JAIME Damien

PhD student at Sorbonne University (ATER, Université Paris Nanterre)
Team : MoVe
Arrival date : 07/15/2021
    Sorbonne Université - LIP6
    Boîte courrier 169
    Couloir 25-26, Étage 2, Bureau 203
    4 place Jussieu
    75252 PARIS CEDEX 05

Tel: +33 1 44 27 87 71

Supervision : Pascal POIZAT
Co-supervision : EL HADDAD Joyce (Université Paris Dauphine / LAMSADE)

Dependency Analysis and Evolution in Software Ecosystems

In modern software, small changes can yield big consequences, alike what happened with the left-pad incident. The removal of this 10 lines function from the npm package manager registry caused thousands of projects that were depending on it, directly or indirectly, to break during development or at deployment. The entanglement between software pieces is a well-known reason for complexity in software. This is the case at the lower levels with dependencies between functions, methods, or classes. But higher levels, like software ecosystems, bring more complexity to the picture. The objective of the thesis is to propose new solutions supporting software organisations in analyzing their software ecosystems and performing evolution at the dependency level.

2022-2025 Publications