Supervision : Jean-Arcady MEYER
Développement, apprentissage et évolution d'architectures de contrôle pour animats volants
Defence : 06/23/2003
Departure date : 08/31/20041999-2019 Publications
- C. Maestre, Gh. Mukhtar, Ch. Gonzales, S. Doncieux : “Action Generation Adapted to Low-Level and High-Level Robot-Object Interaction States”, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, vol. 13, pp. 56, (Frontiers) (2019)
- C. Maestre, Gh. Mukhtar, Ch. Gonzales, S. Doncieux : “Iterative affordance learning with adaptive action generation”, International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) and the International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics (EpiRob), Lisbon, Portugal (2017)
- C. Maestre, Ch. Gonzales, S. Doncieux : “Bootstraping manipulation skills to learn affordances in open-ended environments”, Proceedings of the workshop Autonomous Perception: Applying Sensorimotor Contingencies and Predictive Processing to Developmental Robotics (ICDL-Epirob), Cergy-Pontoise, France, pp. 1-2 (2016)
- C. Maestre, A. Cully, Ch. Gonzales, S. Doncieux : “Bootstrapping interactions with objects from raw sensorimotor data: a Novelty Search based approach”, IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, Providence, United States, pp. 7-12, (IEEE) (2015)
- A. Angeli, D. Filliat, S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “2D Simultaneous Localization And Mapping for Micro Air Vehicles”, European Micro Aerial Vehicles (EMAV 2006), Braunschweig, Germany (2006)
- S. Doncieux, J.‑B. Mouret, A. Angeli, R. Barate, J.‑A. Meyer, E. De Margerie : “Building an artificial bird: Goals and accomplishments of the ROBUR project”, European Micro Aerial Vehicles Conference (EMAV), Braunschweig, Germany (2006)
- J.‑B. Mouret, S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Incremental Evolution of Target-Following Neuro-controllers for Flapping-Wing Animats”, From Animals to Animats 9, vol. 4095, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Rome, Italy, pp. 606-618, (Springer) (2006)
- R. Barate, S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Design of a bio-inspired controller for dynamic soaring in a simulated uav”, Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, vol. 1 (3), pp. 76-88, (IOP Publishing) (2006)
- L. Muratet, S. Doncieux, Y. Brière, J.‑A. Meyer : “A contribution to vision-based autonomous helicopter flight in urban environments”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 50 (4), pp. 195-209, (Elsevier) (2005)
- S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Evolving PID-like neurocontrollers for non-linear control problems”, Control and Intelligent Systems, vol. 33 (1), pp. 55-62, (ACTA Press) (2005)
- J.‑B. Mouret, S. Doncieux, L. Muratet, Th. Druot, J.‑A. Meyer : “Evolution of neuro-controllers for flapping-wing animats”, Journées Microdrones, Toulouse, France (2004)
- S. Doncieux, J.‑B. Mouret, L. Muratet, J.‑A. Meyer : “The ROBUR project: towards an autonomous flapping-wing animat”, Journées MicroDrones, Toulouse, France (2004)
- S. Doncieux, S. Landau, N. Guelfi : “EcoSFERES: A tool for the design of self-organized agent-based applications”, GECCO 2004 - Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, WA, United States (2004)
- L. Muratet, S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “A biomimetic reactive navigation system using the optical flow for a rotary-wing UAV in urban environment”, ISR 2004 - 35th International Symposium on Robotics, Paris, France (2004)
- S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Evolution of neurocontrollers for complex systems: alternatives to the incremental approach”, AIA 2004 - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria (2004)
- S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Evolving modular neural networks to solve challenging control problems”, EIS 2004 - Fourth international ICSC symposium on Engineering of intelligent systems, Madeira, Portugal (2004)
- L. Muratet, S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer, P. Pirim, Th. Druot : “Système d’évitement d’obstacles biomimétique basé sur le flux optique. Application à un drone à voilure fixe en environnement urbain simulé.”, 3es Journées MicroDrones, Toulouse, France (2003)
- S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “Evolving Neural Networks for the Control of a Lenticular Blimp”, Applications of Evolutionary Computing - EvoWorkshops 2003: EvoBIO, EvoCOP, EvoIASP, EvoMUSART, EvoROB, EvoSTIM, vol. 2611, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Essex, United Kingdom, pp. 626-637, (Springer) (2003)
- S. Doncieux, J.‑A. Meyer : “L’approche animat et la robotique évolutionniste”, JNRR'03 - Quatrièmes Journées Nationales de Recherche en Robotique, Murol, France (2003)
- S. Doncieux : “Algorithmes évolutionnistes: de l’optimisation de paramètres à la conception complète d’un système de contrôle”, 2es Journées MicroDrones, Toulouse, France, (ENSICA/SupAero) (2002)
- J.‑A. Meyer, S. Doncieux, D. Filliat, A. Guillot : “Evolutionary Approaches to Neural Control of Rolling, Walking, Swimming and Flying Animats or Robots”, chapitre de Biologically Inspired Robot Behavior Engineering, pp. 1-43, (Springer-Verlag) (2002)
- S. Landau, S. Doncieux, A. Drogoul, J.‑A. Meyer : “SFERES: un framework pour la conception de systèmes multi-agents adaptatifs”, Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série TSI : Technique et Science Informatiques, vol. 21 (4), pp. 427-446, (Lavoisier) (2002)
- S. Landau, S. Doncieux, A. Drogoul, J.‑A. Meyer : “SFERESUn framework pour la conception de systèmes multi-agents adaptatifs”, (2001)
- S. Doncieux : “Evolution d’architectures de contrôle pour robots volants”, chapitre de Intelligence Artificielle Située, pp. 109-127, (Hermès) (1999)