètres à la conception complète d’un système de contrôle ”, 2e s Journées MicroDrones, Toulouse, France, (ENSICA/SupAero) (2002)
J.‑A. Meyer, S. Doncieux, D. Filliat, A. Guillot : “Evolutionary Approaches to Neural Control of Rolling, Walking, Swimming and Flying Animats or Robots ”, chapitre de Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior Engineering, pp. 1-43, (Springer-Verlag) (2002)
S. Landau, S. Doncieux, A. Drogoul, J.‑A. Meyer : “SFERES: un framework pour la conception de systèmes multi-agents adaptatifs ”, Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, vol. 21 (4), pp. 427-446, (Lavoisier) (2002)